Why people dont play healers

The current state of the game leaves much to be desired, and it seems as though recent changes have only aggravated preexisting issues. One glaring problem is the seemingly arbitrary 25% stats buff to damage output. This unexpected augmentation has transformed the gaming experience into a relentless onslaught, a ceaseless barrage of explosive action that has disrupted the game’s equilibrium…The games are M+ Arena…

Moreover, the Matchmaking Rating system in SS for season 2 appears to be fraught with anomalies. I’ve noted a high number of instances where players with a peak experience of 1600 in SS or 1100 in 3v3 across all seasons, suddenly possess MMRs between 2100-2200. The disparity is jarring, and the system’s inconsistencies were made evident during Dyllbarx’s recent stream from yesterday. He spent a considerable amount of time reviewing players on Check-PVP and expressed his incredulity at the anomalies, which was amusing yet concerning. I have exactly the same awful experience as him and I bounced from 2080 CR (rank 12 on ladder at that time) to 1700 CR to jump back ~2.1k CR, yes it was my fault for dropping so much as I left few games because I couldn’t handle this non sense and keep my sanity, since I cannot express my feelings in chat due to the social contract. Anyway I will get my CR up, that’s not the issue, moving on.

The matchmaking system has also paired me with boosted gladiators who, despite their high MMR, performed disappointingly in subsequent games. This, along with their unwarranted criticism and reluctance to accept responsibility, further exacerbates my frustrations. Not gonna name shame, but there was a DH gladiator last season that queued his first game and went 0-6, I checked the guy one day later and saw his amazing 3-27 SS score and sadly this was not one rare case, the ladder is flooded.

As a healer, I find myself in a challenging position due to the inconsistencies and imbalances currently plaguing the game. Notably, when I manage to achieve a 3-3 record while a DPS player goes 0-6, the impact on my MMR is unjustifiably negative. It’s disheartening to note that in almost half of my games this season(I actually checked my games and 43% are with a guy going 0-6), my efforts are being undermined due to a teammate’s subpar performance - a teammate whose inflated rating is a clear mismatch.

Moreover, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that DPS classes tend to have higher ratings than healers. The system’s bias is evident when considering the difficulties of advancing as a healer. The game’s composition of four DPS and two healers inherently favors DPS players. As a healer, I’m pitted against my counterpart, whereas each DPS player has four potential targets, increasing the statistical likelihood of outperforming at least one opponent. The disparity in these odds is glaring.

It’s particularly frustrating when a well-fought 3-3 result yields no rating gain for healers, due to one DPS 0-6. The difficulty in achieving a balanced performance as a healer, given the inherent disadvantages, should be recognized and rewarded. A 3-3 record in the scenario when a DPS does 0-6 should definitely be awarded.

Additionally, the reward system seems to be underwhelming, offering little consolation for the effort put in. A prime example is Venruki’s Twitter post, which highlighted the receipt of a single Mark of Honor. Such paltry rewards do little to offset the frustrations experienced within the game. The system needs a comprehensive review to ensure fair compensation and recognition of players’ contributions.

For those who play as a healer, the game has become an exhausting ordeal. I challenge anyone to watch a streamer who plays as a healer and deny the evident frustration they face. What has been done with the MMR, Blizzard? Furthermore, the damage output from certain classes is egregiously high. Is this an attempt to make healing a more stressful role, or is it merely an oversight?

It’s not just me that thinks healer MMR is busted, check tweet bellow


New tweet:


Pretending WoW is a science is only going to drive you crazy. Maybe you should just try playing DPS at this point and make some “Nerf Lock Posts” in between Q’s for the good of the community


When I tried bringing up these concerns last season, much better PvPers basically told me to stop complaining and git gud.

I wish Blizzard did more to improve the healer experience in RSS.

Frequently going 3-3 and getting 0 rating is demoralizing. Fast/instant queues don’t make up for all the time/effort that’s being wasted. If anything, it’s more exhausting.


This happened to me. I decided to try SS late last season for the first time and got 6-0 win on my first try (ret duh). Then I got placed at like 2000 MMR in my second game. So there is definitely some wonkiness going on.

Perhaps they need to do a few placement matches first, before putting people into the general queue.


Just to be clear, you mean placement-specific matches that are separate from the players on the actual RSS ladder?

I made a healer last season and it’s actually a lot of fun.

Casted build hpala too most yall just giant babies


Yes, just people who also started SS. Say, first five matches you’re in a placement queue. This is how Overwatch does it I believe.

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That would be better for healers around 1500 (and below), so they’re not paired with the next 0-6 toon that just stepped into RSS.

Healing isn’t fun. Got my 18hundo quick as a healer and now just running keys and doing PVE until they give healers more


Y’know, there are people out here who are good players who just never cared to push rating in standard Arena. Standard Arena requires extra time spent gathering a team; which involves socializing, constructive criticism, developing team synergy and trust, and other efforts not everyone wants to make.

RSS queues can take ages, but it’s just time spent in queue. It’s increased accessibility to rated rewards, and that’s why it is popular.

People with Duelist RSS rankings but lifetime 1100 in 3s, probably never pushed rating in 3s. Probably, they used it to yolo cap Conquest.

Right now ladder is weird, because good and bad players are just starting to Q and will compete at similar MMR. You can find legit R1s Qing alongside hardstuck Rivals.

True. We don’t need Flightstones. Gold would be a better reward.

I won’t quote more because most of what you’re expressing is frustration with teammates, which DPS can feel too. It sucks to go 3-3 and get no rating after 45 minutes in a Q because one healer was world’s better than the other.

Otherwise, I DO think Healers should have sufficient ways to contribute to damage/offensive utility in kill windows, because the point of the game is first blood (not last man standing.) And maybe they should be buffed in that reagrd. Thing is, most pretty much seem to do alright in the hands of legitimately good players. Priest has MC/Mindgames/SW:D, Resto Sham has Lasso/Skyfury/Sufficient Burst with Stormbringer, R Druid can spam the best CC in the game + stuns, H Pal could use more but melee wings is there (hopefully rework helps Shockadin), MW has Fistweaving, Preservation has decent burst and a big aoe stun.


But, you do understand that the chance for this to happen to a healer player is 3x bigger right? due to the game composition 4 dps and 2 healers.

Disparity between specs is too large for super high dampening, PVE tunnel matches. If every season you took whatever power level the top healer is, and immediately made every other’s output/mana just as capable you’d probably see more people healing.


Went 5 games in a row 3:3 today as a healer. Gained 3 rating in the first game and 0 therefore after. Not sure I want to play solo ever again.


dps is just more fun and i like healing too. but dps gets almost no ques so im forced to heal to play the game i paid for…

Already cancelled.

This patch really, really sucks.

Skills/spells are still bugged from months ago, classes are still broken/OP even though they were tested on PTR with tons of feedback, they’re making class overhauls in the middle of an expansion when it should have been done… oh I dunno WHEN the expansion was released? Now they’re adding a new spec for drac when they can’t even balance the ones we currently have.

I loved the beginning of the xpac but it’s just getting worse and worse as the patches go on.

What on earth is happening over there? Is there even quality control anymore?


Preach, brotha. They might pay attention when dps queues hit an hour.

With the smaller pool of healers we are playing more skilled players, I’m playing duelist and above XP players every match at 1500… I’ve done my dash at 200 rounds, not queuing any more.

dps players refuse to admit that the 3-3 thing is an issue because they benefit from another dps going 0-6, which happens all the time. From their perspective it’s easy 4-2 climbs and they have no incentive to try to carry that 0-6 dps to a win.

The problem is, it’s a fundamental issue with the system. There’s no real way to fix it other than give healers bloated rating.


DPS also have to deal with bad dps :<

and it’s not always “oh this dps is bad, 4-2 here i come”

Normally it’s everybody makes mistakes, and sometimes that’s why you went 3-3 or worse.

Played hundreds of solo shuffle across every class as dps main, going 3-3 as healer because of a 0-6 is WAY worse than as a dps. Everyone saying it’s the same… it’s really not. You can’t heal this much damage right now without teammates popping cooldowns or they die instantly.