Why people are getting mad about warlock restriction being lifted?

just like how they are listening too those who want class restrictions gone?


chronicle is not canon btw

xd i double post

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They’re making the decision, you think the forums matter here? Lol.

But while people are whining here based on false lore statements, why not tell them that they are completely full of it?

Still mad about that.

And this is where you would be entirely wrong. But there is nothing in the Chronicles that support the arguments of the Warlocks from the end who think 2 groups should not become Warlocks.

? chronicle isn’t canon though

Depends on the level of exposure. Conjuring fel magic likely isn’t the same exposure or else all Warlocks would be green.

Wait, which Chronicles are we talking about?

  1. i already knew that.
  2. they’d definitely not listen to the majority of people here who do nothing but whine and complain about useless reasons, like adding high elves.

theres a difference between, telling it how it is, and just flat out being a child an mocking them like a kid got a toy an his brother didn’t.


at least some major parts of the first volume. tbf i didn’t read the others because of how they un-canonized most the first.

Well I can’t speak for others. I can only say that if you act like a child, I think whatever childish response you get is justified.

Me? I prefer to just leave them with nothing to work with and watch them squirm around it.

Ah, yeah, the retcon’s they have done. Nah, I think the Chronicles are canon, and the parts they have retconned in game are headcanon.

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It’s canon until Danuser finds it inconvenient, because he is a failure of a writer.


Don’t insult my family bible like that. It tells me why I even exist as a level 70 Human Paladin. :joy:


Blood of Mannoroth

An orc corrupted by the Blood-curse in Lords of War.

The blood of Mannoroth, the vile fluid that ran through the veins of the Destructor, was used to corrupt the orcish race and bind them to the will of Kil’jaeden. Prior to the opening of the Dark Portal, Mannoroth was summoned to Draenor by Kil’jaeden, who instructed the orc warlock Gul’dan to spill the Destructor’s blood into the empty meditation pool of the Temple of Karabor. Sometime later, assembled at the Throne of Kil’jaeden, the vast majority of the orcish race — the first being Grommash Hellscream and his Warsong clandrank the burning blood and became minions of the Burning Legion. Only a select few, most notably Orgrim Doomhammer and Durotan’s Frostwolf clan, refused to drink.[13]


I’m sure they can slap together a generic “Panda Bear form” for the Guardian spec… or maybe even allow Pandas to go down on all 4s and “transform” into a tank like how Worgens can drop down into a mount form

Setting aside how hopelessly banal and uncreative “against type” player characters are in rpgs, the whole, “but theyre not a hivemind!” defense really, really doesn’t fly for Lightforged.

Their entire conceit is that they’re the members of the army of the light who were most committed to defeating the Legion. This is a self-selected group. This isn’t some random town of people where you could be like, “well, see, Joe over there was a weirdo who lived on the edge of town and had to do his own thing…”


I almost admire the confidence to make statements like that guy did having no actual idea what they are talking about.


you can safely consider any player character to be out of the ordinary. we’re all joe the weirdo, in a sense.

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Except in the case of the Lightforged they already sorted out people that were against type as the conceit of their existence.