Why people are getting mad about warlock restriction being lifted?

THEY didnt drink it, only Gul’dan as he thought it would give him limitless power, then he used the fel within him that the blood gave him to infuse the rest of the orc’s

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100%, the game would be in an even worse place. “lets prevent our customers from playing whatever they want to play as, because lore that was written 15 years ago!”


Looks like a lot of people agree with me… so what does that tell you?

I am all for allowing choice where it makes sense. Tauren, HM, Draenei, Zando sure be warlocks I am for it.

LF and MH do not make sense within the games own rules and setting that blizzard made. Everything is meaningless if they cannot follow the own dam rules they set up just a few short years ago.


Idk why this is so unrealistic to so many people lol. As if IRL cultures are one big hivemind…why would they be in WoW

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That being right isn’t a democracy.


The great thing about this is none of you people actually matter, what Blizzard says does and they say Warlocks for all so in the long run you people will lose out and people like me that want more race and class combos for all will be the winners. Period.

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The one place where it’s truly goofy is for lightforged Draenei to be able to become warlocks.

It’d be like if the forsaken could become paladins. Absent some serious cosmetic adjustments (To where a forsaken paladin is functionally a Dark Knight archetype, or a Lightforged Warlock is basically the Exorcist, but in reverse, using the holy light to force demons to serve him) it is thematically weird because per lore, the light and demons don’t exactly mix. Or the holy light and the undead. At least in the case of forsaken priests it’s explicitly explained that it’s a gameplay thing. Canonically forsaken priests are all shadow priests.


one day you might be on the wrong side of one of blizzards changes my friend.

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I’m mad at it because nobody plays warlock. Open up one of the popular classes like Druid already.

And you think a like means your right? If I liked Naughtymoon, does that mean she is right as well?


It was the fel that turned Orcs Green and Eredar Red not the being a warlock. It was fel that turned Belf Eyes green and not being a belf warlock . If being a lock changed aspects of a characters phisiology then only belf locks would have green eyes and those that aren’t would not.

Also throw in if being a lock changes one phisiology wouldn’t it affect other races some how that were not exposed to fel like humans, dwarves , gnomes , worgens , goblins and trolls ?

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It’s weird to go that far and go evil, but its still possible.

The issue with forsaken paladin is you would be constantly burning and being driven mad by the light’s various negative effects on a forsaken.

There’s nothing to really support that a rogue lightforged would undergo such effects if they wielded shadow and fel magic.

I feel there are changes that people should actually be bothered by like certain looting rules, the way that currencies are currently, the mad grind to get from point a to point b, etc. not something silly like class and race combos being opened up for all on all races and all classes so we can play what we want as a character to represent ourselves, there’s a big difference.

whose dying on a hill when all they wanna know is why?


Because of lore. That’s what I read most of the complaints being about. :o:

Some people are chronicle readers, grew up on warcraft 1,2,3. Watch the movie, read the novels.

Some people play the game to get phat loots and parse big.

Both should be satisfied, and both will try and protect the aspect of the game they love.


We both know they don’t actually care, otherwise they’d listen when told.


Ok my question is this . If they are alliance would their Guardian form be Nelf and Tauren for Horde ? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Celestial forms for the pandas would be the best.

Probably won’t happen, but it would be neat. Alternatively, bear form can do nothing.

I would imagine they will get unique forms just like other previous races and the fact they need 5 each race will be why they will more than likely be the last ones opened up to all races.