Why people are getting mad about warlock restriction being lifted?

False, mages are the coolest bud dum tssss :joy:

Nope. Cats are the coolest.


Ok, true, as a fellow cat lover. I can agree :slight_smile:

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Shadowlands retconned that. Dreadlords aren’t demons anymore.

But yes, Lightforged demons are possible as anyone can be Lightforged. They just gotta survive the trials.

I think the reason people are mad is simply because they want something to be mad about…that and plus the same old “b-b-BUt MuH lORe” here’s the thing…SL ruined the lore…butchered it, tossed it in a dumpster, pissed on the dumpster then LIT IT ON FIRE

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lothraxion makes sense because we found out nathrezim are not demons but are warriors made in the shadowlands sent out to join every cosmic force and spy on them.

yes a lot of the Nathrezim are demons but that was to sell the illusion to Sargaras. there is Nathrezim in the void, they come from the death realm. and there are at least one in the order magic realm and and the life realm, and Lothraxion might be the only one in the light because its the hardest to infiltrate

as for Zeliek it belief in the light never faded and he never tried to abandoned it or think that what he was,was against the light so it still allows him to still use it like he did in life it just causes him a little to immanence pain depending on how much he uses

Most cultural bs can be explained with simple lore. What annoys me is when it’s physically impossible, like a void elf paladin, unless they make a whole new void theme with the class, which I wouldn’t be opposed to.

Demon hunter has to do with the aging of the character, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it being expanded to void elf and nightborne.

Druids and paladin will probably take longer because they all would use new assets, on top of the class abilities themselves fitting to the race.

High Elves are npcs of little importance. Blizzard has used the same selection of npcs for all of them since TBC.

Blizzards lazy about npc races is the issue not some hidden lore gem.

See above.

This doesn’t stand at all. That’s just you making a random assumption not based on lore.

If that’s your personal headcanon then sure, live your life, but don’t pretend it’s real lore.

And not supported by any lore.

Again… You’re drawing assumptions and pretending it’s lore.

I don’t understand why you can’t just accept what Blizzard has said on the matter.

The only change was a temporary eye color one.

No skin tone differences exist between high and blood elves.

No no.

They retconned their origin not whether they’re demons.

The ones that took in the fel, just like any other race that became demons, are demons. They’re just all working towards their shadowy 5d chess goal is all.

(want to note that not all of them are demons though now. That was retconned)


Of course.
Blizzard would NEVER use customization options to tell a story.

That is why we see so many Void Elves with cream-skin.
And why we see only Blood Elven paladins and priests with golden eyes.

Like which race? Eredar? Did we all of a sudden forget that Archimonde, Malchezaar, and Socrethar, three of the most powerful Eredar warlocks, were all still blue?

Besides that, I feel some people are too wrapped up in Fel/demonology as the sole warlock identity. That’s not all Warlocks are about. You are a wizard of dubious moral standings who trades in power with extraplanar beings. That’s why you have shadow spells and two void-based “demons,” because warlocks are for the STREETS.

You wanna know why there was so little DK content in Shadowlands, the “death” expansion? Because it’s wholesale Xeroxed from DnD Planescape and Planescape is all about warlocks and their cosmic sugar daddies! And because the base class is already full of demon stuff, you get your Fey, Celestial, and Fiend patronage from the Covenants. :rainbow: :star:

I think people need to stop worrying about what fel does to certain races because Blizzard can’t even keep it straight.

The Shen’dralar stole fel from a demon for thousands of years. They didn’t turn red, green or whatever color you want to come up with. Their eyes didn’t change either.

So why are we getting all wrapped around the axel about this when Blizzard sure as hell isn’t?


Weren’t there Tauren Warlock quest enemies in Legion? In Highmountain? I digress, however I’ve always yearned for Undead Paladins, which I’m highly skeptical will ever see the LIGHT of day.

We don’t see them tell those stories with all npc races.

Player character races they do tell those stories quite often.

Thats why the blood elf npcs always show a rather wide range of skin tone whereas the high elves show a few.

High Elves are npcs that are not playable. (Until more or less now with void elves getting those skin tones though these are notably not the same thing used for those high elf npcs either.) Blizzard has used the same five to ten of them since TBC excepting in cases like Vereesa, important characters, of which there are few among High Elves.

So despite what the files have for high elves (all the skin tones and options that blood elves do) Blizzard has just recycled the same small pool of npc options for them.

Whereas the playable blood elves use the entire gambit of their customizations as well as use them for story telling.

High elves just aren’t as important. (To Blizzard anyways)

The condescension from you about needing to spell it out like I’m a child and yet I’ve said this to you twice already and now here I am explaining it to you like you were a child.

and all of this ignoring that Blizzard themselves have confirmed there was only one difference between blood and high elves beyond the political/ideological and it was eye color… and it was temporary. Its going away.

No changes between the High Elves and Blood Elves exist.

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But my Moonguard RP in ruined because of naked Lightforged Warlocks.

Oh, I think differently. I think they are important, but through Void and Blood Elves, not the SC or Highvale Elves.

Oh I mean like… as far as diversifying the npcs and making things unique. High Elves aren’t terribly important or a priority.

Their story implications and such has always been there and been expanded upon but in the same manners that other npc races are. Whereas player npcs are usually quite expansive on their npc options and diversity.

So far Blizzard has used different NPCS for the Void elves than they do for the high elves though. Which think is odd… probably more to do with voice lines though if I had to guess than trying to keep them separate.

Oh, yeah, I agree.

I am not misunderstanding or misinterpreting what is actually written, just because it is not written in clear-cut detail - “Not everyone” blah blah blah. Hence me being less satisfied with having to cut it into small pieces every single time.

Drinking felblood, as one example.

But they do, do it, and that is the entire point. I am also pretty sure their NPCs are randomly generated, which means they could have spawned with some of the darker tones available to Blood Elves, but they do not… for the same reason that most Blood Elf paladin and priest NPCs currently only spawn with golden eyes… lore.

You don’t mean this guy right?

Because unless i’m colorblind, he looks red.

Archimonde is massive. this guy made the world tree look like a regular tree.

You can proc summon malchezaar as a warlock talent.

I think red skin, gigantism, and being demonic enough to summon as a warlock are respectively, pretty decent changes from their baselines.

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It’s not about lore, never was.

It’s about character creation mechanics. It just doesn’t make any common sense.

Guessing they want people to play Warlock? Why Warlocks?
Right now there’s 14 warlocks and 6 Death Knights. DKs are already all races.

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.
Oh wait, Blizzard…