Why people are getting mad about warlock restriction being lifted?

just to make it clear

I was just starting to explain the different effects of heavy fel consumption between orcs and Blood Elves.

Somehow people confused that with me writing that all Blood Elves consumed fel.

All elves come from trolls through different variations. What that poster is claiming is we had skintones related to fel exposure. When we did not. Blizz only said our eyes were affected because we had passive exposure.


Oh yeah I wasn’t arguing that. I was only skimming what you two were talking about.

Anyways, thanks for answering.

Demon blood contains a lot of fel, yes?
Who drinks demon blood?
Felblood Elves.

Demon meat contains a lot of fel, yes?
Who eats demon meat?
Demon Hunters.

Who have very dark skintones, and demonic appendages?

Felblood Elves and Demon Hunters.

So what can we conclude?

Exposure to fel has an effect on skin tone.

What skin tones have been available for High Elves when they were introduced in WOTLK in the form of the Silver Covenant, the palest three, but never the latter darker ones that was available to Blood Elves.

Now, reasoning is. Heavy exposure to fel changes skin color. We know that from Felblood Elves and Demon Hunters.

What happened to Blood Elves, they were passively and continueally affected by fel, albeit not to the same extend as Felblood Elves and Demon Hunters (because people being as dense as they are, I appearantly have to remember to write this)

It still stands to reason, that the (Some) Blood Elves have a tiny bit of darker skin, compared to High Elves who was not being passively affected by the Burning Crystals in Silvermoon City. As said, the change is not drastic.

But it is clear to see when next to one another.

The visual storytelling is on point in this regard.

Unless I’m remembering wrong, I don’t think we have those skin tones that you’re talking about. From being exposed to fel I mean.

IIRC the elves that had high doses of fel are red, like eredar.

It didn’t on Blood Elves, as I linked to you earlier.

It’s never been said that Helves only have the lightest of skintones. You are trying to go off of a few select NPCs.

When they gave over our skintones so people could RP how they like, since demand was high, they gave all our High Elf tones.

Blizz has never confirmed anywhere that our skin was ever changed by fel.

We wouldn’t have access to the felblood elf customization. But High Elves only use a variety of three skin tones otherwise available to the Blood Elf model, and those are the palest three they use.

Blood Elves had access to some shades darker, not extremely dark, but slightly darker. That is the point.

We need to lift more restrictions in my opinion. I wanna play a Night Elf Shaman, or a Forsaken Fungal Decay Druid.

Or a Goblin Druid that transforms into a big battle crab for bear form.


Show, don’t tell.
And they definitely did show.

It is something blizzard should do more of… but then again, it would probably go over the WoW playerbase’s heads… as we see.

They didn’t in any way. You decided for yourself what defines a Helf.

Blood Elves do.
Blood Elves are High Elves in everything but name.

High Elves are humans in everything but name.

And they did show, clearly you just missed it.

Not really. Not even close. Especially in this lore. Where humans come from Titans and Elves come from trolls.

Maybe you’d like to link me where Blizz mentions Blood Elf skintone being affected. Since I linked to you that they only mention the eyes being affected.

I thought High Elves are trolls? Not the players I mean.

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because this is the wow forums and people do nothing but complain about everything blizzard does here

They are pretty human.
Don’t need to be the race to be as culturally similar as a human.

Choose any Blood Elf skin tone aside from from 1 to 5 and of course 11-14 (Those were added in BFA… I think it was) and realise, that no NPC High Elf have those skin colours.

Technically, Night Elves are much closer to trolls than High Elves.
One could mistake a Night Elf for a dark troll.

At least they suckering people into paying them to do it on here, instead of doing it for free on some other platform, like Twitter or god forbid MMO-Champion

Humanoid =/= Human

There’s only like 5 Helf NPCs. Hardly an example of anything and not what I asked from you.

I would say that culture adds to a race. If you eat like a duck, swim like a duck, quack like a duck, you must be a duck principle is in effect.

There is a whole Covenant of them in WOTLK zones. When blizzard still had a modicum of consistency and desire to progress their story decently.

Still hate that High Elves was presented as they were though.

Our culture isn’t human either. It isn’t something humans even agreed with.

Still very few of them. Even there.

Who is to say that Azerothian Human culture isn’t based on High Elven Culture?

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