Why people are getting mad about warlock restriction being lifted?

Blizzard cannot just go and unlock all spec/race combo. It will create so much outrage.

What they do instead is unlock one combo at a time for one class, and slowly they get their way.

For some reason the warlock are crying more than Tauren Rogues, Orc Mages and Undead Paladin(you heard it here first).

It was proximity to the warlocks. As stated in Rise of the Horde.

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They haven’t said this in years. They design the game they want to design. Sometimes it’s about an interesting design challenge, and sometimes they still seem to be under the misapprehension that you can change human nature and turn casuals into hypercompetitive full-time CE raiders and keypushers.

In this case, the decision was made years ago to eventually release all classes for all races. It’s a good business decision, even if a small handful of players are willing to post 24/7 to voice their displeasure.

I met a guy playing classic who said he quit playing retail because of BC, that he would never returned until they removed Draenei and Blood Elves. He recognized this wasn’t going to happen, at least.

For Draenei and Blood Elves to be complaining about “authenticity” is bizarre.

wait I thought you just needed to drink the kool-aid to turn green.

Oh, by the way.
Good luck with that, I have tried FOR YEARS.
Probably while you were still wearing diapers.

It is not going to happen now.


Drinking the koolaid turned them red. Like the orcs you see in Hellfire Peninsula. General fel exposure just turned them green. Consuming it turned them red.

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Nah, I was a teenager when WoW went into beta.

So, I’ve been around and about.

I still fondly remember seeing my dad playing Warcraft I. Then he got Warcraft II and everything changed.

As said, since you wrote diapers!
Probably not diapers, but then forced into a pyjamas by your parents.

Point is, I have been trying for years to have blizz course correct their lore mistakes. And we still got the current playable draenei in the Burning Crusade. Kael’thas was still make a villain. And the most recent offenses, Void Elves got their creamy deluxe skin tones.

I was in your shoes, but blizzard’s lack of overall consistency persists, despite years of trying to course correct. It just won’t happen.

As said, may as well not care - that is the best option now. If people stopped caring about lore, the writers would be sad. It is a “money talks” situation at this point.

The only problem are Lightforged and Mag’har. everything else is perfectly justifiable.


People are getting mad about the restriction change because they are bored and need something to be outraged about. Some people’s wow experience/fun is complaining or arguing on the forums.


And most of the people complaining wouldn’t touch RP in a million years with a ten foot rusty halberd. People were crying just as hard about Draenei and Tauren rogues. If anything easing restrictions for player choice allows for more creative story telling. People don’t want to be the confirmed stereotype. They want to play the exception to the rule. What people ignore is that their is NO hivemind in WoW.


There isn’t a hivemind, but there’s a clear code of ethics to even having the word “mag’har” be applicable to something.
Then you have the Lightforged. They’re not a separate people from the Draenei, but they’re a religious order within the Draenei that makes it closer to a hivemind than any other race. It’s like if the Scarlet crusade started employing necromancers in the height of its power before the fall of Lordaeron. It’s just stupid.


Well Blizz if you’re going to do Warlock on all races I want my friggin Undead Paladin now…

Idk but it’s weird. The fact that it’s been how many decades since legion? There’s your lore reason right there.

A few 100 went off and learned some warlock spells. Next.

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It’s a snobbery thing. People get “mad” about this stuff the same way wine drinkers get ‘mad’ their favorite vineyard used different barrels for this years batch, or somesuch nonsense.

They like to position themselves as experts on the lore, which, in their mind, gives them more weight to throw around and fake-flex for clout in whatever thread they’re posting in. “I know more than you, therefore you are automatically wrong in all assertions” kinda BS. They want to pretend to be ‘in the know’. It’s all fake.

Meanwhile, those of us who are more familiar with the lore know that the lore was irrelevant and tossed into the bin back in BC, and hasn’t been a valid reason for class/race restrictions since vanilla.


Ah, yes, the Scarlet Crusade that was taken over by Balnazzar…

And they already have mages. It’s not even a stretch to assume you have some who would summon key commanders to assasinate before a battle. Heck you could have had some who were double agents, or vice versa. Look at Socrethar. Look at the magics being employed in Auchidoun.

Headache-inducing reply.
Please, I’m not sure if you just feel the need to defend every stupid thing Blizzard does or what. But if that is the case, please move on to a different blunder to champion for, something you may have a little more competency with.

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This is from the non canon RPG and tbh it’s always weird when HE fans bring it up because one it’s non canon and the RPG was non canon by wows start, so in wows entire life time this was non canon.

Two you do this weird thing where you try to argue that HEs are “pure” and not “darker in skin tone” and it’s really weird with problematic implications.

Three about the “drank Fel” no they didn’t, the green eyes were from the Fel crystals powering Quel’thalas at the time, blood elves didn’t “consume it”.

And four the Felblood Elves aren’t playable / customization at this time, so if you’re discussing those specific elves and attributing them to Blood Elf society and Blood Elves then that’s very disingenuous.

Blood Elves are High Elves and whether a High Elf on the Horde Alliance or neutral would all have the same skin tone diversity present.


I disagree. Having flaws and limitations in your characters is a lot more engaging then letting them be/ have everything.

That’s why Batman is more engaging than Superman.

Wolverine > Cyclops

Vegeta > Goku

Having an entire race actively choose not to deal in Fel because it’s ruined their entire lives, killed off a vast majority of their population and physically destroyed two of the planets they call home is interesting. It’s a lot more interesting than “Oh well, screw our 20,000 year history against these horrible monsters. I’m going to join them.”