No, that’s not what I’m saying. You know as well as I do that some people just follow the leader and click the button that pops up without thinking about it.
Even if 4 people really were foaming at the mouth because this tank is 480 gear and blowing through everything for them, only 1 person said something, the healer, if anyone said anything at all. That was my point.
It is.
The idea when someone queues for content, is to succeed at that content, and I will do my best to succeed. That does not warrant a boot. Booting because someone is playing much better than you, carrying you, showing you things you can learn, giving you something to aspire to- booting that person is degenerate behaviour, abusing the system. Par for the course in modern times.
That’s just to show how hard you got kicked. So pretty much 6 people voted you out and you were only in a group of 5. or 12 for a group of 10. 24 for 20. you get it.
I got kicked from a gamma group in wrath after 2 minutes because people werent grouping up for the web wrap in old kingdom and they blamed me for not swiping (I was spamming swipe…), got deserter from it. Funny thing is I queued into their group already in progress after waiting 20 minutes…wonder why the last person left? Ehe.
but I agree deserter shouldnt be put on someone who was kicked. Let them get kicked over and over if it’s for a good reason. Maybe they’ll learn.
lemme guess, you zoomed ahead without a thought to the other four people in the group, possibly getting them killed by overpulling, not holding aggro, in a vain attempt to satiate your ego and finish Mauradon in 33.88 seconds flat?
Then it’s majority rule. You are/were factually incorrect.
Who cares who said it? If 3/5 people don’t like what 1 person is doing that 1 person will probably get kicked.
It’s definitely not.
That’s not up to you, that’s up to the majority of players in said content.
I’m going to preface this with: I’m someone that will go as fast as people can go in dungeons. The faster the better for me personally. However, NOBODY is learning anything from a carry.
“thank you for forcing me to chase you through the dungeon while you get the DPS killed because you pulled multiple packs with unavoidable aoe damage that the healer couldn’t health through”
I play a death knight. Who are you chasing? If you can’t keep up with a death knight of all classes, that is another you problem. Are you afking for RP? AFK/non-participation is a legitimate kickable offense in all content. And nobody kicks people for afk/low dps in norm/heroic dungeons. You’re welcome.
In this instance the healer spoke up about the speed of the run and them not being comfortable with it. The arrogant tank probably ripped into them and got a big fat kick for it. Deserved.
Here goes:
If you’re in group content and someone speaks up about them wanting you to slow down and you ignore them, the group has the right to kick you. If you’re in group content and nobody says anything at all and you get kicked randomly, yes that’s uncalled for and pretty garbage on the group’s part BUT it’s still within the acceptable limits of the system. When you queue up with a random group of people you are agreeing to the rules of the system.
I’ve found that if anyone speaks up against someone like you or the OP, you will probably respond with some nasty vitriol. That deserves a kick.
I actually read what you said, I’m editing again…
Wrong. The system is broken, proven by the people abusing it. Don’t put so much faith into “the system”, because the folks who design “the system” don’t have the same goals as you, the consumer.
1 person if anyone at all telling me to play worse? they are not my dad, they are not on my level, they have no say. They can say “thank you”. I may not even read what some carry said in chat with all the spam mob rp/yells/says/DBM/guild/community/group/achieves/loot/etc.
I will play within what’s needed, but a norm/heroic dungeon, that person has no say over telling me to play worse, or to afk, or take off my gear, or facilitate their RP. You know it, I know it, and your rewording of the same “argument” in all of your comments is very flimsy, and you’ve obviously lost the plot.
And again, you’re also forgetting that I don’t talk in dungeons, even when faced with ridiculousness directed at me. Even in high keys, maybe someone will ask about lust before key starts and we’ll chat. That’s it.
I send vitriol to people making crazy demands and disingenuous arguments in forums like “play worse or I’ll kick you because I can’t keep up with a DK”. Good grief.
Here, Ill start with this so you might stop trying to be so self righteous and all knowing. At the beginning of the run the entire party was politely informed of my intention and how I intended to pull and advised them how not to wind up dead by not attacking early at the beginning as a courtesy. The when we start the healer then wants to walk a little bit, stop and then go afk in the middle of the pull. Then comes back and says to not outrun him and he was told and I quote “then stay with the group”. So as it stands the only idiot here spewing “vitriol” would be yourself since you are clearly making assumptions about things and people you know nothing about.
I can only remember one time swiftly putting down my computer and going afk in the middle of something when someone banged on my door. To add insult to injury, they were just asking if I’ve seen their cat.
lol… maybe four years ago or so…some one wanted to know if we could break so they could go breast feed their baby lmao.
You didnt think about that BEFORE you joined group content ?