Why on earth do you get a deserter buff for being kicked from a group?

it’s so you don’t take groups hostage.

scrambles looking for the rarely used shot glass

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Or they can just kick the tank who doesn’t listen to the majority of the group and find one who does. Just like in OP’s case! :+1:


Your rant contradicted itself.
My favourite example:

Don’t kick people because they are carrying you.
Say “thank you” instead.

Fair enough, that’s probably right!
Same idea though


i think you just gave us a pretty good indication of why they didn’t want you in their group.


These dungeons take less than 10mins. 1 person in that time saying they want to stop and RP is not the majority of the group saying something. You’re abusing the system because it’s the only power you have over your betters. Pretty sad.
Why is it so hard to just say “thank you”, then do the RP stuff in the next dungeon you can start in T-minus 10mins after this one started?

Wrong. The group voted and in pugs, the majority rules.

I’d kick you for having this attitude alone.


I don’t kick folks and actually love when overgeared tanks zerg dungeons. The faster, the better, as far as I’m concerned. But if the rest of the group protests, and the tank ignores them, they’re well within their right to vote to kick and I won’t be sad for the tank. They had their chance to fit in with the group and failed. Too bad, so sad.


Lol you dont get deserter from keys and people dont kick from keys

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He said majority of the group “saying something”. Which it’s always just the healer, if anyone at all. So I’m not wrong. I am correct, and you are conflating the two which makes you wrong here.

I actually don’t talk in dungeons, so you wouldn’t know my ‘attitude’.
At the end of a dungeon I’ll say “ty”, “ty team”, or “ty for the carry”.
Know what else I don’t do? I don’t false flag or report others to exercise perceived power, which is what you should actually be concerned with.

Well, if you’re going full on problem child and throwing a big enough tantrum, maybe.

You just can’t replace people there, so yeeting someone pretty much guarantees a reset.

If you somehow managed to get kicked before reaching a first boss (in which case you shouldn’t have gotten the debuff), then you are either a very strong kind of slow/bad or have really peeved the group off.

In any event, you get the debuff because you deserted the group. Technically it was them who made that decision for you, but you still didn’t fulfill the social agreement to participate in the content you signed up for. I’m sure if we got their side of the story, they’d tell why you were deemed such a net negative to the group that they chose to kick you and wait out a replacement than suffering anymore time with you.


I am in a dungeon right now advising I am a not here to do the dungeon, I am here to test the kick feature (because I think a couple of you got it wrong/are telling tall tales).

The group has actively told me they refuse to kick me, and are letting me afk at the beginning lol

Y’all really will do anything to ruin someone else’s day in dungeons that don’t matter. Truly.

Who’s talking about keys?

Nobody, (except this guy lol):

But I fixed the typo even though the sentence makes sense either way. Thanks for pointing it out lol

I may be disremembering, but I did one of the TW dungeons the other day, the one with the big lightning eels in the hallway, and I was so fed up with it, I dropped the group. It was after the first boss, and I could not queue immediately for another one.

Maybe they changed the rules?

It was added because back in Legion tanks and healers would force groups to kick them from instances if it was one they didn’t like. This way they avoided the debuff. So blame players who abused the system…

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You’re telling me one single person has the power to single-handedly vote any person out of the group. That’s the story you’re going with?

If that’s the case then that’s true. I wouldn’t know.

I don’t do that either but vote kicking isn’t false flagging or false reporting. Nor is it abusing power.


Definitely think that predates Legion. It goes all the way back to good ol’ Oculus.

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