Why not update Garrisons? Many still use them and they are close to housing

I had an idea a long time ago (about 5 years ago, lol) to relocate the garrisons, here the idea:

Short lore that needs development: due to the great danger of chaos and the urgency of needing defenses, Orgrimmar requested that our hero set up an advanced base for defense and a favorable military position.

Just with that, we would have a pretext to move the garrison.

Then there would be a quest, where the goblins/gnomes would help us move all the garrison material to other points.


Each map would receive points chosen by the player. For example, Winterspring would have 2 points, one in the north and another near the center… the player could choose 1 point and then a series of quests would start to move the garrison there. Then each map would receive 1 or 2 points, for example, 2 points in Azshara, another 2 in Durotar, another 2 points in the Barrens, etc… This would apply to all maps, including Outland, Draenor, etc…

When the player chooses that point, it becomes a different phase point for that player.

With this, new quests open in the region for that player, an exclusive dungeon after some quests and development, and spawn of rare elites in the chosen map, just for that player who chose to be there.

Of course, there should have been MUCH, MUCH more customization for the garrison. Where we could customize the walls, the art of the buildings or “tents,” as well as the NPCs, guards, who stays inside, who guard the entrances, etc…

Moreover, we could build it in a way that it looked like a house, not just a military base.

The strongest point of this idea is being able to, for example, place the garrison in Shadowmoon Valley, which would give an incredible view, or even in Northrend… in some map there.

This would make each garrison have the unique aspect of the player and, of course, after clearing all the rares, dungeons, and collecting everything there, the player could move their garrison to other points, although this would bring another grind, of course… even if it’s collecting materials like wood, stones, ropes, sand, among other pertinent materials for base construction…BUT, For this to work, all maps would need to have unique rares, unique dungeons, or something that player wants; otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense to move.

Of course, this is not easy to do, but it would be a great perk.

I also had the same idea for having GUILD garrisons, which would be almost the same thing with unique rares for that guild and an exclusive dungeon (not equal to the garrison dungeon version, ofc), but it would require a greater amount of materials because it’s a guild and everyone would have to contribute.
It could also bring a special perk of guild invading other guilds, like a sealed 40v40 PvP or something like that (that isn’t going to freeze everyone), with the theme of “hold the point for X time,” running the event for several rounds and the guild with the highest score could have their flag displayed in Orgrimmar/main cities.

This idea itself would also need better development.

Well…that’s it.