Why not update Garrisons? Many still use them and they are close to housing

Why not revisit just briefly such an asset? Would make so much sense. Mine has everything from bank to broker.


Because they’re part of a system that was intended to be the focus of one expansion and then abandoned once it was over, likely the first of many, and most people disliked it for taking up so much of that focus in an expansion that was consequently despised for it.

Not really, because we don’t have an in-universe need to resume operations on Draenor now that both of the threats we faced in that expansion are dealt with. A new garrison built on Azeroth would likely be devoid of what necessitated the existence of the first one.


People were mad at the mission tables and lack of customization, along with just how effective garrisons were at making gold, practically killing profession utility. People didn’t hate garrisons, they hated that blizzard messed them up lmao. You were either there and remember or you weren’t


While I am firmly against “housing”, anything that would act as such should necessarily be on Azeroth.


Lorewise, we also don’t have a way to even resume operations on Draenor if we wanted to. That pocket of the universe is sealed and has apparently been rapidly aging as it fades from existence back into potentiality.

At least, not unless there’s more shards of Kairoz’s hourglass lying around to empower with any old sweat stains Garrosh may have left deep below Orgrimmar.

  1. Not on Azeroth
  2. Not customizable enough (oh joy, you can put the stables here or there. what fun)
  3. Not the type of housing players are asking for.

They tend to focus on the new things. Revisiting older things to update them or what have you would probably take a bit and might even break more things lol

I do agree though and I prefer my alliance garrison. Kind of a shame I didn’t play when current, it also has potential to become a neat side activity.


I don’t see the garrison coming back, but I do see the technology coming back.

It really should have been attached to a city though, with just your own personal shard if you go through a gate. This way you still get veldraken or oribos vibe, without plopping a garrison down in the middle of the starting zone.

Even SL was too fragmented with the 4 daily quest hubs for me. There was no reason to go to oribos if you weren’t getting your fault or buying pvp gear.

The implementation of the garrisons is what really set people off though. You were at a huge disadvantage if you didn’t have the buildings to support professions and they single handedly crapped on mining/herbing more than the bot community ever could have.

The gold income was also nutty once you set up the inn to get solid mission table turnover.

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I agree 100. Garrisons should be revisited


They should redo them and make them more like housing. What do they got to lose nothing. The new thing in dragonflight was dragonriding it failed in bringing anyone back or they would of bragging about sales as always. It wouldn’t hurt nothing to try and turn garrisons more into housing.


The people who want Garrisons updated or returned really have not paid any attention to the story lol

Canonically Draenor is inaccessible, hyper-aged 50 years past when we built those garrisons, and also had nearly dissolved into nothingness last time we checked which was at least five years ago.

I don’t think it is possible for a location to be further away from canon existence than the garrisons currently are.


This is what i did canonically to my garrison at the end of WoD.


If the TARDIS can move from place to place, so can our garrison.


Waste of time for something that doesn’t exist anymore in lore. Make real housing, not half-baked housing.


I must have missed the Doctor Who tie-in promotion.


I mean if we can move dalaran around 3 times, we should be able to move a few towers. But resource wise there would be no reason. They have the assets. Assign them an x by y measurement and build out a few buildings with a grind floor plan and let us just snap stuff into place.

Surely wow can take a page out of animal crossings book. The walls are literally like 3x5 with items taking 1x1 to 2x2 slots. It’s not hard to give us what we want.

Then stick random house crap on the store with some tenders for the trading post, rotate 2 house items through the post a month, and the system pays for itself in less than a year.

Could literally have a small in game statue as a house decoration release with each collectors edition. Stupid easy money… apparently humans love micro-transactions.

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Because of the wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff that Blizzard had to come up with to dump us into a “retro” Draenor fanfic in the first place.


Be nice if they put in a crafting station in the appropriate crafting lot(s).

Source? Cause I definitely don’t recall any of that ever being mentioned (at least in game), and I 100% every questline each expansion.

Just curious, when you say ‘update’, what do you mean exactly? Do you have anything in mind?