Why not limit premades to 5 man groups?

thankfully they overhauled the whole honor system already to make it much more bearable for those who refuse to join or create premades. You can no longer even lose RP.

You dont even need comms or anything, just invite 9 random people from trade chat with 2 healers and youll probably be fine

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No. You still needed BG gear for a majority of classes

The above poster made a good point.

Everyone deals with the system and then these complaints dissappear.

Can’t wait

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Yeah I’m definitely more invested in the future than the current WSG meta-- some of the most fun PvP I’ve had in classic have been random Arathi Basin matches, and I hate to think that we are looking at a Phase 2 with limited opportunities for competitive random matches.

And this is why no changes are needed.

The new honor system makes everything much easier for “solo q enjoyers” and really everyone

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The system corrected itself in classic once 3 generation of rankers went through and not before. That was roughly 6 months of pvping before you didn’t play against a premade 30-40% of your games.

Kicking the can down the road just because it hasn’t really effected the game yet isn’t a good strategy if they even have one.

I loved when wsg meta came about.
Because I fought tons of premades.
The av commanders were exceptionally underwhelming

Sure but the argument of there being bad premades isn’t justification for them to queue into pugs.

Except in Season of Discovery we are going to have to undergo the resurgence of premades with each and every phase. The complaints are hardly going to disappear.

It will never affect the game because the game goes on and is fine the way it’s always been

To top it all off, ranking is a cakewalk in the new system and there’s no decay

That’s all the change that’s needed tbh

Good. That’s going to be a lot of fun for me and the boys.

And every phase since people will be LFM premade, BGs will be alive and teams will be plentiful

The system existing doesn’t mean its good. The old ranking system existed for all of classic. Doesn’t mean it was good.

Blizzard is obviously open to the idea of changes now.

idk maybe you should try to make friends?

The system is fine.

Good or bad is personal perspective

For the majority of players it is not fine.

Remove premades from BG’s.

Remove consumables/potion chugger meta in BG’s.

Let people actually win by being more skilled, not by bring-a-buddy or swipe-to-win LIP/FAP spam.

Yes, I suppose for anything myself and others are saying to make sense, to some extent one would have to accept the premise that solo queue’ing is something that should still be a worthwhile game mode-- one that is interesting, engaging, and where people compete for rewards.

Otherwise, of course nothing is lost if the meta is that everyone defaults to premades.

I’m gonna need to see some proof of that.

Not just a claim

Out of curiosity. How is it not skilled for popping consumables/trinkets/items at an appropriate moment that makes a difference in winning or losing a game?

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Consumables exist to be used.
That’s a terrible argument

There’s no rule saying you can only fap in a pve dungeon