Why not limit premades to 5 man groups?

I feel like this is a good solution for everybody.

The partial premades still allow people to group with friends. Premades will still rightfully be rewarded and advantaged for going to the trouble of organizing a group. Also your faction as a whole will still be rewarded in so far as you have a greater population of people organizing and queuing as a group. You’ll also still get fast queues with randoms still queuing for both factions (as opposed to implementing a system whereby premades exclusively are matches vs other premades).

Random solo queuers will also benefit because it lessens the likelihood of going up against class stacking 10 man premades. Also it creates the likelihood of being brought into a BG alongside a 5m premade group of your own faction to even out the odds. This makes queuing as a solo more appealing and less of a potential waste of time.

At the end of the day, the goal is to preserve the gamemode that is random solo queuing, without the meta becoming strictly 10m premades to compete, while also still rewarding people who put in the effort to form and coordinate groups.

Don’t you want to be able to to quickly log in and run a BG solo without it likely being a complete waste of time versus a stacked premade?


i’ve queued for like 5 wsg and every single time went against a premade and got absolutely annihilated with class stacking, i won’t be doing any more battlegrounds since blizz has turned solo queuers into literal cannon fodder


90% of the premades are garbage you can q with like 3 friends and win. they just afk out if they cant kill carrier in 15 mins


must be nice having 3 friends to pvp with, my post was about solo queueing and you ignored that lol


im not sure how you expect to beat anyone if you solo q and just w key to the mid to do damage all game

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Yeah, I mean obviously premades have always been contentious because of their obvious (and sometimes well deserved) advantages over pugs.

But it’s the class stacking that I feel is particularly unfair and warranting of a change to premades for Season of Discovery.

It’s just going to be such a huge demand on class tuning on the devs part within the limited timespan of each “Phase” to prevent the advantages of class imbalance/stacking.

Alternatively, doing something about premades could be particularly helpful to avoid exacerbating the class imbalances, while also keeping everyone engaged and invested in the gamemode.

what do you mean by “class stacking”

are you talking about 10 warlocks premade?

yes because all people who solo queue are bad at pvp and play in the exact way that lazman decides they do in the forums

now i’m not even sure you’ve been pvping in sod

That’s not what I said at all.

But i am noticing a trend going on that everytime someone loses they say its a premade. not all teams you q into is a premade. That is a lie.

I solo q, i also q as 3-4 man and i also q as 10 man

I am revered with wsg and I havent done a single ashenvale

No it’s not. It should be 2 man groups. You and your bestie, no more. 5 skilled players coordinating over discord is enough to completely dominate most pugs.

its also enough to beat most premades

Could be hunters one phase, then priests or warlocks tomorrow after another patch.

The point is that with the pace of phases and changes, looking beyond just WSG and P1, the gamemode would be much more interesting and lively, and garner more participation from more players, if each BG instance was more blended and randomized.

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class diversity is one of the more important components of battlegrounds

If you have too many of 1 class they actually negate their strengths so if premades are queing with 6 warlocks they are just trolling

Two main differences between “premades” and solo q/randoms. Comp and communication. One of those two you can solve as a solo q.

What about the the fact that as a solo queuer, you’d have about a good of a chance of being brought into an instance alongside a 5 man w/ Discord of your own faction as you do of going against a 5 man of the other faction?

This way individuals and factions are still rewarded for getting social and organized, which would otherwise be severely limited if only groups of 2 could queue. People should still be able to build connections, get organized, and be rewarded for it within their guild and server-- which wouldn’t be as possible if limited to 2 man groups.

I feel like it’s a poor solution to a non-problem that doesn’t help anything, but rather just removes player agency, but that’s just my personal opinion.

The way that it is now, we have BGs that are ranked BGs, in that the BGs we have give the highest rewards available for PVP, so teams can queue and gain rep and honor. There’s just zero gating for smaller teams or solo queuers.

Though, I do think that they could add a way to select roles, to give non-premades something like 2 healers, 1 flag carrier, and 7 dps.


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it so unbelievably easy to form or join a premade. You don’t even need to sweat 90% of the games, just invite 8 dps (preferably a feral to FC but other classes can do it just fine with support) 2 healers and win

It’s been pretty heavily weighted towards priests and hunters up until this point-- of course a lot of hunter changes have gone underway so we’ll see.

I’m just saying without having to get into the nitty gritty of class balance in every patch, we can see how in SoD that premades could exploit group composition so much so that this season should get special attention to changes to premades.

It’s not the only reason, but it is one of them.

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