Why not limit premades to 5 man groups?

Yeah but once they broke the q wsg took over.

But you being an av ranker whining about wsg makes perfect sense to me now

I like how you say “AV ranker” as if it was a bad thing. There was not a single group doing premade WSG when AV was meta. The HPH AV generated forced you to play it if you wanted to stay top RP.

I played quite a few good WSG teams as horde during av meta

Sure and your HPH was terrible and if you ranked to 13 or 14 you couldn’t waste time doing anything else.

The old system was trash just like premade vs solos is trash.

I mean I had all the best pve gear and I played a shaman so when you have lokamir you don’t even need to rank

It’s pretty self explanatory then on why you don’t see premade vs pug as being an issue. You never had to deal with it on a large enough timescale. That or you relish in farming pugs.

I’ve been playing wsg for years before classic was even out and I played in the NA tournament so whatever you’re trying to pin on me isn’t going to work.

I just simply think we shouldn’t change anything for people who don’t like pvp and are just farming gear from it

What about the people who like pvp but want solo queue? A system that benefits a majority of the playerbase?

They aren’t on the forums complaining.

They’re playing the game

Most people don’t use the forums regardless of a negative or positive experience.

I just think RBGs is the best thing they can do.

Leave BGs to the farmers

I have no qualms with having RBGS. I just don’t think premades should play against solos.

Can’t tell if trolling or serious…

Yea, I remember when they put it in originally in TBC. It just didn’t work very well. When I posted above I suggested that you should wait the amount of time you’d wait normally, but I think it’s actually ok for premades to wait a bit longer.

Here’s a crazy thought. I’m also 100% ok with a premade vs. premade match getting bonus rewards, such as a 1.25 honour multiplier and maybe an extra mark, win or lose.

It would be ideal if players actively sought out groups for PvP.


Well I am not sure how you propose to do that when single players are needed in the q to fill out odd number games

You all survived the original launch of classic, and every single private server with the queue system we are using right now. I think we will be alright. Once all the PvE andys get their rep done then we wont hear these complaints anymore. Sure, some solo queue games are over before they even start. But to be honest, I have definitely had really good solo queue games. Far and few between, but if that is that big of an issue for someone… joining or creating a premade is SUPER easy…

They implemented this premade v premade queue system into TBC and BGs died overnight. Granted the reward structure for honor was different, but it got to the point where if you queued as a group of 6 or more you basically didnt get a pop

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The system is self correcting

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This is also very true


Agreed, RBGS with great rewards would be a cool addition to Classic. And BG’s with 5 man cap grouping with lesser rewards would benefit the most number of people.

There will be another about this, but I just don’t haven’t seen strong criticisms of it yet.

In TBC, BG’s weren’t really that meaningful anymore since you needed Arena for most of the best gear-- that’s why Queue’s as premades died.

It’s actually going to get worse not better.
Once the brackets unlock past 10 you’ll need more RP and time is money.

It would just be nice to resolve it now by having solo queues.