Why not limit premades to 5 man groups?

Oopsies 10char

Iā€™m referencing your second sentence you dolt.
Obviously I stand by my own statement.

I meanā€¦ look. I like Classic the way it is. Iā€™m not here asking for changes, but some people are asking for changes to the way BG groups function.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™m saying, personally I think things are fine, because we have complete agency to queue solo, or with 1-9 others, and everybody has this same opportunity.

While I donā€™t think any changes are required to this, and am suspect of the motivation of people who are asking for changes, Iā€™ll give the benefit of the doubt to others that they are being sincere and genuine, and looking for what they believe to be a better system overall, and not just catering to their own selfishness.

So, I donā€™t see the benefit of capping premades to 5-man, because it discourages or limits group play in a group-play-centric game! If there are to be restrictions, then Iā€™d propose the following:

  • Forced comp: Teams have 2 healers, 1 FC, and 7 DPS


  • Forced premades: Make BGs raid activities (only queue as a full team)

Either of these, imo, either solve or at least aim to solve whatever the perceived issues are with solo queues, while either encouraging or at least not discouraging group play, in an MMORPG.

I mean I solo q too dude. I q in all different sizes

Every game is not a premade.
Nobody can take that claim seriously that is playing BGs every day.

Even wen I q up as 10 stack finding any premade to own takes hours
And I donā€™t mean trade chat 10 mana. Those are pugs too

Again I never said every game was vs premades thatā€™s something you made up.
I just think its bad for the game to have premades vs pugs.

BGs are just a social instance with rep tied to it.

There is no competitive element tied to classic BGs

Those are called RBGs and there was a reason they had to be a full team to q for

That doesnā€™t take away from anything Iā€™ve said before.
Just because something else exists doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t make things better.

Well BGs have always been this way so adapt or make another post crying about it

I donā€™t feel sorry for people like you anymore.

You have the solution already.

Take it or donā€™t.

I can understand people wanting to not face premades as a solo que. But why not join a group either in the meantime if it bothers you so much? Are you not queing just for the fun of the game or are you simply farming something? While you wait for something that could or could not changeā€¦go with the obvious solution for the time being.

Like rather its Solo q or premade you are still playing with 9 other people. As a team. With an objective to win, as a team. You will need to communicate the same as you do in a premade when you que solo.

They are just farming rep and they canā€™t be bothered to get in discord to make it easier.

So instead they adhominem and want the entire landscape catered to their farm before they disappear from BGs forever

This is SOD and there is room for change and the devs have proven to listen to feedback on occasion.

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Cool well in the meantime join a premade.

Youā€™re just farming rep anyways.

Youā€™ll disappear from the q forever after

Iā€™d wager 90% of the people doing premades arenā€™t doing it for ā€œfunā€ its rep grind and honor grind at the expense of people who arenā€™t premading.

Who said Iā€™m farming rep?

Premades in and of themselves are fine. WoW is a group-based experience and if youā€™re getting rolled by groups, this should be incentive to either build one of your own or engage with your community and fine people to run with. If you want an almost entirely solo game, retail is there waiting for you!

With that said, I would offer the following improvementā€¦

If you queue as a group of some threshold (ie, 4) or more, you will be placed in two queues simultaneously. The first is the normal, pug queue, and the second is a premade only queue. The system will first try to match you against a premade in the premade only queue. If a match is found, off you go, enjoy your battle! If a premade match is not found for you within the average wait time of the pug queue, your will be eligible to be matched against any group from the pug queue.

In this way the system will spend your whole average queue time trying to match you against another premade, which could actually result in you getting a faster queue if other premades are joining as well, but if not, youā€™ll just get matched against a pug and carry on.

I think later expansions maybe did something like this, though Iā€™m not entirely sure as itā€™s been a while since I was heavily involved in PvP. Either way, you should have incentive to join a group in WoW; however, the default should not be for premades to queue up to farm unorganized pugs.


Who cares what their motive is? That doesnā€™t change the fact that you can make your rep farm easier right now by joining a group.

And youā€™ll be gone forever once you get the rep anyways

Correct you can. It shouldnā€™t be at the expense of people pugging though and should be off of your own ability to play against similar like minded players.

You also keep bringing up rep. Iā€™m not grinding for rep lol I never have.

I understand that but Iā€™m not making my points based off of my emotions.

Your solution is there.

ā€œOther peopleā€ are irrelevant to your own unique solution to your own unique issue

No, they did it in AV, very early on at 60. I get AV is much bigger than WSG, but the same principle applies. Itā€™s to create a more enjoyable BG experience for a majority of the players.

Itā€™s not just unique to me.
There are more people solo queueing than premading. Iā€™m just asking for a system that is fair.