Why not just play retail at this point?

Doesn’t matter. If you had your own team boosters could join your team and boost you.

Celestial Steed? Heart of the Aspects? Your memory betrays you.

This was added in Wrath. OP wants Wrath Era realms.

No. It actually doesn’t.

Again, no. It doesn’t affect gameplay. This list you provided is just a bunch of things you are attempting to use to grasp at some kind of argument and it isn’t working. Not sure why you’re so invested. What’s done is done. Don’t want to play it? I don’t care. Not my problem. When i’m pvping or raiding in Cata it is NOTHING like it is in retail and its not even close.


A guild with over 1000 people isn’t a guild its just another chat window

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How does any of this affect my rotation and class.



Teams were locked in after a certain point in the season, you also could not play with someone who had too low or too high of a CR to yours. So your booster would have to be forced to play with you the entire time. And if your cr dropped too low, you couldnt play with them. There was no such thing as a 3k rated player grouping up with some random person who had never done an arena and had zero rating and then playing with them and boosting them.

You are only slightly right about that. The steed came out just as Wrath 8 ATR came out. And then it was in game for a little while, then went away again. Heart of The Aspects as well came in for a bit, then left, then came back in again, then left. Then came back in and stayed in.

Yes level boosting your toon does effect gameplay tremendously Who is going to do better for questing and open world stuff. A level 1 who levels the normal way, or a player who buys a level boost and WoW tokens then goes to the AH and is in full epics at max level. So yea… it effects gameplay.

But came in as a retail thing in WoD first and that is pure retail at that point. Original WoW never had tokens.

Yes account wide mounts do effect gameplay. No more mount runs for alts. And now if one toon gets a flying mount, they all do.

You used to have to earn everything. Just admit it. None of you people want to play Classic. You all want to play retail.


Agreed, if I wanted to play a modern MMO I would just play retail or final fantasy. Cata is the last game I would choose to play, it’s not an old school mmo, it’s just a very bad modern MMO lol.


Hey Thurkcarry!

I have one account and currently 3 characters. I post on this one because this one is my main I guess as I’ve been playing him since the beginning 19 years ago. This guy mines and does Blacksmithing in between bgs and stuff. I have a druid: Elehan. Elehan Herbalizes and does Alchemy. And I just restored a Vulperan Shaman, Xazzi. He’s my Leatherworker/Skinner. But, it is hard to tell how long he will stay around as my Hordees always end up deleted. I am doing my best to keep him going as Vulpera are kinda cool and trade chat Horde-side on Moon Guard is kinda a nice break from Trade chat MG Alliance side. If ya wanna see an active trade chat, check MG Alliance side Retail.

Sometimes people here seem so friggin angry and hurt. I’m not certain why. Ohh and the conspiracy theories are kinda wild to read. You should see 'em go off when reality is mentioned. Kinda crazy.

So, my point stands. Why not play Retail? It’s a good question (it’s the OP’s question, really). I mean Cata is kinda the start of ‘modern’ wow era, or it has been in nurmerous chats I’ve seen over the years. And Vulpera are fantastic. So is Dragonriding, soaring in a zone is pretty cool, only one game does it this well: WoW.

Ohh and I have a Cata I guess now lvl 30 paladin. Buuut, I already did Cata sooo…he don’t get played much.

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Please don’t ignore my question.


You dont have to walk where you should be running or flying with a mount.

Hundreds or even thousands of gold spent on multiple epic mounts across multiple alts so that you can have a flying mount just to get up to the top of a place you want to quest? No more saving gold for that. You pretty much have one toon in Classic with everything else being a lesser copy.

Selling mounts in the AH is a lot more difficult now too. Now no one needs to buy them for their alts.

Lots of stuff in Cata effected rotation and how you p0lay your class. Happens to an extant in every expac. But you leapt quoting on me and telling me to tell you how what you quoted effected that stuff when I never implied that it did.

Cata has the classic feeling/animations/combat/visuals.

That’s why.

I thought that was obvious but I guess not.

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You’re fighting an uphill battle here. Aovona has a habit of just ranting in the general direction of a topic while failing to address any of the points or questions directed toward them


But HOW does that affect my rotation and class.

p.s you can’t fly in the old world until 60, and you still have to buy the riding.

Like what type of mount.


Chopper. Used to be 20k gold max in original Wrath on AH. In rare cases it got up to 30k but that was when it first came out and only on some servers.

There are multiple mounts that you can sell in the AH.

And I said it effects gameplay. I didn’t say you specifically.

19k is the cost to make the thing, it maxed out at 30k for literally a few weeks and the only way to make a profit on it back then was if you where salvaging the two bosses in Ulduar, the mount it self wasn’t a popular sell back then either, so has nothing to do with Cata and Cata hasn’t changed it’s chances of being sold.

People still use ground mounts in Cataclysm and will do so pretty much all the way into retail, as someone else also pointed out cash shop been there since wrath anyways.

Btw in terms of gameplay wise and how the game plays and feels, TBC and Wrath made more fundamental changes to that than Cataclysm did, so to say Cata isn’t classic is actually pretty funny.


I also think the vast majority of the Cata haters haven’t actually tried playing Cataclysm and have never played Cataclysm in the first place.

Further more as someone who has experience WoW from 2004 until the current expansion, as well as classic, raided in each of those expansions and met the challenge modes as well as pvp’d to a decent level.

The philosophy and design of what makes classic wow changed in Legion, and that’s the absolute truth, so lets all stop pretending that Cata, MOP, WOD aren’t going to be “Classic”.

And if some is trying to figure out why Legion was such a change in design, that’s when the majority of the development team was replaced, as well as moving figure heads from other projects like Diablo; World quests? yeah Diablo’s bounties, same designer.


Cata was made by a different dev team than those who made Wrath and all versions before.

And now we got mostly different devs making this version of Cata vs the first one.

I played Blizz game since WC1 Orcs and Humans. And played all since. Still have my login info for the original WCII battlenet and then WC3 and WC3 expac. WCII had expacs too. And yes the same basic dev team made all those and made WoW after that and then TBC and then Wrath.


And now guilds are messed up.

I cant go to see /grsoter to see how long each player has been offline simply by looking at the guild. That really helps when trying to organize stuff.

And this another reason why you need to know more guild info.

Old Guild Roster Removal - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Exactly, and now the Dev team we have is probably a tenth of the size of the team they had, trying to make an unliked expansion liked by a playerbase that isn’t interested in playing the expansion. They clearly have no resources based on P3 of sod and the quality of Cata prepatch so no clue why on earth they’re wasting what limited resources they have on an overall unliked expansion.


Guild Pane > Roster > tick “Show Offline Members” > Click on Zone, shows last online by ascending, if you want last online by descending, then click zone again.

That’s a pretty broad statement, are we talking about the figure heads/lead designers or are you talking about the entire dev team, because I hate to break it to you, but the WoW dev team changed quite a lot between vanilla to wrath, why are you comparing WC3 to WoW, if its the story then the writers of said game remained with WoW until 2016 so well past Cataclysm.

Talking about the main ones who left.

But as they worded it, the story was over at that point.

Deathwing was a MINOR side character in WCII.

Oh you know another reason why I grew to hate the original Cata?

Veteran of the Wrathgate questline tells you that that Taunka officially joined that Horde.

Then we end up getting Goblins instead? That is a neutral race that only joined the Horde for their own selfish reasons in the lore and they want to leave as soon as they can and get what they want…but that part of the lore was forgotten about by Blizzard.

Can you please list the “main” ones who left and their role at the time of leaving, keeping in mind if a dev had left say during Cataclysm, then they had already had a hand in making Cataclysm.

So World of Warcraft should specifically follow the story of what happened in WC1 through 3/RoC/TFT? I’m going to assume the novels don’t make cannon then?, how much Titan/Old god/lore was there in WC3?

What was the reasoning for Horde getting Blood Elfs?

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Because Garithos refused to allow them to join the Alliance even though they tried multiple times.

Blood Elves joined the Horde because they were forced to and had no other choice in help with fighting against the Scourge. Taunka joined it willingly.

Goblins only did because it is in their benefit and want to leave as soon as they can.

Garithos hated the goblins as well but he was dead long before they wanted to join in with the Horde.

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