Why not just play retail at this point?

The class design is completely different making the PvP completely different. The main draw of cata and MoP is the PvP.

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  1. You have both classic era and it’s variants of SOD and HC.

  2. Assuming that “classic” is only defined by the old world or new world is just ignorant of every other change that happens, and doesn’t even make sense in regards to TBC and LK, which neither take place in the old world. It’s two continents that have 0 relevancy to those expansions. It’s an unbelievably bad take.

Back to point 2, no you can’t. The only relevance Cata holds in retail is having the same Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Cata specific zones, LFR, Transmog, and Worgen/Goblin. None of the classes play the same, the races aren’t the same, the professions aren’t the same, the stats aren’t the same, the talents aren’t the same, the gear is irrelevant, the level cap isn’t even the same. You physically can not hit level 85 in retail. Tol barad has no relevancy. The reputations and their grinds have no relevancy. I can go on.

You have an era server. The only one promised to be forever actually. No other version of wow has a forever but classic 1-60. Not even retail has a forever, as it too is changing constantly.

That’s just your opinion.

What is “everything”? Describe it. What changed from LK to Cata and how is it “too different”.


Ya’all have two choices:

  1. Stop whining and play the game as given
  2. Stop whining and go play something else

That is all.


That’s a very strange take considering every single expansion is different And speaking from some of that plays Dragonflight soon to be war No there is a massive difference.

Between cata and df So no I absolutely can tell you cata not df Not in class design Dungeons I mean they both have archaeology ? And the world revamp but honestly That’s kind of it.


I mean… Vanilla players could ask you the same.

This is factually false. Retail has dragonflight combat. People want to play Cataclysm combat.


Does Retail have GDKP?

  1. Continue whining


Why play tbc or wrath? Neither were in the old world.

Cata is closer to wrath gameplay wise than anything in retail.


you can also just go play season of mastery if you want classic then.

Currently leveling a tauren paladin in retail, it’s pretty chill and looking forward to farming t6.


120k unique characters raiding last week is dead AF? If only about a seventh of that stayed behind you would have the same amount as current classic era.


Nobody is angry that you want to stay in Wrath.

You said that Cata is the same as Retail. It’s not. Not even close.


Because you could still go to the old world in those expacs and play it exactly the way it was. In Cata you cant.

Cata Classic is very different from the original version. They changed guilds to make the roster as they were in Shadwlands. I logged back into Cata, guilds were back to the way they were in original Cata. Then all I did was press a button Now it is changed forever. I am not going to play Cata if the guilds are as they are in retail. They were never like that in original Cata.

You cannot organize the new system well at all. I would rather play Cata on a private server than play it on retail at this point as this version is nothing like the old version that we had when WoW had 15 million subs.

As this thread says it perfectly.

Old Guild Roster Removal - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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220 posts, and still no friends

Nope. Don’t want any. Why is that YOUR business? But I do find that worthless scrubs who can’t string together two sentences into a coherent argument try for cheap personal attacks. Nice try but not even close.

I play both classic and retail, they are very much not the same thing.


It has more in common with retail than it does with even the original version of Cata. He is 100% right.

Here are things that CLASSIC Cata has that the original version did not but that came in only in retail and most only within either the last couple years and some changes are only a few months old in retail WoW but are in Cata now.

So all that I list here is Classic Cata stuff ONLY and was not the case in original Cata. All that I list is also the same as in retail. Then you turn around and tell me Cata Classic is not retail.

So for Cata Classic

New guild UI
Now can no longer type /groster to get it back
WoW Tokens
Account wide pets
Account wide mounts
No arena teams
No battlegroups
No more prelaunch events
No /following in BGs ore arenas
Mog sets given out for free for events you didn’t even do
Store Mog sets that you can buy
Store Mounts that you can buy
Level boosts to instant level cap
Transmog which was not added until Cata final patch but is in Cata now

So… this is not Cata. This is retail WoW. This isn’t Classic. Why no TCG stuff in these Classics when we got them in original version, yet they give us all the Plunderstorm rewards which never took place in Cata last time around.

With all that I listed there, that clearly means that Cata Classic = retail.

Don’t care.


Now I remember why I ignored you before. Cya. Don’t bother replying, not going to read it.


None of these things affect how classic PLAYS or FEELS, the foundations of what made classic is very much still the game.


H+ doesnt effect how Classic plays?

No arena teams so anyone can hop in with anyone and boost whoever anytime?

Store bought mounts that you can buy with irl $$ insttead of in game gold

WoW tokens dont effect game play either?

Level boosting a toon from 1 to level cap doesnt effect gameplay? Account wide mounts so you never have to grind out gold for a mount ever again doesnt affect gameplay?

Oh and…3 post count. And replied directly against me, then liked within seconds by the very person who was arguing against me. 3 post count toon.

And…you said one sentence…and it was wrong.

I would block BOTH of you pathological liars… but it seems like someone is alt posting here.

The pally blocked me cuz I kept proving them wrong back to back.

See they just lied again. Saying you dont care, yet you have to comment in all caps and then make up a lie to try to avoid how wrong you were…shows that you do care. And if someone like that blocks me… Good riddance is all I can see.

Or like how they lied on another thread when they started raging about how they thought someone was wrong cuz a poster said the elemental invasions were missing.

So what this pathological liar did was say how that was not a Cata thing… that was a Wrath thing. It is a CATA thing that I have mentioned dozens of times on these forums. It is called Tripping The Rifts.