Why not just play retail at this point?

I felt like the whole point of classic in the first place was to experience the old gameplay and see azeroth before the big changes were made in cata and beyond. I could just log in and make a new toon on retail and literally play the same thing now. I’m all for letting players progress but I think era servers are necessary. Wrath was basically the pinnacle of classic wow gameplay. I feel like everything felt too “different” after cata.


Excellent question Lumasriel.

You could play a Vulpera!

And dragonflying is pretty darn fun.


Huh TIL that catalysm has all the same spells, mechanics, and classes as retail… oh wait

Edit: also wrath server were dead AF by the end, why would era servers fair any better


The biggest changes were made during Legion. Idk about you but nothing after Legion feels like anything before Legion. Cata and and even MoP feel way more like wotlk than they feel like Retail IMO.


Cataclysm class and talent designs are the same as Dragonflight? News to me.


If you ever actually Cata, you’d know it’s nothing like Retail but go ahead and cry some more


I don’t want to be enemies or insult each other. I’m just stating an opinion, if you disagree that’s fair lol. Why are you people so angry that some players want to stay in wrath?


The reality is there needs to be a set of servers that get new content. People were complaining about ICC being here for a while. The next step is Cata.

Classic Era was dead for a while after the Progression servers moved on to BC.
Like I’d absolutely love to have a BC and Wrath server (I love Wrath and started in the original), but keeping the Progression servers stuck in Wrath wouldn’t have worked. Only so many times people want to grind the same stuff without other options, right?


Yep. They aren’t even legion to sl trees that got replaced in df. I started late legion, What was there in wod I’d not know,

I’d know. I’d have lonewolf as a mm talent to not have dps rely o on a pet that dies in seconds. Worst case. Ngl…I like lone wolf mm a lot. One of retails better points to me.

Combat rogue is still around . That dies in bfa? Outlaw with crap roll the bones came to wreck the fun at some point.


Because they played every day all day long for over a year and are bored of Wrath. HC, SoD, and the Cata announcement all combined to hurt wrath numbers. As there was no reason to work on alts if you had no intention of playing cata.


Mists thru Shadowlands had the 3 options per row talent system yeah. Cata is the last one with a version of the old trees until Dragonflight went back to them.


Retail is nothing like Cata classic but if you feel that way, go play. Why make a post?


Yep, and now it’s Cata’s turn, which plays completely differently from retail. Good job, you answered your own question!


thing is, I can literally make a new character on retail and start in cata. If I don’t choose the island option. I feel like there’s no point to it now, the game started becoming streamlined in cata, you guys are focused on the classes. I’m more or less referring to the way the world was changed. Current azeroth is cata azeroth, I want to play the barrens as they originally were for example.


Nobody is playing Tol Barad in retail.


Failed logic. By that very same notion, you can make a character on Era right now and experience the old world, and make a character on Cata Classic and Retail and experience Outland and Northrend


Because they didn’t add it to the epic bg pool, which they easily could have.

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Last time I played, Retail wanted me to do 8 m+ dungeons. So about 6 hours + LFG time a week


retail is still much worse trash than any other wow ver we got lol


Yep. They found the time to make seeking crap…err shores to normal bg though.

Not many like the place really. I’ll take soa over it. It’s not good either. It just sucks less.

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