I didn’t notice any flags at the start of this post…
That doesnt mean you arent trolling…
Tells me enough.
There literally was last expansion. Visions of N’zoth…
They have tunnel vision like devs.
They won’t listen to reason.
That was catch up gear and nothing better than what Korthia is now0
The title leads into so many black-and-white arguments that no real discussion can take place.
While it’s true that there were people who were absolute fanatics about Horrific Visions, it’s also true that a lot of people quit over it. Most of the people who were fanatics were already well-geared when the content was released. A lot of people who had gone on break until 8.3 took one look at it and left again. People who thought they were going to max out their alts maxed out their main and got the cloak on fewer alts than they had planned. Or didn’t even max it out on their main.
Casuals got trashed. They took a big nerf to world quest gear because much of it was corrupted and unusable by players without a cloak. Players who had not gotten a cloak and run horrific visions couldn’t cleanse the gear, so it was just vendor trash.
I think the lesson Blizzard learned from this is that players who are given choices will choose to skip content they ought to consider mandatory. And so Torghast was designed to be mandatory hard content that would force casuals to “step up their game” and “git gud”.
Blizzard can’t accept the playerbase they have. They keep thinking that they can forcibly turn casuals into hardcore hypercompetitive players. This will never happen. There aren’t enough hardcores out there to support the kind of game they are designing, and they can’t accept that casuals make up the majority of players in every successful MMO.
So? It still was gear for solo players. I don’t care if raider want to feel special and get the gear first as long as I can work toward it myself. Blizzard would time gate content so raiders don’t feel forced to do mythic plus or the zone content anyway. They are going to get gear the first weeks anyway before anyone else does.
I’m sure there would be something to be gained by examining each post.
But I don’t have that much time.
It was catch up gear just like Korthia is meaning it fufills the same role. I dont care if solo players want to feel special.
Again if you want top gear then do the content that awards the gear you want
Actually 5 masks gave heroic gear. Korthia gives below heroic gear. I don’t care what you think. I care what blizzard will do. Hopefully they will listen.
This is why WoW is in the slumps.
That kind of attuite.
The thing that sucked about visions was grinding out the legendary cloak and there was only 2 dungeons to do. If it was more it would have been better.
and it was universally hated because it was required for raiding.
Hopefully they continue to ignore bad players.
Is that you, Ion?
Then they should probably ignore you then hehe
Im not the one crying about anything and asking the game to cater to me
HAHAHAHA, so much irony in a post that is demanding the company drive away so many customers that Activision will pull the plug on wow.
The game already caters you. So why would you complain? You are like only one the only 2-3 people constantly bashing people in this thread!
The design hasn’t changed since launch. Group content will award better gear than solo content.
I believe this is false. It’s been a while so I’m having to look up some things and the ilevel squish doesn’t help. However, based on some dated articles not tied to WoWHead item links, in WotlK (before the introduction of M+), players could earn justice points from normal dungeon content (non-heroic / “high end” content) at a lesser rate. These could be spent on consumables like Frozen orbs for crafting 10-man equivalent loot (ilevel 200, now 35) for example: https://www.wowhead.com/item=39192/gloves-of-dark-gestures vs https://www.wowhead.com/spell=60760/earthgiving-legguards.
While this is a form of group content, normal dungeons were queued via LFG. It can be seen as equivalent to the current heroic or maybe M0 content, which I am sure you’d classify as trivial relative to raiding, that still leads to 10-man / heroic raid tier rewards. The game seemed just fine then and the divide much smaller.
So no, this has not always been the case though the systems have changed since WotLK.