Why not give Casuals high lvl gear?

I see we have a few more post, I just wanted to pop in to remind everyone the OP bought a normal castle carry. Have a great day

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I’d like also like to remind everyone that Felpickle is also lying.

Thank you.


Its ok dude normal Castle was very challenging raid, don’t be ashamed you got carried you aren’t the only one.

This is like AV back in the day…

on and on and on and on and on

The fact that people feel like they need to buy carries for content that they don’t want to do (or can’t commit to) is a symptom of the problem, rather than an issue in and of itself.

For every player that buys a carry, there are untold more that simply quit SL because they don’t want to engage with the three pillars.

SL sold an unprecedented number of copies, but sub numbers plummeted once players reached max level and didn’t have any urge to progress through SL’s limited endgame.


Theres someone else take on his statements.

Snozh just deviates from his own points to avoid being called out on his originally flawed takes.

In other words he’s just trolling. A sophisticated form of trolling but none the less trolling in the long run.


It will go on and on until all the casuals have left the game, or until the devs stop being deluded and arrogant.

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Which, if people like Snozh are always around and being listened to, will be never. The running joke with the council is Blizzard just wants “yes men/women” on it, so ones like Snozh should be a shoe in. But if the council is really going to make a difference, it needs both ones like him and ones like me in it.


Which is why I think they should just let everyone on the rides regardless of how high your ilvl needs to be…at least just before Mythic.

Not too easy.

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I’d apply but I don’t think Blizzard would like my kind of feedback.

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No harm in applying, only 100 will make it in, and the more like us that do apply, the better chance at least one of us will make it.

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If you’re jealous of this topic then say so.

Coming in here with the same joke over and over kinda reeks of insanity.

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I haven’t heard or seen anything about the council lately. Did they announce who is on it? We need as many casuals and “normies” on it as possible.

(WoW is so extreme that even players who are considered hardcore in other games are still just “normies” in WoW because they don’t min-max character power for 12 hours a day.)

Sill open, might not hear much till 9.2 drops but until the applications close, I encourage all to apply if you even want a chance of having your voice heard.


Haha the only joke is how bad at a game you are after having played for well over a decade. But it’s ok dont be ashamed you got carried.

If you thought I cared that much about doing well in this game, would I be here looking to shake down the status quo?


Reese’s peanut butter then

I dont i know you just pay your sub to be carried and to whine on the forums.

Thanks I’ll go ahead and apply

Of which you have failed to provide any proof.