Why not deal with minimal sharding?

You go ahead and stick you r fingers in your ears and go “NAH! NAH! NAH!” and ignore years of past history of Blizzard saying one thing and doing the exact opposite.

We get it. You want your convenience and do not care about the concerns others have.

Blizzard specifically said that the legendary cloak would not be needed to access Ordos once that quest chain was removed. How did that work out?

Blizzard said that CRZ’s would only be used for past expansion content and would not be used for current content. How did that work out?


I actually never asked for the convenience, but yeah whatever.

In any case yeah. I’m definitely on team “They aren’t going to shard the entire world so stop”.

After all. If I were truly a believer that a company was going to literally do everything diametrically opposed to what they claimed, I wouldn’t be a person that would follow this project in the first place. It wouldn’t make any sense to do so.

Everything PvE taught you is a lie. PvP is superior. You know this to be true. Search your feelings Matcauthon… PVP IS YOUR FATHER



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I played on PvP the first 4 years straight and interspersed after tg at.


The very nature of the glut was enough to encourage grouping. Kill count quests (troggs, boars, cats/bears/big boars, etc), troll boss quest, Yeti cave is more manageable in a group, not to mention the main troll caves for the spear chuckers and discovery quest. Being in a group can be HUGE at startup.

You could have saved time and just typed that.

They do not need to satisfy everyone. They need only make it as close to vanilla as orcishly possible. THAT should be the guiding principle, full :stop_sign:. Anyone not satisfied with it being guided by vanilla are welcome to allow the door to hit them on their large buttocks on the way out.

Again, those that cannot stomach a server startup are welcome to simply wait a day or two. In fact they would probably get to choose a brand spanking fresh add-on server in that time period as happened with vanilla at launch.

Why should we who have been asking for this for over 10 years compromise?


I can’t speak for him but I know the reason I will be playing on a PvE server. I have no desire to “dumb down” classic and I quite enjoyed my vanilla experience when playing on a PvE server because I didn’t have to come home from a #$^%%* day at work, sit down to relax and have fun playing the game, and have to deal with some wanna-be PvP hero getting his kicks out of ganking a lowbie. If I was in the mood for PvP action I could easily find it without having to deal with that garbage…

Also, sharding is an abomination.


The only thing Blizzard has shown that they are capable of doing is destroying any sense of continuity in their game. Do not let them include sharing. If a server dies, let it die! Sharding only serves to have a bunch of crappy servers limping along for the image of a healthy community without the community.


Temporary sharding is okay. If you dont want sharding, then go grab some snacks and stock up on your Dew cuz those queue times are going to be your next best friend.

Wait two hours as the queue ticks down to allow you in… finally get in, get dc’d and back into the queue you go… again… thats the World of Warcraft That You Play…

Tourists would leave, kinder would go night night, the impatient would cry on forums then go do WQs.

I will pass on sharding


I’ve waited for almost a decade for a good MMO; I can wait an hour or so for a launch day queue to cycle. No sharding


If you play on a PVE server the game is already dumbed down. Choosing when to play PVP is not PVP at all, it’s just carebear land. Choosing not to deal with the other participants of the game world is the real abomination, and is no different from sharding. If you play with people and not solo, then you would never get ganked by some PvP hero. Imagine the delight when you called in your Guild mates and spanked that nasty Horde player. That’s real fun! But yeah, if you just want to tuck your tail in between your legs and play solo without any real consequences, by all means play it your way.


No more than instancing. The community is still 100% intact. The difference is there on the same server and not pushed into 100’s if not 1000’s of servers. Which is going to divide the community more.

Except I still can’t see them.


In all cases, you can’t see them. What you are expecting is to see more than permitted.


Billy never exepcted to see Johnny if he was on a different server, but Billy and Johnny expected to see each other if they were on the same server and they were both in Northshire Abbey.

The same should be able to be expected in Classic, IMO.


The assumption you are making is Blizzard allowed Johnny to log in. Too many people = no Johnny.

No assumption made. Read my post. How could Johnny and Billy both be in Northshire Abbey if Johnny was not logged in?

Even if they played on the same server, Billy would never expect to see Johnny if Johnny was not logged in, whether Johnny was sitting in a queue or out seeing a movie with his wife.

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I intend to go pve, and I’m anti-sharting. If they do shoehorn in sharting, however, I can see myself rolling pvp.

I play games to unwind, to relax. Getting constantly ganked, or getting griefed on escorts is not relaxing. All day long I deal with people who will ruin my day just because they can, it’s called “real life”. I don’t want to deal with that in my fantasy life too. Sharting would allow me to just avoid that level 60 rogue who wants to corpse camp me.

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Ive always enjoyed the people who for whatever reason have decided amongst themselves that PvP ruleset is the only way to play the game.

Remember in Vanilla how PvE servers were labeled ‘Normal’ (indicating standard), and the others were PvP in this red warning text? Lol. Its wild how things change. They changed the labels, then over the years people got the idea that it was “meant” to be played this way or that way depending on their own personal bias.