Why not deal with minimal sharding?

Blizzard is only going to shard for the first week. I mean is this community so weak that it can’t handle one little week? Besides, heh, I don’t feel like competing for mobs and quest items anyway so sharding is good for me, heh. << one week later into Classic>> The servers cannot endure these events you classic gamers keep holding. Do you want the servers to crash? Of course your event was sharded. There is no choice but to shard because blizzard said so. Blizzard is love blizzard is life. If you don’t want your events to be sharded then don’t invite so many people. Besides, heh, these constant raids on STV are getting in the way of my questing. If I’m phased away from an enemy raid then I can farm in peace- that’s how I want to play anyway, heh. << some months into Classic>> Stop crying you pathetic #nochangers hah what a joke, of course Blizzard is sharding these world bosses. The epic videos you see of several guilds fighting over a pull are a thing of the past and never happened on my server. Blizzard has to shard these areas. Besides, heh, it’s easier for me and my guild to down these bosses without competition from rival guilds or the opposing faction, heh, heh, heh, heh.



sharding divides the community. that alone is enough reason for it to die quickly.


You give activision (I dont call them Blizzard anymore because they are not Blizzard) an inch they’ll take a mile. If we have sharding at all it will eventually leak into the rest of the game when we start WPVPing.


Exactly, and if you notice, the people supporting it are often in support simply because it serves their interests. They don’t like seeing a lot of people out in the world. They don’t like the wPvP interactions and they don’t like the competition. They’re sticks in the mud


PVE server die hard are the ones that want it. PVP and RPx players want real vanilla.


I think this is the first and only time RP and PvP players have bound arms in all of WoW’s history


[citation needed]

It will not help in that regard unless they shard like 10 people per shard.

There is no choice but to shard because $$$$

I read the rest and it reads like a troll or hyper sarcasm so I will simply leave you with a


as someone intending to play on a pve server, sharding sucks.


I believe the OP was, in your words, “hyper sarcasm”.

If I am correct, the OP is firmly against sharding, but is pointing out that if sharding is implemented, even for the “starting areas”, the demands for the convenience of sharding to extend beyond those starting areas will never cease.


All of the requests for sharding come from Raid Finder heroes or people without a single pvp achieve. They want classic to be some linear single player raid log game, just like BFA.

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You guys exist. You will never find PVP or I guess you could say RP(shudders internally) enthusiast, who wants sharding.

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Yes this is a satire post, brother

For the first 10 levels I dont see any difference or impact that sharding would have. There is zero reason to group up to that point.

It offers several benefits at launch especially with the increased playerbase that will be present. It’s also a cost effective method to buying new server boards for other servers. It eliminates login queues and helps with lag.

There will never be a decision made that will satisfy everyone. You will have to deal with some things that you dislike in order to get some things that you want.

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You will just have a questing bubble start at westfall, barrens, etc.

If they stuck a box price and separate sub for first 6 months it would be better. Tourists on launch will be lulzy. Get 2-3 home boys and take on some level 4s outside of the starter zone.


Does that mean that you will have no problem dealing with competition, log-in queues, Classic and BFA being released at the same time, using subservers (stable shards) that can be consolidated should the need arise, waiting a week or two for the initial rush to pass or another means of dealing with the initial rush.

Or, is it only people other than you that will have to deal with things they don’t like?


Not sure what you are trying to highlight here. Just seems like you are rambling about nothing.

Not rambling.

I’m just trying to point out that many of those that want the convenience of reduced competition that sharding provides are quick to tell those that oppose sharding that they will have to deal with some things that dislike or they can choose to wait until after the initial rush if they don’t want to deal with sharding.

Those same people, though, are unwilling to deal with things they do not like, such as “obstacles in their way”(all those other players in an MMO), log in queues, having to actually interact with other players and possibly group with them, having to be patient and wait, etc. They are also unwilling to wait to start playing until after the initial rush passes.

So, tell us all. Are you one of those people that expects those who oppose sharding to just suck it and deal with something we don’t like but are unwilling to deal with something that you don’t like?


Fesz gets it. We want our classic experience. Who are you people to say to us “there is no reason to group up at level 1” who do you think you are? Telling us how to play? Maybe I want to raid Ironforge at level 1. Maybe I want to farm boars until I get enough gold to start a guild and I’m grouping up with people in the starting zone, making friends, and finding soon-to-be guild mates.

Maybe YOU don’t group up with anyone before level 10. That doesn’t mean the rest of us should have to deal with your playstyle. We want the VANILLA PLAYSTYLE. And that requires zero sharding


If you think even for a second that people aren’t going to play classic just because they shard the starting areas for a few weeks at the beginning (Like they said they would) you are crazy.

In reality what will actually happen is the people upset by it will probably still log in to reserve their names. Then complain about it being a slippery slope here on the forums and call classic ruined… But this place will be a wasteland as everyone else will be too busy playing. Then after a while they will get tired of protesting to an empty room and play the damn game…

2 years in when guilds are wrestling with Naxx, no one will give a crap that the first two weeks were sharding Northshire Abby. It will be completely irrelevant.


Right and we will see what precedent is set by giving in to Blizzard’s abomination and forgery of what vanilla ought to be. Because it’s very likely Blizzard will find more and more reasons to limit our community experience per sharding beyond the starting zones at launch.

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