Why not deal with minimal sharding?

You call it convenience of reduced competition. I call it being able to log in and play the first 10 levels of the game without a wait. I could care less whatever they decide to do, not my call. If you feel that the first 10 levels of the game being sharded would ruin your experience, great keep that opinion. Mine is that it wont. We dont have to agree and I’ll be happy to do whatever is released. I would prefer sharding as I lived through the 2004 release but I’m not gonna moan around about it if it doesn’t happen, you know cause im an adult.

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Vanilla exists because adults groaned about retail. And we groaned enough that you and I will both enjoy Classic this coming summer. Don’t try to belittle our engagements here. If you really don’t care, then why comment? Why engage in the conversation at all? You definitely care enough to make your view known. Don’t play games with us. Stand with us to recreate the best of what the vanilla experience has to offer.


And the opposite is true.

If Blizzard does not use sharding, those who favor convenience above all else and see all those other players as nothing but obstacles in their way may come to the forums to complain, but those who desire a truer classic experience will be playing.

The difference is that those who desire a truer classic experience will be here for the long haul, IF Blizzard provides that truer classic experience. Those who are concerned only with their own convenience will not likely be playing for long, as Classic should NOT be about convenience.

Why should Blizzard even consider trying to cater to those that will not likely be playing for the long run at the expense of those who have been, for over a decade, requesting that Blizzard provide a truer classic experience?


“Slippery Slope” etc etc etc Surely the existence of starter zone sharding means that Blizz is foaming at the mouth to kill their free cash cow.


We will deal with the supposed abomination when we get there. If suddenly Blizzard decided to shard the entirety of classic then we will simply stop playing. Its not rocket science.

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That seems to answer my question.

As I suspected, you seem to be one of those that expects everyone else to “suck it up and deal with it” as long as you get the convenience that you want.


Excuse me sir. It’s not a fallacy. It’s not some slippery slope I made up on the fly. This conclusion comes from years of seeing Blizzard mess up our game. My caution is not due to paranoia- it comes from Blizzard’s behavior over these past 15 years. Don’t dismiss me so easily sir


Ok if me saying I’ll play whatever Blizzard decides to do sounds like suck it up and deal with it you probably should reread the post you just quoted.

Big fan of your posts. I’m not going to lie, I wish you would reconsider playing on a PVP server. PVE is not the way WOW should be played. You might as well support sharding, because what is the difference? There are no consequences when you play PVE, and most of the people that will be playing PVE are the same crowd who want to dumb down Classic. You seem like a nice enough person, and joining or creating a good guild shouldn’t be hard for you, which will make Classic PvP, even playing casual, a bloody good time. We would be glad to have you if you come to your senses. :wink:


Okay mister “I’m not gonna moan around about it if it doesn’t happen, you know cause im an adult.”

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I simply highlighted some reasons as to why sharding would be beneficial and I also gave some opinion. Glad we can disagree.

You tried to condescend to us. But that’s okay. Happy New Years!


Nah. See thats the difference. Sharding in the starter zones for a week or two is a make or break for some of you. It isn’t for the other side. If there’s no sharding Im not going to come to the forums to complain like you will if there is. We will just play regardless and enjoy the clustercluck. Its all in good fun. Its you guys who are stressed by this thing, not the rest of us. We can take it or leave it.

Whether its in or not doesn’t really matter to me.

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Excuse me, I get the impression this would be your response to any changes Blizzard decided to make. Your submissive argument can be used to defend any change. Imagine if blizzard decided they’d add transmog. Wouldn;t you be annoyed if someone said to you “transmog is a make or break for you. The rest of us will play regardless and enjoy the clustercuck. It’s all good fun. I’m apathetic and don’t have the confidence to stand up to blizzard for a genuine vanilla experience.” Because that’s what you’re saying to us. And I must say I find it annoying. If Blizzard doesn’t get this right, private servers will continue to exist since they offer what Blizzard does not- vanilla WoW.


Then it makes sense even more sense for Blizzard to abstain from sharding since it’s not a make or break for you (and Blizzard likely has your money already anyway)m while those who desire a truer Classic experience will likely continue to withhold their money if Blizzard does not provide that truer Classic experience.

Does it really make sense for Blizzard to shard in an effort to try to cater to those who are concerned only with their own convenience and who are likely already subscribing and risk alienating those who have been requesting a truer classic experience and who they are trying to win back?


Blizzard has lied multiple times about CRZ and sharding on live. Why would you trust them?


This isnt worth responding to because my post history will reveal how I feel about every specific issue. Including Transmog, LFG, Item trading, debuff slots, achievements, population caps and more.

Nah, Im not into transmog for classic, but Im indifferent about a couple weeks of sharding in zones I leave after 30 minutes and never revisit. You can slippery slope the discussion all you want, it isn’t going to change the facts on the ground. Most players won’t mind this, even though they would prefer not to have it.

If the price for Classic is a regular sub cost, temporary sharding in starting areas and loot trading, then so be it. I can live with those. But I can also live without them. Other things like Mogging, Dungeon Finder, are my dealbreakers. Those are much more severe, but I cant be so easily led to believe that temporary sharding automatically means they will ruin classic with dungeon finder “because I didn’t fight them hard enough” that sounds like standard gamer chicken little nonsense.

And don’t even get me started on private servers. If those are what you are talking about you ruin your own point. Those are more inaccurate than classic will ever be. The entire PServer bestiary has incorrect armor and resist values on every mob in the game because they don’t have access to that data… They literally guessed on every single one. Then they dont have properly working dynamic icons for stuff like summoning water/bread, or accurate pathing. Hell most of them manually modify dungeons to make them harder to farm which is hilariously un-blizzlike. They have trash pings for americans because they are all in EU and hacky trash coding causes constant issues with draw distance and location updating. Even Blink for mages is wonky and unblizzlike on most of them. If you care about accuracy I have no idea why you would weigh the duct taped together private servers to actual Blizzard data. Its not even close, 7.3 client or not.

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honestly pve vs pvp is still up in the air.


You are so nihilistic. Listen, if League of Legends or some other free MMORPG game said they needed to shard or do something that would limit the community appeal but save money for the company, then I would understand. But you and I are prepared to PAY MONTHLY for this game. It should be made to our satisfaction. You keep obsessing that this is a small potatoes slippery slope argument. If you really believe that then you have not been paying attention over the years.

Did you check out the video in my initial post? Imagine you were questing near someone and before you could message them the character disappeared from your screen. That is BS and you know it.

And on your last point(s) on private servers I’ll take your word for it. Sure they technically got a lot of things wrong, but the community aspect was there. I remember seeing Nostalrius posts on facebook with thousands people people waving in a single frame. If sharding is allowed, not only will this not happen, but we won’t even know it’s not happening since sharding/phasing can sometimes be extremely subtle. That’s not a good thing and you know it.


I cannot remember anyone saying that “temporary sharding automatically means they will ruin classic with dungeon finder”. What we are saying is that " ‘temporary’ sharding" will, in all probability, not be temporary judging from Blizzard’s history with regards to saying one thing and doing the exact opposite. " ‘Temporary’ sharding" will in all probability become permanent and world wide.

You say that transmog and dungeon finder are deal breakers for you (even though others may want them or simply not see them as deal breakers). You want to deride those who see artificially segmenting the population by a means that even Blizzard admits is antithetical to vanilla as a deal breaker, though, just because you “can live with” the convenience that sharding provides?


I want to deride those who see starter area sharding as specifically suggested as automatically meaning full world sharding when they explicitly stated they know that wont work and that there can only ever be One Kazzak per server.

Those are the ones I’m laughing at here. All of you trying to literally take the words out of their mouths and twist it into the absolute opposite message are wasting your time. You aren’t convincing anyone but yourselves, and the rest of everyone else isn’t ever going to agree with you and freak out alongside you about this imaginary incoming apocalypse.