Why not deal with minimal sharding?

That’s a good point. I think it is personal bias. However, there are experiences you will have on a pvp vanilla server that you just won’t find on any other game in the world. And we feel sad for our vanilla-loving peers who have not yet tasted what a vanilla pvp server is like. Some of the people on this thread have played on both and that’s just fine.

Only if you were lucky enough to be in a different shard than that 60 rogue. I’ve seen at least one thread in GD in which the OP was being corpse camped by a high level player. When they logged onto their main, their main was in a different shard. When that player logged back onto their alt, they were still in the same shard as the camper.


Are you so weak that you can’t handle zero sharding? 50 DKP minus!


I’ve played on both types.

I started on a PVP server and leveled mutiple characters to max on that server before TBC was launched. I know full well what a PVP server means.

Late in vanilla, I and some friends made alts on a PVE server. The difference was night and day.

To this day, I still play in both environments, although now those environments warmode on and warmode off. Which environment I choose on any given day depends on my mood. Do I want the “danger” or do I feel like just getting done what I want to get done.

I care nothing about the increased rewards for having warmode turned on. In fact, I wish they would eliminate all those rewards. I never got extra rewards for playing on that PVP server. Why should I get extra rewards simply because turned warmode on?

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Really? I haven’t played retail w/ sharding. I’ve only played games w/ similar systems where you could manually switch, either with a /slash command or by joining groups with someone.

I laughed a little bit to hard at that. :+1:

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If there is a way to choose your shard in WoW, I’m not aware of it.

As far as I know, even grouping with other players does not guarantee a specific shard, only that your group will be in the same shard.

I’ve been invited to groups and been “ported” to the shard they were in and I’ve been invited to groups and had the group “ported” to the shard I was in.

I’ve invited players to groups and been ported to the shard they were in and I’ve invited players to groups and seen them ported to the shard I was in.

I’ve seen it work both ways, regardless of which player did the inviting, or how large the already existing group was.

Happened to me in legion logged onto main to get gankers but was sharded on every max level character I logged on, while same camper was still there in my alts shard.
5 different max level toons in high mountain couldn’t phase into same shard.

True there shouldn’t be a reward, kinda like how bgs use to not give people when they lose 200% increase honor or mercenary mode.

I have been in groups where people were in different shards which was strange in legion and bfa, kinda sucks when more then half the raid is in a different shard and your by yourself.

Well seeing how blizzard mention something about sharding crowded areas, that makes me worry about aq event and pvp events.
Having people who are on your realm right next to you visible is important, it wasn’t fun to be on a pvp realm with cross realm.
I hope world defense returns and no sharding on pvp realms.

I definitely support sharding in the first week of play. The upsides simply far outweigh the downsides.

I think I suport shrding in very very severe server stability situations as well. I have no doubt that popular streamers have the ability to mass recruite level one raids to the point where they literally crash the server. At some point I think you need to shard these random terrorists out and let the server stay afloat. There is no harm in having 300 gnomes raid hoger, but 3,000 or some number that disrupts the community that is interested in non gimic activities is unacceptable in my eyes.

I do not support sharding in any level 60 content or world bosses. If the sever crashes, then it crashes, and thats life.

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You don’t know this.


If you can’t handle competition and think other players killing “your mobs” is an inconvenience you should go and play single-player games instead of an MMO…

Plays an MMO > Complains about the very thing that defines an MMO. The mind boggles.

Classic really isn’t (and shouldn’t be) intended for people with a go-go mentality like yours.


Sharding ruins the immersion. It makes Azeroth feel fake as opposed to being a cohesive world.


if they impliment sharding i wont play

if they start changing classic wow

i wont play


you wont need to compete for mobs if you group up with 4 other people that is the reason some people dont want sharding.

with sharding thats 4 people i didnt meet and 4 people i dont level with the first 10 levels are probably the worst place to add sharding

ps also as long as sharding exists in starting zones i can use it and gank lowbies by hoping in and out of shards and essentialy never get killed.

people are already doing this infront of major cities

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I’m starting to wonder if any one actually replying played Vanilla during launch. It was a debacle, nobody could log in steadily for weeks. Once you finally logged in you could lag out or crash and have to wait back in another login queue. It has nothing to do with “players killing my mobs” nada. It has everything to do with actually being able to play. I cant kill a mob if I cant log in.

Because of this launch issue it forced several of my friends and I onto separate servers because we just wanted to play. I remember this like it was yesterday. So when they say hey lets have minimal sharding at launch I’m all about it because I lived through that terrible experience before.

It will last longer than a day or two as evidenced by above. Just do a google search. Most of you probably didn’t play during launch to experience this. I know this is why Blizzard is wanted to shard for a little while. It’s not about taking mobs or convenience its about actually being able to enjoy the game in its first few weeks.

its been over 14 years i think we can find another way to deal with this that isnt sharding.
its similar to how pservers still have these issues it was a tech issue.

i get that and ive dealt with that my first server was selected for me by blizzard.

however they must have a better way to deal with it than sharding this is a 7 billion dollar company im sure they can find a better way.

edit : i remember the computer i started playing wow on wouldnt be able to use a web browser from today. i think they can find a way.


I get that they are a multi billion dollar company. This is what they have selected to do (as stated by Ian at Blizzcon). This also isnt a suggestion, this is straight from the horses mouth. I get that you feel it might ruin your experience a little bit, but you wont have an experience if you can’t log in (and those queues were hours long btw).

Because this is the internet and if you’re not taking some minor thing and exaggerating it wildly in a rhetorical attempt to get your way, you’re doing it wrong.

Tne login server has absolutely nothing to do with sharding. And yes, many if us absolutely were there when vanilla realms were starting up.

Again, sharding and queues are completely unrelated.


You are only half correct here. Yes they are separate servers but there needs to be a spot open to place a person on said server. If no spot is open on the server you go in line. Sharding allows access to the server eliminating the hours of waiting by simply taking the overflow and putting them on a shard.

Because #NoChanges. Do you even WoW, bro?