Why nerfing the experience gained from Timewalkings ? Shadowlands leveling is NOT FUN

Blizzard should want me to hit level sixty ASAP.

I’m not buying WoW tokens for raid and dungeon boosts when I’m still slogging through leveling.


When did they do that? Honest question. My DH went from about 40% in 55 to 60 in 2 dungeons today. I never saw 56 and suddenly 57. And never saw 58-59 but bam, Im 60.

That should tell you who still runs the show despite Allan walking out.


We should commend blizzard for nerfing this, and forcing people to go through the 5 hours of leveling via the same old quests! Most definitely.


damn how sad is your life you keep defending this


You’re obviously trolling. Or have 1 character maxed out.

Leveling up to 50 characters takes ages with the current expansion. Also your ‘desmephisto’ guide is wrong in one thing. He was geared and is geared with really good stuff from BFA going into Shadowlands that increase the leveling speed by a LOT.

Also you’re defending a lost cause here. Nobody here but you wants to see the 10-12 hours leveling time stay. I can understand vanilla players being mad over the fact it took them 12 days /played back then, but that isn’t ours to suffer for. It wasn’t optimized for alts back then, and sadly still isn’t today.

Having to pass more then 100 hours just leveling when I can play 5 hours a day and I raid 3 days a week For 3 hours each as well as doing my keys and dailies every day, and that being only for half of the characters I currently have 50 (10/19)…… its completely stupid. I can pass maybe an hour leveling at most every day, and even then there is not much to be done in an hour on a character.

Your point of « hard work » has no value when the hard work I put into leveling is having 19 characters to level through a repetitive, annoying, boring, stupidly awful and scuffed leveling system.

Most of the player base prefers the end game content, rarely will there be people like you saying they enjoy leveling, and even less current leveling.

I bet the rmt booster hacks are happy with the nerf lol. GG blizz.

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I managed to get four toons to 60 last night with the TW dungeons. My time runs out in about 4 days (I unsubbed for entirely different reasons just prior to the lawsuit coming to light) and I was thinking of resubbing if I could get more toons to 60.

Oh well.


I’m right there with you on that one, I got to play with my friends who were excited to level because of this but my sub runs out in about 6 days. I probably won’t resub because I just feel like blizzard just don’t listen anyway. If you look at the forums there are at least like 4 threads like this but I doubt it will change anything.


The leveling itself is a breeze compared to everything you start doing at 60. How many hours will you spend on trying catch up with the renown? I’m sure someone recently have leveled to 60 and caught up with the renown. How long did that take? Then you have the legendaries, choregast etc to do. I’m sure you can skip out on a lot of stuff it really depends on what you’ll be doing on the new alt.

I just find the whole leveling procedure so pointless in wow these days, they got plenty of ridiculous systems in place at 60 to create a “new” leveling experience anyway.

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Dude its really fast. Are people really complaining about how long it takes to level? Leveling is so easy right now.

No. It was fixed because a bean counter realized it was cutting into revenue from paid character boosts.

How sad is yours that you are so miserable about the game, yet here you are discussing it?

I have more than one at max, and the leveling process isn’t that bad.

19? You’ve got some duplicate classes there, why would you level multiples of a class up?

Spending all your time spamming dungeons is a super quick way to burn out and get sick of the game. Plus, aren’t the vanilla zealots always complaining about “mah wurld feelz empty wow iz ded. thx lfg 4 runeing tha gayme”

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Right, because that’s the longest leveling experience, while everybody was doing WoD via Chromie Time quest loops before and accomplishing the same thing.

FYI: Timewalking is still the fastest way to level to 50-60. Sure, it’s longer than 20-30 minutes now, but it’s still in an absurdly short amount of hours.

why would they let you circumvent time played?! its a key metric?! jeez lol

running through the same poorly designed zones again and again is worse

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A group of friends were going to run heaps of timewalking to level alts. After this nerf, we will not be doing timewalking. Rather not play. This game is meant to be fun, not a bore chore

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That word. It made me literally lol. I must add it to my repertoire.