Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Only realistic counter would probably be hunter.

Much pally cope. imagine being concerned with balance at lvl 25 when you’re gonna spend like 4-5 more weeks there max.

Youre delusional if you think its gonna get easier or even possible to counter druid cats abusing sunfire just because they increase the level cap, if anything it will get worse.

Insane tool kit? Are you joking? What “toolkit” do we have currently?

You basically have a level 60 toolkit at 25 and you’re complaining?
Give me a break dude.


I think the daze was pretty busted and it was fun while it lasted. However my favorite part is reading all the seething that goes on here whenever Paladins are good at anything aside from wearing dresses and healing. Especially that whiny warrior that is in every single Paladin related thread filling a pool with his tears.

If you’re upset that Paladins can actually PvP and DPS now, go back to era.

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roots and natures grasp or vice versa and preheal before the ret gets to you and go in bear form and get away when freedom is on CD also on top of horde warstomp to give you room to do any of that. You can counter ret no matter how much you want to make it seem like you cant but you cant counter some druid cat abusing sunfire.

You’re either new to classic or never played a druid. Hunter is a counter, yes. But the absolute hardest counters are Locks, Priests, and especially Shamans.

Holy Paladins will also literally never die to Druids in later phases.

this guy really hates druids. even hid is “pls nerf druids” rhetoric in a “dont nerf pallies thread”


Druids in cat form will be unplayable and worthless if they cant abuse sunfire, what was i thinking. They have already nerfed rets this is just one of the reasons why its annoying, rets get crusader strike and divine storm then people cry about how theres no counter (which isnt true) so druids in cat form should be able to abuse sunfire and lay the foundation for anything else in the future to be abused based on the fact that paladins are given tools they desperately needed to not be a meme spec in classic wow and considered worthless by most of the community.

1 min cd, cant spam. Again, word doesnt mean what you think.

mini stuns

Bro if youre losing to someone using Seal of Justice with a 2h thats a skill issue. Full stop. And before you even say it, Seals dont work with Crusader Strike and ive never seen one proc off Divine Storm either so im damn near 100% they dont work with DS either.

It takes you 20 seconds to get away from someone that cant snare you? Do you have Walk toggled?

Avengers Shield change was a bug fix. Not a nerf.

i mean they already are useless if they are spamming sunfire in cat form. does like literally 0-1 burst damage. i guess its good if… the person begin sunfired is not attacking and just trying to run?? but at that point any class is good if someone is just running lmao

You clearly dont know what youre talking about, sunfire in cat form is a 30 yard ability that can be spammed using energy and there is no way for a ret to get to them or away from them, you can try to heal the dmg but you will eventually go oom while the druid can keep casting sunfire forever at no risk. There is no counter to druids spamming sunfire even for warriors, intercept is 25 yards and rogues shadow strike is a little easier but its a 25 yard ability as well. i dont think shamans would struggle with druids abusing sunfire either but i cant say to be honest.

Avengers shield was like barely ok in the current meta, priests just dispel the slow.

Op sounds like he only cares about 1v1 in ashenvale

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Imagine thinking that Classic PVP is anything but advanced paper, scissors, rock. You’re not intended to beat every class, so perseverating on 1 specific druid tactic is a waste of your time. Their whole schtick is to run when things go south.

It’s only lvl 25, druid is very strong early and starts to be normalized once other classes can actually deal damage. While they are good, there is a reason you don’t see tons of druids wining 1v1 tournaments at 60. Go reroll a druid and cry about how you cant counter X.

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This is typical ret paladin brain. “I cant beat every class in a 1v1, gonna go cry on the forums.”

Never change, guys.


Nowhere did i say i should be able to beat every class. The issue is they arent running when things go south they sit and max range and abuse an ability that has no counter to it without a gap closer.

Which you still might get as we unlock more runes over the next few phases. I dunno maybe the gap closer makes sense being on a rune that you apply to your boots…? Good Greif cry harder about lvl 25 balance. The pally cope is real.

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Lol youre so pretentious its almost palpable. Spamming sunfire as a feral cat melee unit is broken and if they want to fight they should have to do it in melee range.

The irony of your first sentence. :clown_face: