Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

I’m 100% behind fixing sunfire so it can’t be cast in cat form too. It looks like a bug/oversight to me as well.


Its literally the only reason why i dont like this change, you cant get to the druid when their in cat form spamming sunfire at max range and it just so cheap to spam one ranged ability to win a fight as a melee unit. That being said i do hope they give rets a way to counter this or they nerf druids sunfire but avengers shield was a perfect counter. Right now this change just leaves things open ended to where druids have something that has no counter to it.


That word doesnt mean what you seem to think it means. AS has a 10 second duration, 30s cd, for a maximum of 33% uptime. It is also dispellable.

Like i said, 99.9% of you will be back here crying because a Ret violently rearranged your insides by 5 PM EST today. You cant help yourselves. You cant not cry about Ret anytime it does something besides helplessly chase you before flopping dead without touching your health bar.

You think this is a nerf? Should have been playing hunter :joy: this is just fixing an ability to work as any other snare in the game works.


They’re good tanks and dps.
Not the top, but not bad.

As a long time classic pala enjoyer I am happy with the current state.
Though I’ll have to reconsider how to face druids.

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It was a bug lol

When it comes to druids theres nothing you can do if they abuse sunfire in cat form.

That’s how classic pvp works. Sometimes there’s counters to your class and you have to play smart and not just run at the target. It was still a bug and should work the same as any other snare.

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Cat form and bear form being able to cast sunfire is definitely not a bug, the tool tip gives them the ability in those forms as well. Bear isn’t spammed because it costs 20 rage which is pretty rough/bad. Cat is spammable because it costs 40 energy so it “technically” has a four second cd because energy ticks 20 per 2 seconds.

I would literally rather have a actual cooldown on the spell and have it turned into an aoe spreader like retail though. It’s being totally blown out of proportion though. A geared pally/warrior has probably 1200hp unbuffed and sunfire hits for 60 on avg, and wsg apparently has damage reduction baked into the mode so now even less.

A Paladin trying to chase after a Druid is definitely playing himself though. Send a hunter after them. Counters exist.

Yeah there’s a reason it was originally placed at the bottom of the prot tree.


Avenger’s Shield was bugged. It never was intended to be an unremovalable slow, and never operated like that in any other version of the game.

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Its not all about WSG but it still is something thats abused, in WPVP a druid with sunfire in cat form engaging on you has no counter even more so when they eventually get dash and cheetah form. You could counter Ret even without the change but you cant counter a feral druid abusing sunfire.

well, if it’s not a bug, it’s a terrible design decision :expressionless: like, why should only sunfire be able to be cast in cat/bear form? why not literally every other spell too? lol. make healing touch cost 50 energy or whatever. let’s go nuts :clown_face:

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What is the current feral druid’s counter in the open world though?

Nah, just needs to be either ‘melee range’ or 5yrds.

…but, instead, they’ll probably nerf the damage into the ground. Because that’s how Blizzard ‘balances’ things these days. :unamused:

Yeah, i agree. Might as well give druids everything in cat form because theres no way im going to be able to get to them and if i do theyll just use their insane toolkit to get away.

Or just add mana cost to the sunfire.

Hunters, Locks, Priests, and Shamans.

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Why can’t my slow moving class hard counter the most mobile class in the game, the thread

Hunter kills them, warrior with warbringer can have a chance to kill them when they step in for a sunfire because perfect range is not always going to happen for the druid, warlock can rot them. A priest will literally never die to them as well.

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You throw your skill shield swap out to 2 hander and spam your justice, CS, divine storm macro and keep your little mini stuns going. If the person does get 20 yards away, your skill shield will be off cd and you can just hit them again and waddle over to them and repeat.

Don’t count on it.