Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Wait, what! LOL are you Serious?
Entangling Roots are like a 2 second cast and aren’t worth using cause they break as fast as they go on. NG I have to spec in to. 5 CP to make it a sure thing. And you have to be in melee range so IF it goes off you’ll just Hoj the Druid. Rejuv ticks heal me on my Druid for 46, regrowth for 37. Pretty impressive huh? Warstomp… A 2 second stun… Again, impressive. I know

Hate to point out the obvious but, Okay Mr. LOH heal to full, HOJ heal again, Bubble heal to full, Freedom, Cleanse, Skill Shield, CS, Seal, Divine Storm.
And you want to complain about one spell one bad druid is spamming a few times max before they are energy starved?


Youre a clown. How it a bad thing for me to say the way druids are using sunfire is being abused and has no counter?

The counter is to have a healer ocassionally spot you.

Because thats what they do. This is wow classic.

Figure it out

It has counters, is why you are a clown. Hunters, Walocks, Priests, Shams.

I don’t think classic is for this guy. He should stick to retail tbh.


To all of those things there still are counters, there is no counter for druids abusing sunfire and its not “spamming it a few times before they are energy starved” they spam it until you die, trying to insinuate energy regen is a problem is funny though.

Completely agree. Dude is looking for balance in classic… nah bro, things have counters… its rock paper scissors.

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to all of those things there still are counters, there is no counter for druids abusing sunfire and its not “spamming it a few times before they are energy starved” they spam it until you die, trying to insinuate that energy regen is an issue is funny though.

Bro, you don’t have an answer to every class/spec and you shoudn’t. There is no counter play for YOU. If you’re out here looking for 1v1 balance changes you’re fried out of your mind. Just accept that there will be people that you will not be able to beat simply because you just DONT.


It’s a scenario. Bro

Guess you missed the part where I started the sentence with “IF the person”. How about we test it in open world on your 25. I’m down to see how the new changes take effect? Who is your 25 in game? What server?

If OP is this bent out of shape about Druids, can you imagine how he’s going to feel in phase 2 when Ele Shamans come online lol? Bro is gonna stress his hair clean off his head.


yummy pally tears


I cant imagine him trying to walk towards a shaman before they 1 shot him and he comes straight here to the forums screaming about 1v1 balance in classic lmao.

Alliance truely has no clue whats coming to them…

they can enjoy their 75% win rate ashenvales with their broken paladins and server advantage…

Just wait for chain lightning and 2 second overload LBs + lava burst. They are literally going to melt.


Your reading comprehension is awful. Hunters, Shamans, Locks, and Priests counter that strategy. It has counters, they just arent currently in the Paladin toolkit. Welcome to classic.


Yeah that doesn’t sound fun at all.

Dont chase them and hide around LOS, nerd.


just out burst them bro they do trash damage. they cant shift forever. ferals have like 1k mana thats less then 4 shifts.

you keep bringing up this nonsensical niche problem of not being able to run from a feral.

like i said. anyone. running. away. will. die. if. you. dont. fight. back.


No way bro druids can absolutely shift for 286 mana with a 1100 mana pool OVER A DOZEN TIMES BEFORE DYING
