Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Making a snare effect behave like every other snare effect in the game isn’t “nerfing” anything. It’s just fixing a bug.

Moving on

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You don’t understand the game then…

Doubtful. You can’t keep people in a infinite slow anymore to mash your three button rotation.

Its called priests

Of course you don’t offer a counter argument because there isn’t one. Without exception paladins are currently the best overall class in the game.

Priests …like i said you dint understand the game

My Ret still has a crazy decent toolkit, especially considering we’re only lv25.

10 sec freedom with only 20 sec cd - Avengers shield burst + daze (AS crit wrecks people) - bubble, LoH, best stun in the game, great damage with DS + seal crits.

I cant believe some pallies are actually complaining right now lol.

Priest is not overall better than paladin. A priest is a better healer but not even close to paladins in regards to dps or tanking. Perhaps you should think before you post and save yourself the embarrassment. Cheers!

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They got rid of Martyr cleave even before SOD was released and they wont let us seal twist Martyr and Command, now they get rid of the only way to counter druid cheesing sunfire in cat form. Lol they even nerfed paladins back in vanilla classic before TBC classic by making reckoning so bad. They will nerf paladins even more just wait, people crying about how avengers shield was broken because they were slowed for once by a paladin but then say having no way to counter feral catform spamming sunfire until you die isnt broken.

Agreed. However priests are much more sought after, purely because of their healing capabilities.

Ret/holy pallies arent even in the top 3 sought after specs in either PvE or PvP.

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The priest is very powerful at level 25 anyway. It’s almost parsing as high as hunter pets in BFD.

Our cleave is fine. We need a slight single target buff for PvE DPS.

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Paladin tank lol. For both pve and pvp priests are by far the best class ig. Paladins have ret thats a little above avg. Go check logs and representation. Maybe pvp a little instead of zug zug ashenvale tag an npc and move on…

Yeah ret is defs about average, maybe a pinch above. Warrior/rogue/hunter is dominating in comparison.

This is true, holy priests are highly desirable healers at the moment. But the ONLY thing priests are allowed to do is heal :slight_smile:

This is because of the saturation of paladins though. I have seen very few alliance raids that had fewer than 3 paladins which means groups have to seek out the buffs and such for other classes. This is not because paladins are weak dps or healers.

Nah we’re defs not weak in any department. We aren’t at the top either but I’m happy with what we have, could be much worse.

Only for healing, paladins overall are objectively better. Paladin tanks are bis in BFD and in almost every alliance raid group. In fact alliance raids are averaging 3 paladins per group while groups across both factions are averaging 1 priest. There is no argument against this attempting to say other wise is being obtuse.

This was my point. Simply that paladins will be just fine with the AS change. Glad you are enjoying yourself. Cheers!

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Spoken like someone who doesnt know what theyre talking about.

The ability is literally the same as the wrath ability, even the daze

Its crazy how biased some people are, theyll say avengers shield was so broken but there was at least still counter play but when i bring up how the main issue i have with the change to avengers shield is that druids abuse sunfire they say its fine to get kited by a feral cat using energy to spam a 30 yard ability with no counter. Say whatever you want about avengers shield but it wasnt nearly as broken as sunfire cheese in cat form. At the very least druids shouldnt be able to shift out of it.

this. some code monkey obviously made it apply the wrong “daze” effect :expressionless: it was always supposed to be like concussive shot, not the mob daze when they hit you from behind.