Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

LoS? People can shoot you through mountains and giant trees, this game doesnt have nearly as many relevent objects to LoS with as you seem to claim. The counter to something shouldnt be to have a baby sitter for something like sunfire being abused by druid.


sounds like you gotta get good then homeskillet

The fix to AS is just that. A fix. What was to stop the druid from rooting you (BoF only does so much lifting), bear backhanding you, and then running away while AS was on CD.

“But I can’t beat them.” Maybe LoS them? Or…ya know…run away. – Which is what I tell other classes complaining how a Paladin 3v1’ed them with Bubbling and Healing. RUN AWAY. Don’t just stand there like a marmot and wonder why you’re at the GY after wailing on the Paladin to the tune of “IMMUNE”.

Twisting is just a ‘legal’ exploit (you really going to sit there and say it was the dev’s intent to allow TWO seals to be up at the same time???). It’s like Animation Cancelling in ESO; not intended but also not fixed. – Though, in Twisting’s case, it was fixed.

yeah, honestly, anyone using avenger’s shield over rebuke? kinda a bit of a scrub imo. At best you were meming on fotm. Sure, shield slapped a good chunk, but the slow being unbreakable? obvious bug, anyone who expected it to last was lying to themselves, and the THREE gcds to pull it off if you were already in combat? nah fam, that’s not it. Hell, I’d rather exorcism, at least then you can use it for some pushback while you close distance on a caster, or cancel bandages while you’re bubbled

Far more important to have a kick available to interrupt those imprtant casts

Now, if you’re actually healing in bgs, avengers shield is actually pretty sick, because it gives you some kiting potential on up to 3 melee who are trying to dogpile you


It’s imbalanced because it can’t be removed by movement impairing effect removal like literally every other snare in the game. People couldn’t even PvP trinket out of it. That was fixed. Now people are crying.

The irony.


It wont keep them from dying to Paladins. Theyll be back crying some more this afternoon.

You dont know what youre talking about if you think rebuke or exorcism is better than avengers shield in pvp even after this change. Rebuke is the weakest kick in the game and you have to use a rune to get it, it only locks you out of casting that spell school for 2 sec (rogue is 5 sec and warrior is 4 sec) on a 10 sec cd on a gcd which gives you one second to do anything after. Exorcism is such a low IQ ability to take over avengers shield because it offers no utility compared to a slow which rets need badly. Its funny you mention the two runes that are good in pve but trash in pvp and you dont even mention inspiration exemplar which would be the only rune to take over avengers shield in some situations.

I main a ret and literally dont see any issues with this. It’s a fix. It was broken.

Druids can shift out of the slow, woopty doo. It’s still a handy slow to have against other classes.

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SoD gave paladings TWO PvP runes in their leg slot, a kick, and an AOE fear ward.

and YET… 99% of paladins chose avengers shield.

That tells you that its incredibly broken… players opted to use a PvE rune over 2 PvP runes in PvP… a 10 second slow that without a priest you are F’d.

Was so dumb. Thank god they nerfed it. Next they need to nerf the duration down to 5/6 seconds.


acting like blizz hates paladins… we are not bad. The daze was really nice to have, especially on a 30 seconds CD and needing to swap to a shield. but they should have just reduced the daze length imo. or reduce the CD on AS now. But then they also need to buff the Exorcism rune to keep up with the AS damage.

As a holy paladin, this change feels terrible and of course, hpal just feels bad. But its expected for another couple phases. I will just stick to my alts until I can main my hpal without feeling like I am the worst at almost everything.

My main issue with the change is that it was the only way to counter druids spamming sunfire in catform at 30 yards using energy, now if youre ever caught out by a druid you have no way of getting away or to the druid. People say use swiftness pots but its just an arms race of who has what if the druid has a swiftness pot and eventually druids will get dash anyway so saying use a swiftness pot is so shortsighted.

Dude, this happens to every class… its just how it is against druids. Get over it. Most classes have this same exact issue. It simply is what it is.


As a fellow paladin enjoyer, I say nerf them to the ground. Make paladins put on the dress. Holy is the only spec paladins should be viable as. Give them the hunter treatment.


It was taken, but because the kick is melee range. (personally, as hpal it feels terrible to use, especially for a 2 sec lockout), the tremor is nice, but only against priests and warrs basically.

AS was good because it let me actually feel useful by being able to AS a group on my FC then give them freedom. Especially since I have ZERO insta casts, cant bop, and if I try to heal, I will most likely get a 10 second lockout from a mage on the other team.

Hpal is dog right now and it doesn’t feel good to lose the one thing that felt like I could make a difference. But once again, that is just an hpals perspective. I know rets have really good damage right now and this was stupid for them to have as well.

and yeah, hpal is the bottom of the healer list, so ofc I know what I rolled, but I was hoping i could find some niche with shockadin eventually. But seeing every other class do everything I can do but better hurts.

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Every healer not named priest is dog right now.

Shamans are garbage… so its completely fine that Hpals are garbage too.

Nobody can stand up to priests right now… is what it is.

They should add the silence from avenger’s shield then. Makes cents

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Wonderful idea.

You understand druids can get away from every single melee right? It’s not just rets…

Warrior charge > Hamstring > Druid shifts hamstring and keeps running.

Not to mention if you DO get within 10 yards you can HOJ them, which is the best stun in the game right now.

With all of that being said, it’s SoD Lv25 bro, it’s not to be taken seriously. If you want pvp that’s more balanced, you need to play retail. This isn’t the game for you.


I would love to see that since it is on a 30 second CD as well. plus you need to swap to the shield and in combat, its a gcd on both ends.

Paladins are objectively the strongest overall class in the game currently, I think they will be just fine.