Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Raiding and large scale PvP. I.e Battleground. Although the latter is a bit iffy.

SoD isn’t designed around anything. It’s more or less just a testbed for future seasons. See what works and what doesn’t. Hell, the phases almost perfectly mirror Classic beta.

I’ve had other Druids spam it on me. I’ll use it in a rotation. But, I don’t “spam” it.

They’re still insane at basically everything in the game. They could get nerfed significantly harder and they’d still be monsters.

I highly recommend making one cause they’re stupendously strong. TBH I encourage everyone, if you think something is OP just go make one.

You’ll either get humbled, or you’ll know you were right, and then Blizz will see “Oh dang, the class population is way outta wack.” Then they’ll nerf it.

If the Horde could make paladins, the forums would be on FIRE with nerf pally threads. I mean half the population doesn’t have to deal with them as enemies in classic.


After playing SOD i feel all this buff and debuff will end up go back to original in LVL 60. I feel classic it is never meant to be in phase. Just saw the video about spell dmg and melee dmg is crazy and all spell power dmg gear is only in raids. which makes a huge dmg difference with melee and caster, anyway SOD will be broken until till level 60 phase.

Care to explain rogues then?

I have no idea what druids were intended to do.

I have no idea what warlocks were intended to do rather than stomp every other class, felt like they were just designed for PvP.

I don’t think any class was designed with rolls in PvP at all.

I agree, delete hunters and buff penance.

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“Not true, its a daze so it makes sense.” So is concussive shot, player dazes and mob dazes are intentionally different. Buy some swiftness potions to close the gap with the cat. Welcome to warrior life.

It’s a lazy spell that shouldn’t have been put in. But while we’re talking about those kinds of things why the actual f*&k are Paladins now able to use exorcism on players. Season of Retail.

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nerf rets
nerf hunters


Lol get nerfed ret noobs


I’m confused. Is this sarcasm or…?

Starsurge hits way harder than Avenger Shield and is on a 6 sec CD. That’s how.


If Paladin gets hard countered and dies with zero chance to fight back it’s “just rock-paper-scissors”.

If Paladin has an ability that let’s them get close enough to swing a weapon and kills someone it’s imbalanced and has to be nerfed.

The bias of people is truly impressive sometimes.


How is a Prot Palaidn ability getting fixed a nerf to Rets?


Pretty funny to say just get a swiftness pot but it just turns into an arms race of who has more of something but even then at least warriors will have intercept and be able to spam hamstring. I pop a swiftness so they pop a swiftness just to be able to abuse something like sunfire and they wont even need a swiftness pot to get away when they get dash at 26 lol. Rets should have a way to keep druids from abusing the sunfire rune with something like judgment of justice from tbc/wrath but with how the runes are right now avengers shield balanced things out because it gave a chance for rets to get to druids. Its cringe to see people trying to sell the idea that just because a ret gets on top of you it means you die which isnt true while having others tell you to just pop a swiftness pot for your hp to drained by the time you get to them if they dont have a swiftness pot. Every class has a gap closer except ret right now in SOD but people cry that paladins have something good for once. Its whatever if they gut avengers shield but sunfire needs to be gutted too so the change isnt completely one sided.

—> GET GUD ←

Maybe making con shot also undispellable then will talk

Speaking truth to power.

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They didn’t lose that ability though. It still has it’s slow effect, it’s just now in line with every other class which has one.

WoW is not a solo game. You have ways of breaking out of any slow in the game and soon you’ll have cleanse which is another way, not to mention the ability to break others out of slows. The counterpoint to that is that you have trouble slowing others and connecting unless you play smart and using LoS.
Play with someone who can slow and connect for you, enable them (which is what Paladins are good at, being enablers).

I never been more happy to read some ret pally in tears about druids cheesing them in wpvp. Thanks for this post, it made my morning.

I remember in regular classic i could kite a pally indefinitely on my hunter with aspect of cheetah and kill them despite them being a skull to me. Fun times. Now i will be doing this with druid. Back to the good ol days