Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Hey I did your research for you since you’re lazy and now also wrong.

It was a bug fix, not a nerf. Thread over. You can stop crying about bug fixes thinking they are nerfs.

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I say nerf Ret HARDER. Holy and Prot could use buffs but Ret deserves to be stomped into the ground for how OP they currently are. Just cause the class isn’t at the top of the DPS charts on Warcraft Logs does not mean it isn’t OP.

lol keep going down the rabbit hole, it did way more than just that.

First, reckoning is exclusively a PVP change. PVP is subjective, you’re being silly with your criticism.

Second it was a bug fix. Not a nerf. You exploiting a macro (this is what the consensus seems to be on that statement) to gain extra procs and attacks outside of what was supposed to happen, and the ability not working properly is not a nerf. It’s a bug fix. Bugs are not features and therefor changes to them are not nerfs.

Just like the “nerf” to avenger’s shield. It was never intended to be a daze that was not removable. Was it more powerful that way? Absolutely. Was it intended? Clearly not. Therefor bug fix, not nerf.


I’m not doing this game of telephone where I find the patch notes, you say “nuh uh that’s not what I am talking about” and refuse to find the right information.

At this moment in time you’re wrong until you provide some information. At this point the next response from you better be to actual find what you’re talking about, otherwise I am flagging all your posts as trolling and putting you on ignore. This is getting ridiculous with the trolls. Forums need moderation.

keep thinking was as clean of a change as that blue post says. you clearly werent there and want to get bogged down on surface level details without going any deeper.

I am using actual blue posts. I can’t trust you. And you just proved that. Enjoy the reports and the ignore. Everyone else should do the same.

sure ill bite.

tell us oh wise master, what changes were made .

please cite them to us and enlighten us.

I just tried for 7 posts to get him to cite the changes. Unsuccessfully. And every citation I did make was “nuh uh, that’s not it.”

But good luck…

ahh then nvm.

gl .

keep nerfing paladins pls ty

the whole point of the post is that changes to rets should be looked at more carefully and that bugs should 100% get fixed so long as those fixes dont cause bugs (which has happened in the past but not with avengers shield thankfully). the other point is that druids abuse sunfire at 30 yards in cat form and that it doesnt make any sense that a melee unit has the option win a fight using one ability without ever going into melee range, the same goes for any other melee unit. rogues have ranged abilities now but they all have cooldowns ranged at 25 yards and warriors have gap closers with a range of 25 yards that also have cooldowns. sunfire in cat form needs a nerf, at least warriors and rogues have some wiggle room to get to druids if they abuse sunfire but rets dont with this change.

If they left it so avenger shield daze couldn’t be dispelled or removed then they’d have to do add it to hunter concussive shot cause that is a daze too.

Imagine the QQ if hunters had a daze you couldn’t shift out of or dispel lol.

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You can already shift concussive shot.

Stop coping.

Your paladin skill was nerfed. Get rekt noob. Play your class now. Stop relying on crutches.

GG EZ for us.

lol I know you can shift it. I’m saying its fine they removed it. People who wanted it to stay were stupid. I’m just saying it did the same thing a “daze” like concussive shot so both should function the same way like they do now which is GOOD.

with all the hate hunters get i’m just laughing imagining a world where hunters could kite even easier because pallies couldn’t live without their slow being removable.

  1. The avenger’s shield “nerf” was a bug fix. Stop contradicting yourself.
  2. Oh so NOW the goalpost has moved to “not causing more bugs”?
  3. You can’t always control what new bugs are created. You’re being foolish.

This is an entirely separate argument, and just kind of proves this whole thread is a crybaby rage post because you lost to a druid in world PVP. I think sunfire cat is problematic for reasons, but this is just sad behavior from you.

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Hmmmm… Nah.

Nobody likes ret paladins and that includes the alliance. The spec attracts brainless, selfish morons.

Anything that nerfs the spec and prevents the trash from polluting my class is fine.


Richelle is on fire.

not being able to shift out of avengers shield slow should have stayed in with the way druids in cat form abuse sunfire is just what i think, concussive shot working the same way isnt what im saying or what im advocating for. a melee unit (druid cat form) should have to be in melee in order to be effective is ALL im saying BUT if thats something thats out line for me to think or advocate for then i see no reason to remove avengers shield having the ability to keep slowing through shifting form. When it comes to rogues all of their new abilities only go to 25 yards and have cooldowns, they dont have a 30 yard ability they can spam. Warriors dont have a ranged ability they can spam at 30 yards and their gap closers are 25 yards with cooldowns. a druid in cat form spamming sunfire at 30 yards for 40 energy is broken and needs to get nerfed.

In case you didnt know all, this isnt a post about ret paladin nerfs. Its a post about how OP lost to a druid with sunfire and is now crying here on the forums about it.

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