Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

cause its alliances turn to be at a disadvantage in vanilla :slight_smile:

this post warrants a whole lot of umadbro? It certainly feels like, tell me you’re upset about the changes without telling me you’re upset about the changes ala “1v1 me bro” haha why would he do that, he already won the argument, you on hear crying like a baby while he lives rent free in your head.

"I don’t even play wow or care about it, I came back because my brother begged me "

Proceeds to care enough to make 50 posts on this thread literally replying to everyone. Also is God’s gift to MMO PVP because he is gonna “Clap” ya’ll in a game he, his words, “gave up years ago”. huehuehue the cope is real.

I love the trash talk without any proof to back it up. It’s 2023, send your achievements, ranks ,etc from wow or any other games. your only proof is you saying “I R GUD” ><;

no one asked to hear you cry about a bug fix. Imagine posting your opinion in a forum and being big mad when someone tells it to you like it is

Guess you don’t know how to read cause I never cried about the change. Or were you just posting because you got dumpstered by a paladin and want to hide behind a death knight rather than your SoD character so you can post garbage?

nah, it ran that way for a few xpacs in a row, prot was just never good enough in pvp for it to matter, AS daze was basically the only good thing about it, bar some exploits that did get fixed.

before some kid starts flaming me, i don’t care, i’m not playing a pally in SoD. go eat your pop tarts and calm down.

I posted my multi-season top 100 ranked PvP character in FFXIV. Not that it matters anymore really. I’m already losing interest in this and have basically resorted to just raid logging and even this past reset I didn’t do that because of real life things that happened.

Yeah, I saw… FFXIV a game where PVP was a major major after thought, is extremely unbalanced, and the standard ranked mode is based around a 5v5? #CoolStoryBro. I mostly just posted 3 days after the fact to confirm that this thread lives rent free in your head.
But, I do find it funny that the person who “isn’t crying” about the fix, and “doesn’t main paladin” has posted in the following threads (and only the following threads):

  • “paladin’s make pvp anti-fun”

  • “SoD Class Tuning”

  • “Paladin’s Avengersheild slow cannot be removed by pvp trinkets that remove slowing effects” Where you said “How many cry threads by bad players are we going to have about this? Avenger’s Shield is fine and more fair than many things that already existed within the original classic.”

  • Yay Paladins!

  • “Why does avengers shield slow me if it doesnt count as a slow?”

  • “Gap closer / movement ability for Paladin” A thread where even other paladin’s told you they don’t need a gap close lol

you posted in no other threads. For someone who self-proclaimed 1. doesn’t main paladin ><; and 2. doesn’t care about wow, it sure seems like you main paladin and care about wow. :clown_face:

Yes, I’m terrified soemone i dont know on the internet will see an avatar of my lvl 25 gnome warlock so I’m hiding behind my wotlk character… There could be no other reason for that.

Do you see how stupid that sounds? I hope so because it sounds like a point that someone desperately losing an argument they really really care about would make

What argument? You post here at me thinking I am crying about a change I wasn’t. Only one that looks stupid here is you. Maybe read sometime and you might learn something.

FFXIV’s PvP is way more balanced than this game’s has ever been. Currently it’s a little wonky with the 5v5 random team comps and limit breaks but the seasons I played in were earlier seasons, though I did hit Crystal rank in the previous season when I returned to the game just to get the title since it was a new rank they added when they updated and overhauled the PvP in Endwalker. Otherwise I mostly didn’t play in Endwalker which was a first for me.

The times I played ranked seriously the teams were 4v4 and each team had to have one tank, one healer, one melee, and one ranged. Tanks were basically a support role that helped prevent your team from being burst and also helped set up kills. My top 100 seasons were both before and after they separated the PvE and PvP skill sets. I’m also not very interested in FFXIV anymore either honestly. If Dawntrail doesn’t catch my interest then I’m probably done with that game too.

If you think I was crying it’s purely your own projection. I made no threads crying about other classes even once. Why wouldn’t I post in threads about Paladin when it’s the class I was playing in SoD too, especially so with constant cry threads about it when Paladin is honestly pretty mediocre as a class and was being carried by getting an early raid weapon from their class quest. The most hilarious part of it is that the people who were whining so hard about Paladins were also simultaneously and hypocritically defending their own classes (like Druid sunfire in Cat Form with 30% increased base movement speed for example) in other threads were people were being critical of what they’re capable of and calling for nerfs. Obviously these people have an agenda along with their whining, where other classes can’t have something strong or even a bit cheesy but when theirs does it’s fine. As I said before, I never once made a thread crying about another class. The thread I posted about a gap closer was an idea I had for a Rune that I thought would be cool.

It seems like I’m the one that lives rent free in your head too. I hadn’t really looked at the forums for nearly a week and hadn’t posted at all but happened to check to see what things were like and saw I had a reply from you, and to a post from like a week ago no less. I don’t know why expecting any kind of deep thought form a person with a character name like yours anyways.

Anyway, these forums also absolutely terrible and my life has been way better both without the game and without the forums. The only reason I came here initially was to make a suggestion for optional features like updated visuals, barber, transmog, etc. The amount of egotism, self-centeredness, toxicity, and whining on here is an absolute embarrassment. I’m normally a very chill person but the amount of rudeness here annoyed me enough that I was just going to treat other people the way I was being treated. Easily one of the worst communities I’ve ever participated in.

P.S. I am better than you at games and everything I said was right, regardless of whether the way I went about saying it was the best way to do it or not.

lol you think im gonna read that… haha

you big mad dude.

Went to the bottom for the TLDR and it was right where i expected it, however, more cringe than anyone could have imagined. I guess this how a 5 year old processes information ><;

The fact that you replied twice, the first one saying you weren’t going to read it, and then you read it anyway says it all

Have a good rest of your day, and I hope the new year is nice for you too

You still responding ? you must really care hahaha. I didnt read it I looked for a tldr haha and saw the cringiest 5 year old line. “I’m BeTtEr At ViDeO GaMeZ aNd tHe LaDiEZ LUv iTT HuR dUR.” 1. you clearly have no idea 2. congratulations on all of your success. :clown_face:

Projection is off the charts here. LOL

LMAO. Typical Narcissist.