Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

saying the game isnt 1v1 balanced doesnt prove your point or anything youre trying to say. I dont know how you defend that druids in cat form should have a 30 yard ranged ability that costs 40 energy. why dont rogues have a ranged ability to spam thats does initial dmg, applies a dot, and gives them combo points without going into melee at 30 yards that costs 40 energy without a cool down?

after actually playing a druid i can say 40 energy is about 3 or 4 seconds of regen each time.

you also have to spec heavily into feral to get the cats swiftness and thus reducing your actual dmg as opposed to omen spec. the capstone to feral spec right now is extra combo points sometimes at random and if someone is kiting or going against a melee that would truck them anyways the combo points mean nothing.

im not sure if you can spec furor with feline swiftness but if you can that costs an excessive amount of mana to get off an extra sunfire maybe 1.5 seconds faster and go oom and not able to shift to remove snares and slows.

its an all or nothing spec built to directly counter melee and slows.

what do you expect?

it is true its not balanced for 1v1.

if you had even 1 more person with you that would off heal or even put pressure on the cat they wouldnt be able to kite you for 45 seconds and slowly kill you .

dont be silly to expect to counter everything .

youre missing the point and trying downplay/misrepresent what im saying by trying to frame my posts as wanting a counter to everything. so ill be clear, im saying that a melee unit (druid in cat form) should not be able to spam a 30 yard ability that costs 40 energy.

but you dont get it .

when they spec that way they are no longer melee. they are fully building to kite.

have you ever seen one go into melee at all ?

no because you would mop up their squishy person if they were in melee attacking you with melee with ease.

they are ranged / kiting build exclusively.

I’m surprised this flame war of a thread is still burning.

i dont have a problem with a spec that can kite using ranged abilities. you dont see the paradox of saying that a druid in cat form which is a melee unit isnt actually a melee unit and should be able to kite using ranged abilities and that its fine having the ability/option to win a fight by spamming one ability at 30 yards that costs 40 energy.

ask yourself a question on weather its a melee unit or not by simply saying do they ever melee at all vs you and youll have your own answer.

they are fully speced and built to kite and not be in melee at all.

again i think youre mad cause you dont have a counter to everything and the fact that its humiliating to die after 45 seconds of kiting and somehow not healing or bubbling once or whatever.

45 seconds is an eternity in pvp.

a melee unit like druid in cat form is never meant to be in melee, makes sense. cant wait for the warrior/rogue ranged specs.

I’m sorry are you referring to the changes to prevent sitting down from stacking reckoning (which was never intended) and stopping infinite reckoning bombs from one shotting world bosses as a “nerf” that you are unhappy about?

That’s some next level nonsense.

youre stuck on an outdated definition sadly.

ahh well gl.

Look, I think this person’s premise is completely wrong, but acting like sunfire cat spam isn’t also problematic from a design or implementation standpoint is equally foolish.

Sunfire in cat should have a baseline short cooldown similar to mangle in bear. I wouldn’t even mind them upping the damage on it a bit to compensate so it keeps the same dps. But that gameplay is not engaging for anyone, PVE or PVP.

you dont understand, sometime in aq, naxx, or maybe even before TBC classic they nerfed reckoning to be basically useless in pvp, not at all what youre saying though or what i was talking about.

Yea because you’re not citing any specifics. No patch notes, no specifics on what changed, not even a patch number because you don’t even know WHEN they nerfed it.

it was like 3-4 years ago buddy, but the idea was they nerfed rets even though they were considered the worst in the game.

So give the information? If I can’t verify what you’re saying, I can’t talk about the situation. Which makes you sound nonsensical and emotional.

the fact is they nerfed reckoning and you somehow assumed i was talking about something that they changed in vanilla wow when it came out lol. its the idea that was being conveyed so keep your assumptions and accusations to yourself.

But I don’t know WHAT you’re talking about, that’s the problem. For all I know they didn’t actually nerf ret and you’re wrong. Or the “nerf” is a bug fix. Or the nerf was warranted due to some interaction that was occurring.

A class can get a patch to fix an issue regardless if that class is dead last unplayable if the fix is warranted due to what is happening.

But the fact you can’t even attempt to ARTICULATE what the change was makes me concerned. Because I can explain HOW most of the things that were changed were “nerfed” that I talk about even if I can’t remember the specific patch or era. You can’t even tell me what changed other than “reckoning.”

the point is they nerfed rets when they are at their worst in all of wow, if you want to go find it and go down that rabbit hole be my guest just know it happened 3-4 years ago.

That’s not a point, that’s your opinion. And my response to that was a nerf matters in context, context you refuse to provide.

No, that’s YOUR job. You made a claim without being able to substantiate or back up that claim. And now when pushed for specifics you want to deflect the requirements onto someone else.

This is a common tactic used by trolls and grifters on the internet. And just generally bad faith people that didn’t do any research before formulating their opinions.

I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are trying to have a real discussion, provided you are willing to provide the source for your claims. Or just any information at all. I don’t even need the patch. You can’t even tell me WHAT was cahnged.

its a fact that it happened and it was 3-4 years ago, go find it yourself and read all the posts about it. maybe ill go find it later on, all the other issues that came along with it, and all the posts of people talking about it. my only point of bringing it up is that it happened and it gutted a useful tool rets had when we already had so little.