Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

30 yards back spamming popcorn

Someone said this to you earlier and I can’t get it out of my head now.
“if you’re getting hit with that many sunfires, I can literally hear the carnival music playing”.
Still laughing at that one.

#SaveWaricice #Fsunfire hahaha

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No it can’t, I tried with Blessing of Freedom, which has the same wording as Free Action potion and it doesn’t work on concussive shot.

I guess concussive shot needs to be “fixed” now too. Even though dazes were never able to be removed by BoF or shifting. Fix one, fix them all.

Druids can shift concussive shot so think again noob.

This is ironic coming from a warrior.

Sinister strike is melee range and isnt a dot. A druid could totally troll a rogue with this for a day and half across the field and back lol. GCD isnt a serious limitation and having a resource that regenerates in one or two server ticks while a non priest healer regenerates 30-60 mana in that time doesnt really compete. Combined with the 20% movement speed no melee is really going to catch them. A warrior might get a lucky charge in to get kited again with a quick powershift. Shaman aint going to get close enough for a frostshock and it would be shifted out of anyway.

Which melee class can actually beat the feral sunfire kite? And no melee hunter doesnt count lol

I agree with much of the OP’s post about how silly it is a melee Druid gets to spam sunfire at 30y. But I do think the fix was fine, as nice as it was to finally have a class that can counter druid EFC. That said I do think fixing it was the correct choice, it’s weird having a single slow in the game that can’t be removed by our spells that are supposed to remove that kind of stuff.

hopefully, they add more runes that fix the mobility issue Pally has, as every other class in the game (well idk about Shaman but the others all get stuff that helps.), is also getting more mobility buffs like Warriors with Warbringer or spells that are instant cast that let them be mobile while dealing good damage or healing like Sunfire Feral Druid, Warlock with Master Channeler and Haunt, Hunter with new instant cast skills and Mage with Living Flame, Living Bomb and Ice Lance, Rogues get ranged skills Like Quick Draw that is also a ranged slow with 60% uptime and Between the Eyes for a ranged finisher that also stuns for up to 5s as a few examples.

When all the other classes get more tools to improve their mobility and ability to kite it’s only fair if Pally gets a tool or two that helps them close the gap like the other melee get with their runes. Most people are not asking for anything crazy like a Warriors charge, but there are plenty of good options that Pally has had throughout the history of WoW that can be used that are not OP.

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I think you need to make one before calling them “insane at basically everything in the game.” Rets do worse Damage than Hunters, Warriors, Rogues, and Feral Druidin PvE and those classes are missing so many of their DPS stuff they will have at 40.

Warrior is still the better Prot for tanking, idk much about the other tank specs to compare them.

Priests are the kings of healing in PvP and PvE at the moment.

In PvP I’d say Pally is better than Warrior by a little bit but once the next phase starts Warriors and some other classes are going to shoot ahead if we don’t consider new runes that might help different classes in different ways. Warriors will be busted with Warbringer and the skills they are currently missing, good luck kiting them.

Pally is doing more burst in PvP and brings utility to the group at the same time but after that initial burst their DPS falls off compared to other classes.

Good rogues go under the radar, atm. They can solo priests quickly if they don’t get support. I don’t think people understand how good between the eyes is, rogue dish out a ton of damage and have good control but are squishy ofc.

I’d say Shaman > Pally at 25 right now too in PvP, just purge and you provide a ton of value to your team before even considering your damage, Healing, ability to run the flag and other benefits. Pally is just better at yolo brawls with random mid teams. Not to undervalue a Pally, Freedom and BoP are extremely useful along with the few heals you can get off before you go OOM.

the carnival music was playing when you watched druids try to shift out of avengers shield and going to the forums to cry that a ret pally in raid gear is blowing them up because they cant FC for free in bad gear anymore.

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Never had a problem with your skill shield personally. I’d just shift to bear and tank some damage and bash you, then charge another player in your group a distance away, shift back to cat and CYA. Then rotate the camera back watching you try to keep up again. Or just stay there with you and let you hit me in bear so I can build rage and give you some sunfire in bear form (Yeah, I can throw sunfire at you in bear too). Haven’t noticed you complain about that one yet.
But, we all know how much you love sunfire. lol.

ive addressed all of what you just said actually but others would have you believe that theres nothing you could have done to get away from that situation as a druid, no play make or nothing in your tool kit to help you do what you need to do. the difference between bear and cat sunfire is that bear has to go into melee to build rage to use sunfire, cat can just sit at 30 yards and abuse sunfire forever without going into melee range.

its just weird you dont see an issue with cat form using energy to abuse an ability at 30 yards, youll find any excuse to say its not a problem and defend it staying the way it is in its broken state while trolling.

I don’t spam sunfire, not every Druid does. Just because YOU ran in to a druid that did, and you somehow let them spam it on you 12-16 times until you died doesn’t mean the rest of us do it. (insert carnival music)
Before you were crying saying they were kiting you. In your post above you admit Druids couldn’t get away and were getting blow up and couldn’t kite Paladins.
Stop being a baby. lol

So you admited you could close the gap???

I dont know what to tell you other than you need to take more time to read something and actually understand it rather than putting all of your effort in trying to insult people. how is it possible to quote someone and not read what they said? just because you dont abuse sunfire in cat form doesnt mean it cant be abused and that others dont abuse it. i did a test to come up with 11-16 sunfires to kill a target, which can happen a lot faster than what your trolling would have some believe. i dont know how you read that and get that conclusion about druids in bad gear, read the part where i said theyre trying to shift out of it lol. so yeah i could close the gap but not anymore, now druids can shift out of avengers shield instantly to continue kiting and spam sunfire at 30 yards forever in cat form.

Hahaha your ability is nerfed.

Cry harder.

people talking about hard counters are using double standards as usual, there’s no hard counter to druids, they can really just up and leave or kite out literally anything in the game, nothing hard counters meta warlocks or priests

but to this hypocritical forum its ok for some to be hard countered but not others

ret is still fun, 10x better in pvp and pve compared to classic and viable, but its a lie to say that every spec in the game has a hard counter

The whole hard counter thing is whatever and can be annoying or a legit thing to bring up depending on whats being talked about but at least in those situations you have to make plays. my problem with the druid cat form sunfire abuse is that you just press one button.

btw where is your team while youre being kited for like the 30 seconds of spamming and regen it takes to get off 12-16 sunfires and you not healing at all during this.

ya i dont really see the issue.

or what about your 3 full health bars and very very good damage and durability?

none of that applies here i guess.

I never said in wsg but its shortsighted to think its not a problem becuase its not as easy to abuse in wsg.

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game isnt balanced for 1v1.