Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

does not even matter because it can be now lol

LOL you mad. If you think they will nerf sunfire you are out of your mind.

It’s not remotely broken.

You can’t really kill anyone with just sunfire.

I know, I do it all the time. You have to moonfire and starsurge.

It takes too long to kill anyone with just sunfire. It’s not practical. In any WPVP area you will be caught by other players while you are trying to do this to someone.

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no i really think they will it should not have the 30 yard range its busted. i was all about the as fix i am all about the priest fix as well. druids sunfire and penennce are the next to things that should be looked at.

It’s not busted.

Why would they give a caster skill a 10 yard range?

It’s also used in caster form.

It’s not going to be nerfed.

Get gud.

You think they will nerf sunfire before lock? LOL. If they allow lock to be like this they aren’t touching sunfire.

No matter how much you cry. It doesn’t do enough damage.

10 yrds in cat not in caster

They didn’t “fix” explosive shot, a 35% nerf would have been a fix. They made it completely useless. To top it off, they nerfed chimera shot, the other non BM option, forcing hunters to play BM. Then they nerfed scorpids because they were over performing, then wind serpents.

People cheer blizz on as they nerf X and Y class because it’s not what they play. As soon as their class gets nerfed they throw a fit and cry.

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So hunters are still insane in both PVP and PVE after all the nerfs.

Why are you complaining? They are actually one of the best PVP and PVE classes.

LOL hunters are so entitled it’s insane.

while i agree the way they nerfed es was bad i dont know one hunter that did not think it or the scorp was an issue i wish es was handled diffrently i agree that it had to change.

Bro you guys are one shotting druids with your aoe ability. Shut up. What’s the CD on freedom? How long does it last? Drink a swiftness pot. Gg

Honestly, nothing should be getting nerfed in this era season. The devs are getting up their butts for no reason. Just let hunters abuse the scorpions, just let the classes be OP, don’t keep balancing something that is destined to be a “faded photograph” as they said to canon of Warcraft Universe.

This is wild. You’re complaining that ranged spells exist. You have bubble and could melee global any clothy and you’re complaining ranged is a thing, wow.

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Sinister strike doesn’t have a 30 yard range and rogues don’t passively move 30% faster than everyone else while being able to remove snares every time they get slowed.

But go on arguing in bad faith

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Concussive shot, frost nova, chill, literally any slow except for the mobs dazing you is supposed to be removed by druids shifting. This is how it has always worked in this version of the game. It’s a magical effect, not a ‘daze’ as you encounter from being hit from behind on mobs (which is a physical slow). It was a bug from the start and this is a ‘fix’, not a ‘nerf’. You lack understanding of game mechanics and pass it off as your ‘knowledge’ of the game. The fact you compared a Paladin to a Druid running around with sunfire in cat form is hilarious. You do know that not every class is supposed to beat every class, right? It’s rock - paper - scissors, not retail where everyone has a form of everything.

I think the tip on the loading screen that says “Remember to use moderation with everything - including WoW!” I think you need to take that tip.


Did you see the part where he said a Druid hit him with Sunfire 16 times before it killed him. Yes. 16.

Yeah because it does low damage. He’s just a cry baby.

16?! Holy crap that’s way too little. We need to have at least 30 sunfires cast before someone dies. Nevermind that the moment a paladin catches us, we’re stunned and globaled as we try to shift bear and still get 3 shot.

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I want you and all the retnoobs to undestand a very simple concept: nobody likes any of you.

If these changes get even a SINGLE ret paladin to quit and delete, then it is a great change. Blizzard needs to keep nerfing retnoobs in all shape and forms.

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not complaining that ranged spells exist, im saying that a melee unit like druid in cat form should not have a ranged ability that they can abuse by spamming sunfire at 30 yards that costs 40 energy with no risk. bubble is a 5min cd lol, you act like theres no counter to rets but there is and always have been.

16 was a high end estimate from a test i did if you have a lot of health, its more like 10-12 if you have around 1k hp. ive seen druids abuse this before but always punished them with how the shield use to work and it was the only way to get ahold of them, so stop acting like its an impossibility that druids in cat form are abusing sunfire. leave the thread if you cant act in good faith and look for petty ways to insult lol.

I would’ve rather seen them keep the daze for 3 seconds instead of turn it into a slow/snare because it was interesting and unique. 10 seconds is insane for a daze though. I’m not sure which is better, a short daze or a longer dispellable slow. Seal of justice/judgment when it limits enemies run speed to 100% was my favorite counter for druids, I don’t think we get that in classic though iirc

Yeah, the speed limiter from seal of justice was added in TBC.

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