Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

You let a Druid kite you for 16 casts of sunfire?

You can literally hear the carnival music in the background.


QQ. You are already broken in PvP. Maybe they should make it share the same slot as Divine Storm?

idk if youre paying attention but ret has no way to close the gap on a druid abusing sunfire in cat form from 30 yards away at 40 energy a cast. i did a test to see how many sunfires it took to kill though.

On Era a Ret twisting SoC/SoR with Storm Gauntlets equipped can consistently destroy 1v1.

Does not mean you aren’t a support class. You are still a support class at your core. If you arent utilizing the support toolkit, you are barely scratching the surface of what this class is capable of.

Does not mean it’s just a support class when played to the fullest as Ret.

Why do you deserve a gap closer for every situation?

Please explain. Show your work.

Hint: You don’t.

Druids can be feared and lose complete control of their character. 2 classes can fear.

Do you see druids complaining about this daily? No because it’s how it works. Slows are something druid is supposed to break and now we can.

You deserve to be bad vs some classes. Every class has a counter in classic (except warlock).

You can still slow most classes unless they use consumes or can dispel it. Avenger’s shield still works.

You are actually crying about 1 class getting out of it easily. LOL. Talk about a crutch.


This is what the wow community wanted. As soon people cried nerf hunters less than 24 hrs into SoD release, you all opened up the mindset to nerf everything fun instead of buffing other classes to be on par.

People cried for nerfs to classes instead of buffing others and now you have to lay in the bed your made. Tough luck buddy.

I picture it more like so angry its near crying, heart pounding out of their chest, eyes twitching, breathing heavy, havent had a sip of water all day, forgo-ing food just waiting on another reply.

The irony.


I asked you to show me some evidence and you respond with this?
Show me where I specifically said I had problems with it in game on my druid.

Next he will be calling for nerfs on Shadow Priests cause they kited him from X distance and killed him with exactly 83 SWP and he couldn’t close the gap.

They can’t shapeshift dazes…

this in no way harms pve unless mobs are going to start fapping you. it was op and it still is needs to be 6 sec not 10

Yeah explosive shot was 100% obviously broken so they fixed it. And the scorpid were broken so they fixed it. And the shield were broken so they fixed it.

There were bad faith morons selfishly trying to protect obvious bugs because it favored them though.

Agreed, sunfire needs a CD and not spammable on energy they could kite almost anyone with this toolkit with cat speed, except another druid or perhaps hunter, however the hunter might get crapd on if they use cheeta and get dazed all the time

QFT right here

It is on the GCD so it has a CD and it requires resources which aren’t unlimited and do not generate instantly.

Cry harder.

Does sinister strike need a CD for rogue? It’s the same thing.

one patch in tbc it worked that way not all of tbc and wrath cry more

Yes they can. Concussive shot is a daze and can be shifted.

sunfire the way its is is broken what it needs is a 10 yard range