Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

So what’s the win condition for druids here, in your mind.

If there’s a broken shield they lose in melee and can’t kite. So what’s the win condition.

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Druids are supposed to be unslowable. It is their class identity.

Stay mad.

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Not really, Druids have just been giga coddled for almost forever now

So no ideas how they should win.

Let’s say you’re playing a druid, describe how you think they should win with shield in the game.

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Meanwhile people are doing exactly that lmao. Also Shifting takes like a quarter of the Ferals mana. So your 30second Cd slows them and forces them to spend 2 GCDs minimum to get rid of it.

It’s an actual trade now instead of Paladins auto winning versus everyone period.

This is giving me retail flashbacks of Paladins being mad they werent allowed to warp the meta around them and auto win all fights with constant one shots, to the point the meta became Ret/Ret/Ret/Mw/Demo/Arms.

Paladins should be happy it was just the shield being made interactable with now. You could have lost a lot more in an actual full balance change. You didn’t even lose MS on it, it was just made so there was actual counterplay now lmao.

The druid problem is independent of the paladin problem. Maybe druids need nerfs, maybe they dont. But Avengers Shield was bugged, which is a different matter entirely. Blizzard should absolutely be fixing bugs.



Bro show us where the kitty touched you.


As a Druid main from Classic - WotLK, I can tell you this definitely is not the case.


Remember when hunters got nerfed, and all the hunters said things like “yeah those things should have been nerfed, but can we get a new ability that isn’t really bad so we’re not just playing era?”

And a lot of the replies were things like, “waaahhh wahhh crybabies are mad that they got nerfed”.

I seem to remember something like that happening.

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lol acting like scorpid doing like 80% of hunters dmg is in anyway comparable to what the post is about or any of the other nerfs. hunters are still basically top dmg.

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Hunters nerfs were needed.

Your pet should not be out damaging every actual class in PVP.

Stop pretending it was OK you look desperate.

srsly tho did you read my post?

Hunters received pre nerfs on runes, rune rework, and multiple pet nerfs. Paladins get one ability changed and they want to jump off a cliff lmao

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u wot m8

Difference between Shield ‘nerf’ and ES nerf is that Shield is still a perfectly viable and effective ability.

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Yeah, paladins can’t slow one class now indefinitely (druids) and so they are foaming at the mouth they can’t press their 2 button rotation and kill everyone anymore.

It’s hilarious.


You think so? lol. You can barely handle a class with three buttons with a broken Iwin spell.
What makes you think I struggled with your skill shield? I didn’t. I dealt with it. There are plenty of easy ways out of the situation.
As I said before. l started commenting to make fun of you crying and insulting other people. But you have to realize. Being mean to people won’t bring your broken skill shield back. lol
You’re just a miserable, immature child.


every ret paladins dream

Not as funny as you trying to use ranking in Final Fantasy as some sort of relevancy in wow.

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Pick up Engineering if you want to beat the Sunfire cat druid.

I’ve played games significantly more complex than WoW let alone classic WoW, and I told you before but apparently you can’t read so I’m not surprised. You’ll never be on my level.