Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Slow you with Skill Shield. When you shift that you’ll slip on their tears, twisting your ankle and BAM! Gotcha!


Yeah it’s a good time getting to call bad players bad and watching them perform all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify it

the one snare in the game that wasn’t dispelled by “dispel all snares.” Clearly a mistake.

I’m not dependent on it, the class is, there’s a difference. I would absolutely clap you as your own class given how hard you struggle with a single slow and when you can’t just brain off shift out of literally everything lmao

Ive played Pala since OG tbc and avengers shield daze was always able to be removed by snare removal abilties in every expansion that featured Avengers Shield. Vanish, escape artist, druid shifting, freedom, etc all removed it. This was a bug


No you don’t get it. He’s a holy avenger of the light. He’s different and needs to have a special slow no one else has for reasons.



That’s true, Druids do strugle with slows at this bracket. As mentioned before, Druid shifting costs 55% of base mana. Cast Shield twice at this bracket and they are OOM.

Are you not good enough to stay alive for 30 seconds against a Druid hitting you like a wet noodle?

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Starsurge only cost 4 mana.


Yes, but Cat Form costs half of a Druid’s mana.

The Paladins are complaining that - ostensibly - Druids can now kite Paladins indefinitely, whittling them with bug bites.

You’re not dependant on it but the class you’re playing is dependant on it? :joy::joy::joy::joy: Never seen so much seething about a bug being fixed.


I mean we can kite them indefinitely now but that is how druid works.

We also have mana cost reduction for shapeshifting talents :slight_smile:

Paladins will never beat me

If you’re running around in an open field with no LOS at range you should lose. You dominate them in melee and if you can use LOS. That’s your class.

Powershifting at this bracket is so mana intensive, though.

Good thing sunfire doesn’t cost mana in cat form :slight_smile:

Literally can’t go oom.

Hilarious how mask off whiners are after getting their way lmao

All this seething and whining because you couldn’t be completely braindead while playing.

Absolutely unsurprising, scrubs will be scrubs

i nEeDeD a BrOkeN rAnGeD sLoW tO WiN


No way your passive mana regen is high enough to recover all the mana from shifting every 15 seconds.

I have stealth and can go drink and re-engage. LOL.

I nEeD tO bE uNsLoWaBlE tO wIn

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