Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Copium levels rising.


Both games are tab target MMOs with gcds that I use the same keybinds and interface layout in. Iā€™ve been playing games like this for 20 years. Youā€™re just some scrub who cries on forums so basically an easy win

lol a bronze bomb with a 2 sec CC or even iron bombs later on with a 3 sec CC isnt gonna close the gap of a druid in cat form thats keeping a 30 yard distance by only abusing sunfire 11-16 times until you die.

You are right it wonā€™t. :slight_smile:

You donā€™t deserve a gap closer for every class.

Welcome to classic.

Yeah they were really slowing indefinitely with a move that has a 30 second cooldown. Druids in shambles when they have to use their brains and buttons instead of just getting to be braindead and win for free every time by shifting out of everything

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Rocket helm will. Have to wait for phase 2/3 :frowning:

Druids can shift out of everything now.


I was playing the original launch of WoW when you were still in diapers so miss me with your welcome to classic

You sound mad druids will kill you now. :slight_smile:

Nope. Couldnā€™t care less honestly I have way better games that I could play for PvP and already do like Street Fighter. WoW PvP is a literal joke which is what makes clown scrubs like you all the more laughable

Sure thatā€™s why you posted 200 times about this.


Itā€™s fun calling bad players what they are

Keep thinking that when you die to druids left and right.

Wonā€™t be dying to any Druids but most of all you because of how bad you are

This is so funny. Paladins seething their shield is not OP anymore.

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ya so anyways, pallys are gunna keep getting nerfs.

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Says the guy talking about his final fantasy 14 pvp achievements.


Didnā€™t ask


Thatā€™s a long time to be this immature.

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Paladin players fighting for the crown of being the most insufferable people to forum post.

Warriors are going to have to pump those numbers up they are coming for you.