Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

The ret main has started throwing out “I know you are but what am I?” And still thinks he’s not crying about a bug fix :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Such a martyr :clap:


It’s much more satisfying to freedom someone else and usually more rewarding too if they can press buttons even a little bit because other classes have way more CC than Paladin does

Literally braindead poster lol

Says the ret main bursting with tears about a clear bug being fixed :joy:

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I told you this would be fixed. How you feeling now?



Roll a hunter, then you will feel great about single nerf :man_shrugging:t3:

You’re entitled to your opinion.

When it was a Daze effect by mistake, it was a paladin counter, which in TBC and WoTLK was the only one who could stop a druid from changing his forms. Why was this removed? on a paladin you at least had a chance to defeat a hunter or druid who kite poorly. It seems that the developers only listen to noobs who are being clever, something like “YOU HAVE AN ANTI STUN from Blessing of Freedom,” God, when I read this I understand that the number of noobs is off the charts, so they are also trying to be clever here.
A broken warlock tank with sucking, rabid pets with unrealistic damage (I have a hunter) and shamans with 100% crit at level 25 are ok, but the paladin shield is OP, it needs to be weakened urgently, right?. Well, tomorrow everyone will walk around with a “cool” exorcist and deal 96 damage every 15 seconds.


Bro is in shambles rn, he’s literally shaking with anger about this bug being fixed :joy::joy::joy:


Because it was a CLEAR BUG that avengers shield is a slow that could be dispelled by magic but not removed via any other way.

It made absolutely zero sense.

The bug has been corrected, as it should be.

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Dude he really is. It’s amazing.

There’s a handful of them in this thread absolutely shaking they are so upset over the tiniest nerf.

Imagine if ret ever got a hunter type nerf. We would see self unaliving lol


First they came for the hunters, but you did not care as you are not a hunter.
Then they came again for hunters, but you still didn’t care, as you are not a hunter.
Then they came for you, and you screamed help, but nobody cared, since they are not paladins.


Thriving off of making fun of scrubs like you

Oh yeah you for sure sound thriving lol

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How are you gonna catch me on a druid now?

Any ideas.


In all seriousness, why are you so hung up on this? What difference does this even make at the 25 bracket? It’s not as though many classes have CC breaks / trinkets yet, and Druid Cat Form costs 55% of base mana.

Funny, the ONLY reason I started commenting was to make fun of you.
And how dependent you are on ONE ability.


Lol I can visualise him with a sniffly nose and teary eyes typing at his keyboard that’s he’s not mad.

Incoming 100 posts about how druids need to be nerfed because they can shift slows and kill paladins now.

I can’t wait.