Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Funny that logic didn’t apply for having a priest dispell the avengers shield slow for you


“Ret paladin main who was desperately fighting to keep a bugged ability bugged rages on the forums when his ability is fixed”


Did you seriously link final fantasy 14 pvp ranks as an accomplishment to prove how good you are? Is that what I just skimmed through?


yeah, the silence would have been a good addition.

considering the lead dev is a ret paladin it makes sense

True, though I would point out that all of those abilities (except Death Coil) are limited by breaking the CC on damage.

And Avengers Shield lasts four times longer than Death Coil.

Seriously, in what world can anyone look at this ability and think “yes, that’s fair”. As far as I can tell, the complaint is that now Druids have a counter to Avengers Shield so long as they are willing to spend all their mana powershifting at level 25.


At least I have proof, doesn’t matter if it’s a different game. I dropped WoW a long time ago and only really came back for SoD because my brother was asking me to play with him

You’re actually serious.
I appreciate the laugh. Getting me through the day at work.


I never fought for it because I made zero threads about it. I did however mock every scrub who cried about it and will continue to do so until I stop finding amusement in it

You’re welcome, hope your work day goes well

Wow. Final Fantasy huh. Well, I guess you sure showed me. LOL.
Completely relevant to the topic. Amazing placement there Grand Master.

Oh btw, did you hear, your skill shield was nerfed today. :smile:

It’s weird that your mocking comes across as you crying that your bugged ability got fixed on your main.


The avengers shield slow was a known bug. Thats not even what im talking about. Bugs should be patched. What im talking about are paladins playing this class like its not a support class. These are the same people who never freedom their warriors or bop their healers, 100%.

Yeah that’s fine. I’m still way better than you are.

You are super immature. The ret stereotype is legit.

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I freedom other people and heal other people all the time. Dumb strawman.

I guess it makes sense that someone who only knows how to cry would interpret anything else as crying too

I can guarantee you the OP doesnt.

Also, im sure you do :clown_face:

Yep. You read that correctly.
I guess we should back off. Their arguments are just too strong at this point lol

I almost didn’t even play a Paladin lmao

I almost went Rogue or Mage but yeah, sure thing, hold onto that imaginary boogeyman