Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Yes there is? Ferals can’t really do sunfire cheese vs Locks and good mages. The Mage is just gonna jump right on them and force the druid to instantly burn 25% of their mana shifting to break the root as the mage just starts dumping on them.

Lock just throws out dots and watches as Haunt, Corruption and Agony out DPS the druid. If the Druid tries to get in for an actual fight they just get the SUCC.

Whats also funny is paladins can literally just walk away. I’m not even joking. I’ve seen paladins dealing with a feral cat just leave. What is the cat going to do? Go melee for stun and get Hojd? The pal can just heal themself as they walk away lmao. I’ve literally watched it happen where the pal just keeps walking down the road on Ashenvale, ignoring the cat and self healing till more Alliance show up and decide to kill the cat.

This honestly reads like you expect Paladin to be able to counter every class and are upset they don’t. Cause before this change, a good ferals best option against paladin was just to leave. There was basically 0 chance a good feral could beat a good paladin since the shield was uninteractive gameplay that just gave the Pal guaranteed victory.

At least NOW you can have an actual trade with the feral. You know, burn a quarter of the Druids mana pool basically every time shield is up? Eventually denying them healing and shifting.

As a lock player, I’m loving these pally tears…now nerf divine storm thanks blizz


Can’t wait to see them forced to wear a blue dress again at 60 :joy::joy::joy:


Nope. I’ve proven my ability to perform in high level play in tab target MMOs. I’m not part of the crowd on here crying for nerfs and rejoicing over them. So there’s zero projection here which also means not only are you bad at the game but you’re also bad at using words correctly.

FYI for everyone trying to say it wasn’t a bug here is a snippit from Avengers shield in WOTLK from wowhead.

Apply Aura: Decrease Run Speed %
Value: -50% (AP mod: 0.091)
Mechanic: Snared
PVP Multiplier: 1

It’s a snare


You were literally fighting to stop them getting fixed. Now theyve been fixed you’re here crying :joy::joy::joy:


No crying, I’m making fun of you and all the other scrubs who struggled with a slow lmao

I guess Avenger’s Shield slowed people so hard it made their brains lag too. If that’s really the case then I’d have to concede that the nerfs are warranted. After all a slow so strong that it makes people literally stupid in real life is too much power for anyone to wield.

please just give us seal twisting

Dam bro your tears are salty, only a ret main could cry so incredibly hard about a fix for their class.


I’m not a Ret main, it’s just what I chose to try in SoD so save your strawmen

Have you left the forums yet or do you just peruse every “pally nerf” post with your copium instead of playing

No you haven’t.

You’re crying ABOUT a nerf. And insulting anyone who disagrees with you.

Now you’re in denial. And you don’t know if I’m bad at the game or not.
You’re just salty your little skill shield received the tuning it needed.


So you’re maining a ret? But you’re not a ret main? And you’re here seething about a bug being fixed?

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I’m surprised there are players who genuinely think it was OK for Paladins to have the only untrinketable snare in the game.

Even when Hunters got the ES nerf, at least all the Hunters I saw admitted that it was overtuned.


You can’t mount up while in combat.


They will never let you get out of combat.


I’ve literally linked my lodestone with multiple top 100 and higher ranked pvp season placements in XIV

Stay bad, actually I don’t even have to say that because you were already going to

Paladins didn’t have the only one. Freezing trap, scatter shot, blind, death coil, etc

Avengers shield has a 30 second cooldown and uses like 1/5 of a ret paladins mana

Running away and healing a druid spamming Sunfire on you does nothing but delay your death, cat form is faster than a paladin, you will never outrun them and you will go oom.


Paladins are a support class. If you arent playing with a group you’re doing it wrong. Ret players… jesus christ.

Do you not understand what a main is?

As I said before, I’m making fun of you, there’s a difference

If I was mad I would be crying for nerfs like you and all the other scrubs