Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

He’s mad he can’t waddle up to people anymore. People may actually be able to get away now.

His life is hard now.

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So you run in to a bad druid here and there that spams this til they are energy starved and its all druids huh? Your skill shield has the same range. Throw that over there, waddle on over and give em a stern talking to.
Bad kitty.

testing for logs

Its likely all he has in life, have some pity.

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Druids can shift it now.

So no paladins will be catching druids with mana now.

This completely changes PVP balance. It’s great.

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So I guess that’s a no.
Got it.

People are over looking the fact that the change to avengers shield wouldnt matter to me at all if druids werent able to abuse sunfire in cat form, ive said it already but you cant get to them or away from them when they play like this. Theres no reason you can sit in cat form as a melee unit and spam one ranged ability until you win, anyone saying that its fine the way it is isnt here in good faith.

they are bad against pally too. cat damage is trash in pvp. this pally is just mad cause bad(dev fixed their broken mechanic), same reason hunters were mad.

literally the only situation people die to druids is if they are running away from the druid, not doing any damage to the druid

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this. lmao

oh no, paladins have to use their brain to pvp now since they no longer have an unremovable snare.

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What are you talking about? When a druid cat is abusing sunfire you cannot get to them to dmg them, you cannot run away, and you will go oom if you try to heal.

The irony of this coming from that characrer. Bro Hunters in SoD arent Hunters theyre Pokemon Trainers, the animal AI is doing ALL the work.

have you even tried?

do a 360 and walk away. the druid wont even be able to kill you with how trash their damage is with sunfire

The irony come from OP crying about one change compared to hunters.

You’re freakin right!! LEAVE PALLYS ALONE. You’re all mad you can’t bully us anymore

Nerf them into the ground, and make Righteous Fury a 5 min buff while your at it.

Blizzard fixing bugs or nerf?

What is this judgement of justice?

Druids should have been able to shift it from the beginning. But, let’s be honest here. This ONE Paladin is acting like Druids are some unstoppable juggernauts zooming all over the place. It’s extremely rare to be able to get an actual 1v1 in world pvp as it is, even harder to get one in a bg. Especially running around and kiting someone like he’s talking about. The chances of him running in to a Druid with full mana, specced deep enough in to Feline swiftness, with sunfire, kiting him in world pvp solo in a 1v1 while he’s not able to do anything about it…
Not buying it. Sorry, I’m just not.

fixed a bug. but as usual, people crying when their op stuff is gone. meanwhile the essentially useless and weak classes get little to no love

You aren’t supposed to counter 100% of classes and specs, thats the point. X beats Y beats Z. Avenger’s Shield is a slow and one of the biggest advantages of druids is to be able to shapeshift movement impairing effects. If you want to complain about this, then it also shouldn’t work on hunter concussive shot. Ferals are #1 flag runners again Boiz!