Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

Yeah, don’t tell this guy about chain lightning.

At least with shamans they wont try to win a fight kiting and using only one ability.

A lot of things are imbalanced. You said those balance issues are just rock-paper-scissors right up until it was an imbalance that didn’t favor you.

Were you crying into your morning coffee when hunter pets were soloing paladins? No, of course not, you’re biased.

Do you have a sobbing fit when a mage face rolls a paladin or warrior by kiting them to death with perma snares and a stun escape on a shorter CD than their stuns? Of course not, you’re biased.

Are you throwing a tantrum because Shaman completely dominates Paladin and it’s not close? Of course not, you’re biased.

Should an unbreakable snare be nerfed? Probably.

Should nerfing a soft CC on a long CD be a priority over the dozens of much more egregious balance issues in classic? Probably not.

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Ele Shamans after 40 in era are probably the hardest counter to Paladins maybe ever, in the history of this game. He literally stands zero chance unless they give Paladins some kind of purge protection in Phase 2. He will be begging druids to come sunfire him at that point.

Wont need to. You will get 1 shot. And you wont be able to keep a single buff on you, wont even be able to judge. You think druids are bad? I can tell you’re new to classic. Just prepare yourself. Shaman vs Paladin after 40 is the most one-sided matchup in the history of World of Warcraft.


I beat plenty of shamans in vanilla classic, its not easy but it can be done. Druids sitting at 30 yards spamming one ability to win a fight because theres no counter is broken, at least shamans are using their totems and different spells to fight.

Zero chance against any shaman with a brain. Its far, FAR worse than druids are currently. Good luck in phase 2.

Before he didn’t need to do that and just threw the unfappable bugged shield, it’s unfair for him to adapt his play style now! Think of the poor paladins!

There is no adaptation to beating a druid that is sitting 30 yards away spamming sunfire in cat form.

This game has been out for 15+ years and some things never change. In this case it is Ret Paladin players lacking intelligence. What is it about that spec that draws these kinds of people?

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Brother, i macro my wind serpent to attack/follow so i permanently keep it in distance while i kite pallys. I stay far enough so their shield cannot hit me.

Is this guy gonna complain how theres no counter to lightning breath and cannot touch my pet?

Welcome to classic, go back to retail

That exists only in your head.

Aww youre just precious. And me rearranging your guts will prove what, exactly? Oh, nothing. If anything itd get you making more ret crying posts.

I know your type. Youre a recent arrival in gaming. Anything that beats you, no matter the circumstance, is OP and must be destroyed. Anything you beat is “balanced.” Your entire existence revolves around your gameplay being as effortless as possible while making others feel helpless.

You keep crying about this and counters have been listed. You are so bent out of shape your bugged ability was fixed you just don’t care. Just because your class no longer has its extremely bugged and powerful hard counter that killed literally every class doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You do understand that if Druid didn’t have this ability they literally would not be able to even fight a Paladin right? They will literally never beat you in a straight up brawl unless you are already half dead with no cooldowns.


Priests destroy them. Ive yet to lose to a feral druid in SoD as a Disc Priest. I killed 2 suncat druids yesterday while /dancing to piss them off. The only thing they’re any good against are paladins i guess. Its a free hk for priest.

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I mean I understand the frustration but all of the specs have their strengths and weaknesses. For Ret, if you can get in mele range and stay there… either with your stun or whatever, you will likely will almost every one vs one as it stands right now. Except against a meta lock lol.

Looking at it from a feral perspective, you can use sunfire and kite… but it does overall less damage than if you went mangle and requires a lot of space and that you are outdoors. If you get caught with a HoJ because you mess up or don’t shift the shield fast enough, you are likely going to die unless you trinket. A druid can only shift about 4 times as it stands now, so you have to be very careful with mana usage. If you shift avengers shield once or twice and throw some heals, youre likely going to only have one shift left or so. It would require that the ret uses bubble though to live long enough to oom the druid

It needed to be nerfed.

We told you it was going to be nerfed and you didn’t believe us.


No more instant I win button. You gonna have to play your class now.

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It wasnt nerfed. It was a bug that was fixed.

True it was a bug.

The OP is crying about a bug fix, which is probably the most “Ret Paladin” thing ever, now that I think about it.

i just want to see if this works for logs