Why Nerf Paladins Avengers Shield? Stop Nerfing Rets

It just happened to me yesterday but keep going…

Avenger’s Shield pre-nerf was dumb cheese. Any good Ret player aside from Reckbomb memesters is looking forward to Repentance once we are able to hit 40.

This is classic. There will be counters. Go play Dragonflight. Goddang you are annoying.

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Just line the cat

How do you handle mages kiting you? What about warlocks fearing you and dotting you?

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Well you see when something is strong on Alliance. QQ plz nerf blizz!

When something is strong on Horde? “Alliance truely has no clue whats coming to them…” The double standard shining through.

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I bet it did

Im not crying at all. I know full well you and 99.9% of people are still going to get your cheeks beat by Rets and are going to keep crying about it. This change isnt going to magically make you win fights you stood no chance in before.

You, however, are clearly trolling.

Projection is off the charts lol.

I agree that it was a bug. That wasn’t a ret rune anyway.

With the new rune system Ret paladin got a couple of dmg abilities, which is great, but none of the major issues this melee class always had in PvP was addressed. Here is the list:

1- No gap closer
2- No slow effect
3- All seals, blessing, everything that’s useful can be purged
4- Very very weak against mana burn

Keep in mind that these issues on top of poor scalability will only get aggravated phase by phase as other classes will get more abilities and utilities, like next phase purge will remove 2 buffs at the same time. Priest will be able to put more points in mana burn. Lock mana burn will get stronger. Hunter will get scatter shot and 2 million other things…

At least 2 of the above issues I mentioned needs to be addressed in some way or shape for ret for future phases, otherwise ret will be the same garbage as it always was in vanilla PvP and has no way to compete with specs like ARMS war for a spot in a PvP group.

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You have an interrupt. Not even tbc ret got that

This guy hasn’t played anything before Legion. Im convinced.

I swap that with hamstring every day of the week, every week of the month every month of the year, every year of the decade, every decade of the century and every century of the millennia

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there was nothing actually pretentious about my comment…><;

Ret gets Repentance at 40. Apparently that has been collectively forgotten about.

Ret, played well with the right items, is pretty strong in PvP on Era.

Concussive shot is also a daze and it has always been removable.

Its was a bug. In every other version of the game the daze from Avengers Shield is removable by snare removal abilties. They obviously botched the coding with SoD, but its fixed now.

Blessing of freedom is not anti stun. Works on roots/snares. Know what your talking about plz.

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Pallies win 1v1 tournaments all the time in classic… oh wait, they don’t

the amount of paladin’s I see crying in the forums or on reddit right now is insane. What is crazier is they are all crying about different things. No gap closer, not enough tank threat, heals are meh, etc. They act like they are going to be 25 forever. They are the same people who will cry for changes at 25 and then complain they have caused imbalances at 40,50 and 60

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