Why Necro?

You know you can get a forum silence for necroing, right? Lol. Especially on purpose.

I am more interested in how people find the threads from whent he forums first came up lol.


People say the search function, but I can’t barely get that thing to show me anything.


What I truly don’t understand is why they still haven’t added the “threads auto-lock after a month of inactivity” rule that the EU forums have. I know a blue said they were looking into it a year or two ago.


Use the ‘before’ filter thing


Looks like 2010 is the oldest you can find

If anyone wants to go for worlds oldest necro :laughing:

Because they have something to add. And whomever necro this thread, good job!

Why would you tempt fate like that?

Why am I not surprised that this threaded was necored

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10 years later- Necro it it is better with age. :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones:

The same reason they post in present day threads: because they are interested in the topic.

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Rofl. I love the irony

It would be nice if people stopped creating new threads with the same old subjects and just kept the old ones going. They could also learn to read the answers over the years and dont ask the same questions which bear the exact same answers every time.

People are sheep and tools. True story.

My guess? They probably google something and find a Forums thread on it and then without looking at the date add their own opinion/post.

I really doubt someone is just going to the oldest topic they can find, on purpose, and necroing them. I mean
 someone probably does but my gut says it’s not the majority of necros.

 Oh, this thread is a necro in it of itself :man_facepalming:


It’s enabled on some of the sub forums here but I agree in saying I don’t get why it’s not a thing on all the sub forums here.


Usually because it’s it my “latest” tab
 like this one
 9 months later is not “latest” it’s a baby

“Don’t necro threads!”

User creates a new thread on an old subject

“Why did you make this thread? There’s already so many threads about it! USE THE SEARCH FEATURE!”

Oh, okay. I’ll go and post on of those threads then

last reply on one of those threads was months ago


In WoW forums, the forums attack the trolls

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Wow, necroing, how did you find a thread? Have you ever been so frustrated in the game you come to search for others having the same issue? Have you? If not, do you even play the game?.. Necro
what a STUPID term. People are playing on all different levels and time, and you have to shame them with this term. Right? Clueless people of the PC ‘artificial thinking’ mind of emptiness. Nothing real, true
 all is relative in your own brain.
You do not know what you don’t know.

Seems to be several reasons.

Some as simple as someone not paying attention to the age of a thread or topic they were looking up.

Some are done just to rile up other folk.

Some just don’t realize it’s a forum taboo to necro a post at all

Pretty sure there are tons of little reasons.

(also yes I’m aware this thread was necro’d. Actually rather amused by it.)

Man I can’t wait for this thread to get necrod again in a year :crazy_face:

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