Why Necro?

Some threads are still relevant many years later, while others are completely obsolete and confuse players with what is now misinformation about a problem or situation that existed for only a short period of time. I think they should autolock after 6 months to a year. Old threads can always be linked to as the start of a new thread.

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It hid for two years this time lol

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The most obvious trolling Iā€™ve yet seen; and I fully expect it to just get deleted with no real consequences. Just pretend you have below room temperature IQ and it is fine.

Somebody call a plumber. This one just wonā€™t flush.

Iā€™d say that the original post should of been locked a long time ago judging from the age. Can we have an auto-lock for these sorts of things going forward? Still Iā€™ll try to spin this into a lighter note. The forums need more laughter and levity.

If the OP is Lore, then would I humbly request they tell Data I said hello and feed his cat, Spot.

I believe Feline Supplement 25 is his favorite.

Dec. 2020 were some halcyon days, full of hope for the futureā€¦

This was a joke right? You didnā€™t just necro a thread complaining about necros inadvertentlyā€¦right? RIGHT? LOL

Oh the irony of it all.

Not with quarantines and covid

when you make a thread theres a side window that shows threads that already exsist that are similar.
people go to there and add there thoughts.