Why Necro?

Why do people necro threads? Especially ones that are months or even a year+ old?

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Because the majority of people that post here either don’t care, or they don’t look for stuff like when the last post was made before hitting “reply.” Most necros happen because people Google something about the game and they come across a forum topic about it. They read the posts but not when they were made.


Could it be that they are just trying to find info? and something catches their eye or rings good or negative?

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Not in wow, but my dad is like that. He watches youtube videos of random people talking in their homes and takes it, not only as valid news, but as if it just happened. He actually tried to pull up an old youtube video from back in 2010 to prove that it did happen right now. When I showed him the date, he just ranted and made excuses. Sorry little off topic, but still similar enough that it reminded me of it.

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So a few years back… this hot shot new website popped up… you might have heard of it. Google? Anyways… you can go to this Google and ask it something like “wow shamans bad” and it’ll give you many websites relating to what you’re trying to convey… this will often show the forums as well.

The real question here is why doesn’t blizzard auto close inactive threads so that, while the information remains, nobody can necro the thread. :woman_shrugging:


How indoctrinated you are. I feel sorry. You have been taught that anything of the past is wrong. So very scary. You have no idea what you don’t know. Many of US were there!


could be people googling about stuff and landing in threads, could be that its relevant to them again now they want to restart the discussion with context.

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Most likely someone googled a question or phrase of their choosing and it brought up a bunch of old thread choices in the results.

Maybe you should re-read what they said because none of this reply makes any sense unless it’s a poor attempt at trolling.

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Bookmarking this to necro in a month.


Doesn’t WoW threads lock after a month of no replies now? Think that helps cut down on that stuff.

If Blizzard didn’t want people to necro threads, they would auto lock threads after a certain length of time without replies like they do on the EU forums. The fact that they don’t means they must approve of necro’ing threads.

No. Never have.

bookmarking this page to necro this thread in 2 years.


Why wouldn’t they? What is the issue with it?

I think he means his father was using old videos and thinking they were happening now.

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Yup exactly.

Because they are Necrolords.

“Covenant fantasy”!


In this world you could be a ‘new’ person hapsing on an existing comment, idea, or even video… it is there in the matrix. it is not ‘dead’ to them, often they might even no notice how old it is…because it is relevant in the moment. But gee… you get ‘shamed’ for acknowledging it and responding…hmm… much like our history, our past, legacy content… SHUT UP… YOU HAVE NO PAST, you came from no where, pay no attention to where you came from!

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Well it’s been considerably longer than a month but better late than never.