How do you think Warcraft's story will end?

In peace? Or in pieces?

Here are my predictions:

-I foresee Sylvanas being usurped as Banshee Queen. The Forsaken will be divided between rebels and loyalists with the rebels triumphing and a new leader of the Forsaken being established.

-TWIST! Deathwing is just a puppet used by the Old Gods. Once he is defeated, N'Zath, C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, and an unnamed Old God will reveal themselves and an epic battle between the Titans and the Old Gods will ensue.

-The Titans or Dragon Aspects grant Thrall the wisdom of the Earth, and he becomes the new Black Dragon Aspect.

-Garrosh will prove himself a worthy leader, and he will swallow his pride and grow wise over time. He'll even get married and become friends with Vol'Jin.

-The Darkspears fortify their island kingdom and wage war with their former Stranglethorn tribes.

-Baine Bloodhoof will be known as one of the greatest Horde warriors of all time. He will demolish the Grimtotems and avenge his father by putting an axe in Magatha's back. The remaining Grimtotems join the united Tauren tribes willingly.

-Lo'Gosh will predominantly take over Varian's personality and he will become a warmonger and possibly go mad with Anduin taking over once he is of age.

-Turalyon, Alleria, and Kudran will return and watch over Anduin's running of Stormwind.

-Theramore goes neutral once Jaina learns of Varian's warmongering.

-Dwarven Civil War will occur when Falstad Wildhammer is assassinated by the Dark Irons, yet it's made to look as if the Bronzebeards did it. Political tensions grow, but the Bronzebeards and Wildhammers succeed in de-stoning Magni and drive the Dark Irons out.

-The Gnomes revitalize Gnomeregan, only for it to get superlasered by the Bilgewater Goblins after Gallywix discovers that some gnomish agents stole his top secret plans for the another super weapon.

-Gallywix claims Undermine for himself, sacking the other trade princes and waging war for precious resources with the Pandaren from their island kingdom to the south.

-The Gilneans make a stand and drive the Forsaken out of Silverpine and Hillsbrad. No longer xenophobic, they maintain friendly relations with the Argent Crusade.

-The Plaguelands are completely restored and the Argent Crusade headquarter themselves in Stratholme. The only obstacle remaining from Lordaeron being how it was before the plague is the Forsaken and their Undercity.

-The Emerald Nightmare returns and consumes the world. Ysera becomes corrupted and Thrall attempts to save her, only to get corrupted himself Malfurion sacrifices himself and binds his spirit with that of Elune's in order to combat Ysera. He becomes the next Green Dragon Aspect.

-Velen and Thrall lead the charge against the Burning Legion's final invasion. A Grand Army of Azeroth is formed where any able-bodied sentient being, regardless of faction stance, is granted neutrality, plus a sword and shield in order to combat the Legion's invasion. You will see a Gnollish Coalition even, lead by Hogger Jr.

-This invasion is brutal and Kil'Jaeden really means business this time. He will successfully attempt to resurrect Sargeras. Argus, the Legion Home Front and homeworld of the Draenei will be seen.

-Bolvar maintains control of the Scourge and uses them for GOOD against the Legion, sort of like a "You created a monster." moment.

-Illidan will be resurrected and be forced to serve Kil'Jaeden as one of his more powerful lackeys. This is possible because when Illidan originally died he was more demon than night elf, and demons never truly die, they are just banished.

-Velen and Kil'Jaeden will have an epic showdown. Kil'Jaeden will appear to be winning but then the Naaru Deus ex Machina and empower Velen with the essence of the Light and he clobbers Kil'Jaeden.

-Saurfang, Vol'Jin, and Turalyon all DIE in the final Legion battle. Vol'Jin's daughter takes over the Darkspears.

-Saurfang dies just like his brother, in a blaze of glory. You will see him hewing down demons on top of a mountain of their own bodies.

-Sargeras will be defeated by the Titans. FOREVER. Every demon is purged from existence.

-Anduin and Garrosh maintain peace between the Alliance and the Horde. Everybody lives happily ever after. Except those that died.


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Horde and alliance become one and kill sargeras and secure a lasting peace for azeroth

The gnomes will be wiped out.

Everyone will stop fighting.

&... Well, ever see the end of Ocarina of Time?

/Dance Party!
Rocks fall

Everyone dies
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It will be hard imagining the Horde and Alliance maintaining peaceful relations. ;o
Gotta say, I actually liked reading this. There isn't many post I read all the way through. good job!
Horde and alliance become one and kill sargeras and secure a lasting peace for azeroth
I doubt that the story will ever "finish." Once one super-powerful figure dies, another will always take his place. Even if the last game takes place thousands of years from now, the end will always have something left to happen, in case Blizzard ever decides to revitalize the series.

While some may say that this is a cheap marketing strategy, I would much prefer it to ending a story only to change it to make it go on.
It'll never end, Bliz will just run out of villains to use for expansions so they'll just start crossing over with Diablo and Starcraft.
Blizzard will release a new cash cow and pull the plug on wow.
your post sir was full of so much awesome that it will never happen now because of it.

Thank you sir! :D

It'll never end, Bliz will just run out of villains to use for expansions so they'll just start crossing over with Diablo and Starcraft.

Sadly, that's probably the case. Doesn't mean I can give some creative input though. :3
It'll be like Star Wars: every time a huge conflict ends and it looks like sunny skies ahead, someone new shows up and screws everything up. An eternal war.
Well, your list of predictions was far too long for my short attention span to read.

But the one about the old gods and the titans, that was a good one. Don't think for a second that Blizzard is gonna let us leave without hitting us with an Old Gods and Titans expac or two.

I was having an interesting conversation with someone today about the idea of a WoW 2... how it sounded completely ridiculous to me until I realized that it would solve this problem Blizz is having with making everything go higher and higher.

There's definitely enough lore to constitute a whole new game with, say, a level 60 cap.
After Deathwing died Aspects pull a Medivh (We can't guard this place for the rest of time, the inhabitants need to) so any Aspects that die or etc. are no longer replaced.

Emerald Dream needs to be saved so we save it, same goes for South Seas yada yada

Old Gods and Burning Legion in cahoots (Seriously, some of the highest ranking BL members suddenly turn to Old Gods? suspicious.)

Someway somehow Alliance and Horde join together and band with the Titans to save the world

Throw Illidan coming back to life, Bolvar, Tichondrius, the sons of Lothar, and some other badass dudes that disappeared or supposedly died in that big 'ol mess. Also some places we need to visit like Argus.

Tah. Dah.

EDIT: Also, by the end of the worlds the faction leaders will be so

Humans: Turalyon (Wrynn goes and gets himself killed by Garrosh or something
Dwarves: Muradin (no more council of hammers crap, Moira and whatshisnuts die)
Gnomes: Mekkatorque
NElves: Tyrande
Draenei: Velen
Worgen: Crowley

Orcs: Maybe a calm, collected Garrosh, or Brox's daughter/neice/whatever. Female warchief would be neat
Trolls: Vol'Jin, mon
Tauren: Baine. Dude has another 100 years to live
Undead: Sylvanas. No suitable replacement atm. and adds to the feel of the Horde. Make them slightly dysfunctional and only joined together for survival, leave the happy BFF's for the Alliance.
BElves: Lady Liadrin. She's pretty cool and isn't afraid of anything. She's also done stuff unlike Lorthe'who
Goblins: That girl goblin from the starting zone. Current leader is an arse and needs to die ASAP
It will end with a cow level. This is certain.

with lightning enhance.. my.. god.
After Deathwing died Aspects pull a Medivh (We can't guard this place for the rest of time, the inhabitants need to) so any Aspects that die or etc. are no longer replaced.

Emerald Dream needs to be saved so we save it, same goes for South Seas yada yada

Old Gods and Burning Legion in cahoots (Seriously, some of the highest ranking BL members suddenly turn to Old Gods? suspicious.)

Someway somehow Alliance and Horde join together and band with the Titans to save the world

Throw Illidan coming back to life, Bolvar, Tichondrius, the sons of Lothar, and some other badass dudes that disappeared or supposedly died in that big 'ol mess. Also some places we need to visit like Argus.

Tah. Dah.

EDIT: Also, by the end of the worlds the faction leaders will be so

Humans: Turalyon (Wrynn goes and gets himself killed by Garrosh or something
Dwarves: Muradin (no more council of hammers crap, Moira and whatshisnuts die)
Gnomes: Mekkatorque
NElves: Tyrande
Draenei: Velen
Worgen: Crowley

Orcs: Maybe a calm, collected Garrosh, or Brox's daughter/neice/whatever. Female warchief would be neat
Trolls: Vol'Jin, mon
Tauren: Baine. Dude has another 100 years to live
Undead: Sylvanas. No suitable replacement atm. and adds to the feel of the Horde. Make them slightly dysfunctional and only joined together for survival, leave the happy BFF's for the Alliance.
BElves: Lady Liadrin. She's pretty cool and isn't afraid of anything. She's also done stuff unlike Lorthe'who
Goblins: That girl goblin from the starting zone. Current leader is an arse and needs to die ASAP

Oh wow a female warchief and goblin trade prince WOULD be neat. What we need is more than one leader per faction. How come every King is Queen-less?
I know this is a necro but I thought it was an interesting read to see what people thought was gonna happen and how it actually turned out 8 years later.

Wow, you couldn't have been more wrong if you tried,lol.

These predictions were way off. :stuck_out_tongue:

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all so wrong lol