Why my small community would love wrath servers

Hello! Let me first start off by saying I love Cata, it was one of my favorite expacs, so this thread will not be an anti-Cata thread. I just so happen to also love Wrath.

I am part of a small-ish community for WotLK which is hardcore (using the original addon so using solo self-found rules). There are about 100 of us that actively play, and a good chunk of us are still pushing end-game content.

We started in August '22 on the fresh server Maladath-US and have had our difficulties since launch that you might expect: burnout, disinterest, high-level deaths/wipes, etc. But recently we’ve seen a small uptick in activity and still have our eyes set on killing Arthas (sorry Halion we don’t care about you as much). With wrath ending in a few months, it would be very difficult for us to get there with where we are at, and simply would love a permanent wrath server so we don’t feel rushed and suffer more deaths/wipes.

Some of you may make fun of hardcore wrath but it really is fun, hopefully you would try it before you knock it! Thank you for your consideration, Blizzard.


Blizzard and its sycophantic followers don’t want to admit that both versions of the game can exist at the same time, even though classic and numerous other gimmick versions already exist at the same time. They make the excuse of “we don’t want to fragment the playerbase,” even though they are already fragmenting the playerbase. They give you an excuse as to why they won’t do something they don’t want to do, but it magically doesn’t apply to anything they want to do.

Edit: Decided not to feed dumb trolls or repeat myself. Original post was clear enough already.

we don’t want to fragment the playerbase even more. You keep missing that part in your argument, which in fact, destroys everything you say.

And to OP: Good luck convincing blizzard


Personally I always thought TBC would be the right version for HC. Wrath seems like it would be too easy, at least to level to max if you have the time.

Vanilla too many issues with basic world design and class leveling specs to do it for any reason other than bragging rights or masochism.

I won’t make fun of it, but it’s hard to see MicroBlizzard making a business plan around a community of 100 players, even if they were super-dedicated which OP’s post suggest they aren’t really.

Why, SOD has that many bots at one time in SFK on a single server.

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Feel for and agree with the OP 100%.

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So are you not subbed and just hanging out in the forums?


Wrath is undoubtedly easier to hit max level than classic or TBC. The goal for a lot of us is end-game, and only a small portion of us have in-depth knowledge of end-game WotLK content so progress is slow. We are dedicated, but there’s only so many times you can ask someone who died at 80 to relevel their healer or dps before they give up haha

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Blizzard doesn’t want to have a server that doesn’t even have half the population of a normal server back then (1.5k) or even a quarter of it. They were open to the idea of them with Vanilla Classic but since Vanilla Classic largely failed with it only retaining 2 raid group iirc after TBC Classic launched actually raiding while the rest of the servers were dead until the hardcore community made use of it.

They’re invested in doing seasonal content with Classic (SoD) and with no TBC Era servers it was kinda of a given (at least to me) that there’d be no WotLK Era servers. Which is a shame but personally I don’t really mind since I wouldn’t of played WotLK Era if it were an option.

You’re right they can exist at the same time, I don’t think anyone is trying to refute that.

It’s a valid argument, there’s 5 versions of WoW with Retail, Classic Era, SoD, Hardcore and WotLK. Adding more WILL fragment the playerbase more than it already has.


Nothing to do with semantics. Different meaning. And they said even more. You just chose to remove it. Also its not “more” vs “even more”. Its nothing vs “even more”.

By adding even more they admit its already fragmented, which your entire rant is based on.

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Just trying to decide what makes you more pathetic. Subbing to a game calling others “Sycophantic followers” pretending youre something else, or sitting on the forums of a game you dont play.

I found both to be very…amusing


Remove Classic Era and/or Hardcore then just have SoD and the progression server as the Classic servers. There’s no way they’d make TBC or WotLK Era servers at this point in time, from their perspective there’s simply not enough retention to the Classic Era servers to warrent a server and the only reason why we’re even getting seasonal content for Classic Era is because of the hardcore players.

Sure they drew the line in TBC but that’s because of how Classic Era couldn’t retain it’s players, that’s it. People were begging Blizzard to have Classic Era servers, that they and their friends/guild would continue doing raids and dungeons, leveling new characters and doing it all over again. Then TBC arrived and 99.5% of the playerbase moved with it not touching Era again until the arrival of SoM which was just a fresh Classic Era server and IIRC died pretty quickly, or at least bled players like mad.

The saving grace of Classic Era was the hardcore community with their HC addon, it got so popular that Blizzard even made offical hardcore servers which I hear are still quite popular. Blizzard most likely views it that the only way Era servers will become popular is if they put a spin on it like with Hardcore and SoM/D and it would make sense if they did think this because the only time people play Era is when there’s a spin on it.

A majority of the WoW population from my understanding are currently playing either SoD or Retail. WotLK is nearing the Cataclysm pre-patch, Classic Era has been dead pretty much since the Era servers launched and hardcore has a healthy number of people consistantly on.

SoD is the new hot thing and Retail is the thing that’s actively being developed.

Having this many versions of WoW creates waves, going with the ebb and flow of content releases.

  • Something new came out in SoD? WotLK is dead.

  • New raid launched on retail? WotLK is dead.

  • TBC Classic launched? Classic Era is dead.

Fragmentation of the playerbase is a good reason, why would a developer ever willingly spread their playerbase thin. Why would the players want the playerbase to be spread thin? 5 iterations of WoW is plenty.

On a side note can you just reply and not edit your first post, can’t respond to you if you do that without someone already liking/responding to me unless that’s what you want.


You are allowed to be skeptical of the people who you pay for a service.

You are also allowed to want the best service for the money you pay.

Unless you’re Gumssall I guess.

It’s dated, but this is the same individual who I’ve engaged with back in TBCC on the forums, and he argued that all raiders, healers and dps included, needed resil to raid. Something about raid survivability, for fights like Rage in Hyjal.

He’s not as good as he pretends to be. Heavy delusional god complex.

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Sure. Then there is outright constant bemoaning, resignation awaiting posting, despising, axing commenting. These are not the same as being skeptical or simply pointing out things you think need improvement, they are yelling at the sky on a game you claim to be over and can’t wait to “retire” from.

I actually don’t ignore this particular poster because every great once in a while they throw a gem out there and make a legit post. I just wish they would axe the 90% or so of the above mentioned comments :smile:

It’s just the moderate your language discussion yet again really.

These two are definitely on complete opposite ends of the spectrum in this particular train of thought though :stuck_out_tongue:

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There are a couple posters I think actually have some keywords that they have a quota to fit in and him and a certain mm individual that STRONGLY supports Wrath Era servers try vehemently to meet theirs weekly. I am just wondering if they work on commission or what lol

Over analyzing the forums, concerning at best

That would fragment the playerbase further then season of discovery already has. Thats the primary reason that a TBC server wasnt implemented. When SoD hype dies down the main player base (might?) return to wrath classic, but at that point it will be in cata.

I do find it interesting that some people are saying it will fragment the player base, while others are saying there will be less than 1k players. That doesn’t seem like a fragmentation honestly. Seems like no big deal to have just 1 server for wrath and let people xfer there

That’s because its not a good faith argument, especially considering Blizzard is already planning on fragmenting it even further for a niche mode of hardcore.

Having a single server open for each era would absolutely not be a loss for anyone. People who aren’t interested in Cata/SoD are lost subs as it stands anyway.

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